It's really simple now that I think about it

It's really simple now that I think about it. I was meant to be involved all along. Everything had been planned in advance so I wouldn't screw up but yet somehow I did. I wasn't meant to die.

I became aware of everything around me. I felt grass underneath me and the scent of flowers filled my nose. I opened my eyes to see an orange sky with red clouds. I frowned before pushing myself up onto my butt. Everything was constantly changing so I didn't know how to describe it. But it was fascinating to watch as the ground underneath me changed. The wind blew my long brown hair into my face and I tried to push it back.

Samantha. A voice called making me turn my head to look around for whoever was speaking.

"Who's there?" I stuttered standing.

Do not worry. I will not harm you. The voice replied as a small light appeared in front of me.

"If you don't mind me asking, who and what are you?" I inquired as I circled around it.

I am known as many things. Bad Wolf, life bringer and a few others. But you may call me Primus. The voice laughed as it turned bright yellow.

"Okay, Primus? Where am I? Why am I here?" I asked waving my arms to the sides.

You do not remember. Come. I will show you. We will be meeting up with a friend of yours very soon; they will be excited to see you. Primus chuckled as the light flew around me in a circle.

I yelped as I floated off the ground and then we were teleported. We were back at the battle. I was lying on the ground unconscious with blood coming out of my wounds. I turned away from my body and saw Bumblebee was trying to reach me. His legs were once again blown off and were reattaching themselves. I could only watch as he realized I was dead. I saw the other Autobots rush over to his side with our human friends. Ratchet confirmed I was dead.

"Primus, can I say goodbye?" I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks.

Of course but then we must go. Primus replied surrounding me as I landed on the ground.

I became solid as Mikala Banes noticed me. She gasped and pointed making everyone look at me.

"Sam, how?" Optimus Prime whispered.

"I don't know. But I haven't got long. I've come to say goodbye," I said my voice soft and melodic as the light swirled around me.

"You can't!" Mikala exclaimed.

"Sorry, my time's up. Goodbye guys. I love you all. I said before vanishing into thin air.

I floated up and followed the light as I left my friends behind. Primus lead me to an ocean and there standing on the beach was Jazz. He turned to face me and his mouth dropped open.

"How did ya end up 'ere, Sammi?" Jazz asked coming over.

"I died. I bleed to death," I replied looking up at him.

"Oh," Jazz said.

Samantha, are you ready? Primus asked making Jazz look around shocked.

"For what?" I asked leaning my head to the side confused.

Jazz you are being brought back to life and you Samantha, are going to be recreated into Jazz's daughter. Primus replied making me look at Jazz shocked.

"Okay, we'll do it. Ready Sammi?" Jazz asked.

"When I become a femme, call me Skylight. I don't want them knowing," I replied.

"Alright, we're ready but is she goin' ta be Prowlies?" Jazz inquired.

Yes, since he is your Bond-Mate. Primus replied.

Then I became aware the lights were surrounding me. I felt myself split into tiny parts and float into Jazz. Then everything went black.