Hi there again guys! Wow, it's been so long since I wrote this story! I've come much farther both in my writing ability and maturing as a person. I'm almost finished with college so that should open up a bit more time for me to work on editing this story and finishing it up!
I'd like to say thank you to everyone who is reading this still. It brightens my day to see in my inbox that somebody has favourited my story or that someone has subscribed to it! I'm really looking forward to going over this entire story and reworking some of the details! I need to read up some more on my Junjou and watch the series all over again as well! I'll also be reading over my entire story and doing some brainstorming and planning.
Thank you again for baring with me on this LONG, LONG overdue process of needing to update this story. I haven't forgotten about any of you! College life has just taken priority unfortunately. None the less, graduation, here I come! (And by that, I mean I graduate from college in June. Can you believe it?)