Disclaimer: Like I've said a dozen times before, I don't own Twilight. Crepusculo! (Twilight in Spanish)

A/N: I welcome you to the next chapter in this slightly sad journey through the Bella and Edward express. I promise fun later on, but only if you stay faithful to the story. R&R. PRESENTING… (Drum roll, please…) Chapter 3- Leaving!


Chapter 3


Ever since I made the decision to move back into Forks, with a little addition to the family, I've been extremely nervous. Would they remember me? Would Edward even be there? I knew I was taking a shot thinking Edward was still in Forks, but his parents did seem to love it there. I wondered how they'll react to Kyle. Would they accept him as their grandson? Would they love him? Would they hate me for keeping it a secret for so long?

Oh god! What am I going to tell my own parents? 'Gee, when Edward and I went to Alice's party things happened and I left Forks. Turns out I was pregnant, never bothered to tell you in fear of what you'd do. But don't worry I love Edward, I just don't know if he loves me… Did I forget to mention you're grandparents?' Oh yeah, that'll run over smoothly. Charlie will probably murder Edward. Never in a millions years would he have seen this coming, hell! I never saw it coming.

Renee will probably be…well, I don't really know how she'll react. She is ….something else. But she'd probably never see this coming. Five years… Wow, I haven't talked to them in five years. A wave of emotions came rushing at me and I felt myself take in uneven breaths. I felt the same pain I had when I made my decision. I knew that they would have been able to tell if something was wrong with me. They could easily see my lies and if they'd ask about my life, I couldn't just blurt out that I had a son; especially since it's be hard to hide that fact.

Breaking contact from them was one of the hardest things I had to do. They were like my best friends. Despite Charlie's lack of emotion publically, he was still important to me. We were too much alike. I wondered how much has changed since my last time in Forks.

Would people from my senior year still be there? I didn't have much time to ponder on that seeing as how I was supposed to be packing up. Once I told Jasper my decision and he relayed it to Rose she went into crazy mode. She thought that we should do this quick. I guess in a way we should. I wasn't at all eager to see everyone again. I could only imagine their reaction.

I hurried, taking the box containing my books with me, down the stairs and nearly tripping on the last step when Rose caught me.

"Thanks Rose." I said as I straightened myself. She nodded and held her arms out for the box. "No it's alright, I've got it."

"No, no. I've got this, you get your stuff. Jasper will help with the rest when he comes back from checking the plane tickets."

I reluctantly handed it over, knowing that I would probably end up tripping and breaking the box. She walked out the door and I went back upstairs to grab the last two packed boxes.

It took about an hour to get everything in the car and by then Jasper had returned. Looking at my watch I realized that it was two in the afternoon. There were only a couple of hours till I had to pick up Kyle up from school. I hurried with everything else and by the time I was done I still had time to take a shower.

I got in the bathroom and turned on the water, letting it run. I waited until it was the right temperature. I then discarded my clothes and got in. The water was warm and when it ran down my back I could feel the stress and every other emotion I felt about getting on that plane and going back to visit my past, wash away. My tense muscle finally relaxed since this morning, or well this week when my panic mode began.

I got out fifteen minutes later and changed into comfortable clothes I had picked out before I packed everything away. I went downstairs and there Jasper stood, in the kitchen.

He was sitting down, waiting for me. He heard me coming and he lifted his head from the book he was reading. "Hey…"

"Hey. Where's Rosalie?" I asked, looking around and just noticing that she wasn't here.

He chuckled. "She left to make sure our stuff would travel quickly to Washington so we can start moving it in when we get to Forks." He said with a smile.

I nodded and moved closer. "Oh. What are you reading there?" I asked not seeing the title.

He smirked. "Oh this," he waved the book around a bit. "Nothing just something that someone I know kept pestering me to read it." He shrugged, trying to be nonchalantly…and failed oh so horribly.

"Hey!" I slapped his arm feigning hurt. "I do not pester. I…slightly bother." He laughed and wrapped an arm around me.

"Aw, Bells come on. I know that. And you could never bother me, or Rosalie for that matter." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and smiled. "Are you ready?"

"To get Kyle; yes. Anything else…I'll get back to you on it later." I said taking a deep breath and also talking about my return to Forks and seeing a certain someone.

"Okay." We left and he locked the door behind him. Leading me to the car, he opened my door, like a gentleman. Like Edward. Again I thought about him and my heart ached a little.

