GAHH… I'm so sorry it took me so long. Well it's the middle of the term for me, so at least I have ONE lame excuse.


I didn't except such a quick response to my "I need more reviews NOW" chapter. So thanks to all of those who reviewed and especially Fain (an anonymous reviewer) who opened up my eyes - or ears… whatever.

Without further ado I present to you-

Chapter 14 of Just Hold Me!


Chapter 14- Nudge is Annoying!

Max's POV

"Oh God Max! Are you okay?" That's my mum for you. Always worried and puts others before herself.

We had just arrived at my mum and Ella's house and all of the Flock was still in shock.

Iggy and I burst through the door first, and one by one the others followed. I smiled at my mum, trying not to show complete stress and anxiety. It's a force of habit I have sometimes.

"We're fine mum." Truth. "Everything's all good." Lie. Everything was not good. Ever since Angel told us about Katie. Let's hope she's Fang's sister, because if she ever nuzzles his neck one more time-

I can still read your mind remember…

Oh, oops. I'd forgotten we can communicate telepathically. I have to start giving Angel more credit more often.

"Okay, what about Fang?" My ears perked up at the sound of Nudge. She and Katie were the last ones through the door.

"I told you, I don't want to tell anyone. I should've never gotten help from you guys in the first place." My assumption was that Nudge was wondering who's sibling Katie was. Well, she's gonna have to do a better job than that. Nudge is very persistent.

"Max, Iggy, Gazzy, Angel?" She gasped suddenly and her eyes started to twinkle. "ME?" Nudge exclaimed.

Katie sighed in frustration and I had to hold in a laugh. Welcome to the Flock.

Meanwhile, my mum was standing in one place trying to hear what we were going on about. Poor Mum. She had no idea what was going on. I really wanted to be her right now.

"Umm…" She started to say something as we all glanced her way. "Why doesn't everyone take a seat? Sort things out maybe?"

This gesture was followed by an awkward silence. Oh come on, I know it's hard for Fang- but somebody say something!

Max… Now I nearly sighed in frustration as Fang's voice entered my head.

Well, it's true! I saw him smirk as he leaned back against the wall.

"That's a good idea!" My voice was like friggin steel. Steel that had been down the garbage shoot and kicked around by mangy mutts. Ooh, bad analogy. Those poor puppies.

As we were walking to the dining area, I noticed Fang had edged closer to me.

"So…" He started to say. "Who do you think is Katie's-"

"You know what." I interrupted him quickly. "I don't want to talk about it."

His eyes showed a little bit of shock for a second, and then he was back to his old self. "Fine." Fang said casually.

"PLEASE?" We heard Nudge yell.

"Ugh… no! For God sakes…" Katie looks like she's having a blast. She then turned to the rest of us, who were smiling in amusement. "Is she always like this?"

"Always." All of the Flock – except Nudge – replied in unison.


Ok, I admit… it wasn't my best chapter ever!

But I felt REALLY MEGA bad I had to update something. If anyone has any ideas that would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, now I'm gonna go do some other stuff.