AN: For those who don't know, "Chruschikis" are a Polish pastry that is fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The way the dough is twisted makes it look like a pair of wings which is why the dessert is more commonly known as "Angel Wings." That was intended to be the name of the story, but FFNet wouldn't let me put it in parenthesis.
Dreams gently embraced Amy that night, but the morning light left a fog in her mind as to what she'd dreamed about. Normally, it would have been Sonic, but she thought it might have been Silver this time. He had said he wouldn't be able to anymore, yet she couldn't help feeling they'd said their peace before parting. Besides, the way things happened in her life, who was to say she wouldn't yet meet Silver?
The blush colored hedgehog took a look out of her hotel window one last time. The city really was very beautiful and she was sure some piece of her heart would forever stay here now. It was looking like it would be a good day for which she was glad.
After all the festivities the day before, the streets seemed deserted. It was her last day here, and she was quite determined to enjoy it. She could still see some remnants of last nights' festivities as a few streamers and the stems of fireworks littered the paths. Not having to worry about where she stood with Sonic meant Amy had the ability to enjoy herself alone now without needing his approval, and enjoy herself she would.
It had been a lovely stay, even if the girl hedgehog would have liked to have spent more time with Sonic. They were still friends, even if things had shifted between them. Now that she had the presence of mind to think things over, she could have spent more time with Tails or Rouge too... even Shadow. She made a promise inwardly that she would make a point of solidifying the friendships she had.
Amy settled into her seat on the plane after checking her luggage. She buckled into a window seat and put on the listening devices for her iPod. 'Home.' It sounded like a good place to be, but her mind was elsewhere. As the tunes channeled themselves into her ears, she hardly noticed that someone had sat down next to her while she hummed along to the melodies.
"Are you going to be doing that the whole way?" a calm but very familiar voice inquired.
Amy blinked in surprise at the one sitting next to her. "S-Shadow?"
He placed her with a look of mild amusement, "Do you have to stutter like that? I know who I am, you don't have to keep asking all the time..."
The girl blushed a bit and removed her ear buds. "Ahh... I guess not."
Shadow acknowledged her reply then leaned on the arm of his seat, facing the isle. As always, he gave off a calm but regal air. Wherever Shadow was, he owned it, even if he didn't seem to be a part of it. Would anyone want to argue with him anyway? He did turn to her after she made a coughing noise briefly to get his attention, "Yes?"
"Well, it's just..." the femme hedgehog began, shrinking back from his intense red eyes, "Well, we don't usually get a chance to talk, so... well, we have an ocean or so of time..."
At this point, the plane was just starting to take off down the runway, and Shadow wondered if he could get away with Chaos Controlling off of it. "...Right."
"No, really. I mean it... We got off to a horrible start, you know?" There was a pause as she failed to get a response from him. "So how about we start fresh?" she smiled in spite of him. "I'm Amy, how are you?"
For a moment he wondered if she was serious or where she was going with this, but it would be a while now before the plane landed again. "Shadow... I'm fine I guess."
"You guess? That's a funny answer. Don't you know how you feel?" Though she was smiling with some concerted effort now, Shadow finally managed a smile and it was an ironic one.
"You want the truth?"
After a moment's thought, Amy nodded.
I saw you in the moonlight. You were smiling, so I must have done something right. Heehee... your quills are like feathers. You took my hand and we went flying without wings. I got to see the world from another viewpoint, one I didn't expect. It was beautiful Silver. I hope the future really is this beautiful.
Amy stirred a bit in her seating, but seemed to drift back to sleep just as quickly. The passenger next to her pulled the shade down on the window and noticed her shiver a bit. He draped his blanket over her before curling up in his own seat and attempting to sleep.