There was a chance he wasn't in Forks. Or that he was even in a relationship, possibly married with his own kid. The thought of him with someone else sent a pain to my heart. But it shouldn't. I shouldn't be selfish like that. As an old friend, or just friend in general, I should be happy if he met someone else, someone who was deserving of him, someone who could love him rightfully forever. It was obvious that that someone wasn't going to me.

I had made my peace with it (at least I hope I did) a long time ago when I left him and everyone else in Forks. I just wish–

"Bella?" I heard Jasper say when he interrupted my inner thoughts.

"Hmm?" I managed to say, trying to get back to reality.

"We're here."

"Oh." I didn't realize that we had reached the school – just like I didn't realize that Jasper had already come around to my side, opened the door and had his hand out for me to grab. Once I caught up I grabbed his hand and got out of the passenger's seat. He closed the door behind me and we walked up to Kyle's classroom.

When he got there it was just like any other day, only with a slight difference. While the boys were playing, a large number of girls were all huddled around Kyle. He looked panicked, being around so many of them. He took after both Edward and I, so he was really shy around so many people. The teacher, Ms. Larson was trying to stop two little boys from eating dirt, not noticing the girls around Kyle and he seemed to be stuck.

It was so cute and Jasper and I couldn't stop from laughing. "Poor kid…" Jasper said laughing and shaking his head. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and we watched, for a few seconds longer, at the girls surrounding him.

We decided to help him out and we went over to them. He didn't notice us right away but when he did, his eyes held excitement, happiness, and relief. I chuckled inwardly.

"Excuse me." he said politely to the girls and he made his way over to us. He hugged us both and while Jasper held him, I went over to talk to the little girls.

"Hey…" I said.

"Hello Ms…?" said a little girl with short black hair.

"Bella." I told them.

"Hi Ms. Bella!" she said excitedly. She reminded me a lot of Alice. That sent me into another strong wave of emotions. I was possibly going to see her as well. How much would she have changed? Would she recognize me? Would she even want to talk to me, after I left like that?

"Hi, Megan" I responded after reading the sticker on her shirt, which had her name on it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me as other girls started to pay attention to our conversation and look at me.

"I'm Kyle's mommy." By the time I finished my sentence they had already started to squeal. They asked me questions about him. What his favorite things are, what he does at home, what he likes to eat…the questions kept coming and I didn't get a chance to speak or answer before another round of questions came.

I looked for Jasper and Kyle, probably giving them the same face expression that Kyle had given us earlier. Finding them laughing in one corner I gave Jasper a mean glare. He just smiled back, knowing that I wasn't actually mad and if I was then that I would forgive him easily later.

I blew out a breath of relief when the girls ran off towards Ms. Larson as she walked back inside the classroom with a box of popsicles. I walked over to Jasper as Kyle joined everyone else and went for a treat.

"You couldn't have saved me?" I scowled as Jasper tried to bite back his laughter. He shook his head and tried to speak.

"Aw, I thought you were having fun." He said clearly amused. We went to sit down by one of the little tables. Despite our height we actually fit just fine. If it was someone like Emmett, well…he'd break the chair and the table. My thought turned sad as I remembered that I left him behind as well.

He was such a huggable bear. You couldn't do anything BUT love him. He was so fun and childish that he was practically a kid at heart. He'd be wonderful with kids, especially with the ones here. They'd all love him. I thought sadly.

I noticed Gabriella sitting by the piano with a Popsicle in her hand. She had a face of sadness. When Kyle got his Popsicle he saw her as well and went over to her. Gabriella and Kyle had been friends since they were two years old. They grew up together seeing as how I knew Gabriella's father. He's a wonderful guy. Sweet and kind. The sad thing was that Gabby's mother had died while giving birth. Her father wanted to give Gabby a connection to Gabriella, so she named her after her mother. Though I had never had the chance to meet Gabriella, I'm sure she was as wonderful as Gabby.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked Gabby.

"I have green. I don't like it. I like red." She said her head tilted down causing her wavy dark brown hair to create a curtain that covered her face.

He placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face. "-Is okay. Here have mine. I got red." He lifted the Popsicle in the air to show her.

She looked uncertain. "I don–"

Kyle shook his head. "No. Here," He gently shoved the cherry Popsicle in her petite hand and grabbed the lime green one, "have it." he insisted.

He licked the lime green one and smiled triumphantly. "There. Now you have to eat the red. I like green anyways."

Gabby cracked a smile, one that lightened up her eyes. But I could see that behind it lingered sadness. "Thank you."

They ate as they sat together on the piano bench. When they were done Kyle moved to throw away the wrappers. He noticed that Gabby was still slightly sad. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing. I'm fine." She lied.