It was... strange... for Shadow to have someone show genuine concern in his life, but Amy had. He allowed himself a rare and genuine smile, finding himself facing toward the pink furball to his right. Of all Sonic's friends, she was the one who had first reached him on any level. Now, he was starting to see how she had initially reminded him of Maria. Once you peeled back the layers of obsession, she could be very kind and considerate. It was foolish, he told himself, to entertain the thought of being with someone after the kind of life he'd led, but at least he had a friend.
"Sleep well..." He whispered.
June 1, 3238
Dear Diary,
It's been a while hasn't it? I'm sorry, it's just been so much... so much has happened.
Ever since I got back from Soleanna, you wouldn't believe how many times I've run into Shadow of all people! And no, I haven't consulted the cards, actually. I can't really read fortunes anymore, least of all my own. It doesn't bother me though, I'm good at cooking and baking and I have good fashion sense, so I'm sure one of those things can work for me. I think I'm kind of relieved my power seems to be gone now, since I'm not fixed on the future, I can pay attention to where I am.
But yeah... it's like I thought with Sonic... I've kinda lost him. Apparently it's more than just 'being a knight' that sent him to Soleanna, he's actually getting "Royalty" training so to speak. He's proposed to Princess Sally so there's going to be a big wedding... Gah! I should be so freaking jealous now. LoL. Am I a sad case or what? MMmm... It's so weird, I know I would have minded a while ago... not long ago even but...
You know... I think I am falling in love.
Shadow's missed out on a lot of things, you know? He reads and watches and listens, but he, for everything he is... doesn't really know himself. I've been trying to help him chill out and relax, unwind a bit. It's really hard trying to tell someone how a feeling is supposed to feel. He can identify anger easily enough and observation of others tells him if their moods shift, but he doesn't know how he feels. It's funny, watching him try to figure things out.. he's too logical for his own good! Since we kept running into each other, we've started setting up regular uh... 'appointments'? I think it's helping too, you know? When I can get him to smile or really relax, it's just so rewarding.
How does he feel about me?
I don't know. I think I can honestly say we're friends now. I like that he listens to me, and really pays attention. He.. he doesn't jump or run like Sonic, I guess he's someone I could follow... I like that too. If I can get him to smile, it's very rewarding. If I can get him to love me back? Who knows...
I've changed haven't I? I think we all need to stop running some times, so we can see where we're going.
Yours Truly,
Amy Rose
Amy laughed as Shadow successfully mastered a new skill; telling a joke. It had to do with one of the dignitaries he'd had to guard while in service of G.U.N., but the way he told the story made her laugh, and that made him smile in turn.
The two of them were seated in a booth at a small pizzeria in Station Square. The place was cramped by human standards, with dim lighting and a grape and olive motif on most of the furnishings. It had a homespun feel with memorabilia of one kind or another littering small shelves hung around the establishment. It was a place they'd both gone to separately and had mutually agreed to come here for dinner.
Eventually the two were served by a caramel haired man with a crooked nose and kind eyes. He spoke with a thick Brooklyn accent which every Italian restaurant needed, and set two small pizzas and an order of breadsticks between them. He made a jab about the unusual toppings on one and then left with a smile on his face.
Shadow's cheeks turned red while Amy just gave him the oddest look ever. "...What?"
"P-Peanut butter?"
"...Yes." Shadow arched a brow and tried not to look indignant, but he was just feeling embarrassed now.
He watched in silent wonder as Amy moved to quell his anxiety. She tore off a small piece of the pizza and gave it a tentative sniff. "Ahh, it doesn't smell so bad," she smiled and choked down a bite. Her expression was almost faultless and Shadow laughed a bit at that.
"You don't have to pretend you like it," He said, but continued smiling. At least she tried.
Outside the restaurant, if anyone had been watching, a silvery-white hedgehog strode down the city streets, glancing at a piece of paper in his hands every now and then and checking out the scenery. He stood directly in front of the big picture window outside of Vinnie's pizza, and looked skyward to the surrounding skyscrapers. The wind swept the fluff of his chest and to some extent, his stiff but wild quills before walking off with a smile.
-The End.