"Please tell me." Kyle begged giving her a puppy dog look. Gabby shook her head. But after staring much at Kyle's relentless pout she gave in.

"You're leaving…" she stated.


"I don't want you to leave. I'll miss you." her voice broke mid-sentence. I could see tears gathering up in her eyes.

"I'll miss you too, Gabby." Kyle said bringing Gabby into a hug. They hug each other tightly and it felt strange to see two little kids feel so strongly. I looked at Jasper and saw that his eyes were transfixed on Kyle and Gabriella as well.

I looked at the time on my watch and saw that we had a little over a couple hours before we had to get on the plane and leave. Sadly I had to go and break up Kyle and Gabby. I reluctantly pulled away from Jasper but after he saw the hour he understood.

"Hey… Kyle we have to go." I told him softly. He grabbed onto Gabby as she clutched onto him in the same manner. She let out a whimper.

I could feel my heart breaking for the two of them. There was no guarantee that they'd see each other again. Could I really do this? Take Kyle away from Gabby, sending us both to Forks so he could be with the father he never met, the same one that could possibly not want him?

I knew I had to. Kyle needed this or he'd regret not doing it when he was older. Who knows what would happen after I was gone?

"You know what? Why don't you play one last something on the piano for Gabby before we go?" I offered. I could tell they weren't ready to say good-bye yet. And I found myself wanting to spare as much time as possible for the two of them.

Kyle smiled, through the sadness clear in his eyes, and nodded vigorously. He grabbed Gabby's hand and they practically ran to the piano bench. Jasper and I walked there right behind them.

"I wrote this for you, Gabby." I heard Kyle whisper to Gabriella. She smiled and he reflected the same one back. He turned back the piano and began playing a few notes.

They started out slow and gentle, building up to a strong note, only to lower back to the sweetness once again. It stayed gentle for a few seconds longer, the power behind them staggering and the process started all over again.

I couldn't stop starring at Kyle. At times like this he was so much like his father. So alike in manners. It was pleasing to see that he didn't get my bad habits but at times it was too much and it'd send a reminder to my aching heart.

Gabriella was staring at Kyle as well. Tears were starting to gather in her eyes and I could tell she understood the music. Gabby was just as gifted as Kyle. Her mother was a genius apparently.

As the song went slower and slower I realized that it was ending. I felt a squeeze on my side and I looked up at Jasper. He was holding a camera, taping the whole. He hugged me with him one arm and smiled. I smiled back.

Gabby cried as they embraced each other.

"I'll miss you, Gabby." Kyle told her.

"I'll miss you, too Kyle." She said back. None of us were prepared for what happened next.

She moved fast and planted a kiss on Kyle's lips. Kyle's face showed clear shock. She backed away just as quickly looking shy and slightly blushing. When Kyle's shock wore off he flashed her a huge grin.

"What was that for?" he asked. I think everyone wanted to know what that was for.

Gabby looked confused. "What? I thought that's what you do when you really like someone."

"Oh." Then he leaned down and kissed her on the lips quickly. A big smile appeared on Gabby's face.

"What was that for?" she asked.

He gave her a crooked smile of his own. "I really like you too."

I was still shocked from the beginning. Jasper's had worn off a little after Gabby's kiss for Kyle. Now he was just down right amused…or perhaps proud? I have no idea of what was running in his mind. I know he caught that on tape though.

I always knew Kyle and Gabriella were good friends. I always feared that Kyle wouldn't ever have friends. He never liked playing with anyone. That is, until he met Gabriella. She was the only one he preferred being in his company. I found their closeness rather odd, but dismissed it.

I wasn't Alice though. I would have never expected this. Something wanted me to think that they were too young to actually be serious about what they were saying. But something deep in my gut, the same thing that told me about Kyle during my pregnancy, told me that perhaps they were serious. You can never be too young to love someone, only too foolish not to see it when it's there. (A/N: ahem…*hint, hint* Bella, *hint, hint*)

Just then I could have sworn I heard Jasper whisper, "The boy is smooth." I was surprised and half-realized that I slapped the back of his head.

"Jasper!" I silently cried out, appalled that he would be so happy about this. But then again he is a guy.

"Ow, what?!" he said shocked. "What was that for?"

"How could you possibly think this is a good thing?"

"Come on, Bella. It's young love." I knew that. There was still the issue of…

"But what if they never see each other after this? What is by leaving we're separating them?" I voiced my fears.

"Don't worry. If it's right then fate will have them meet up again." He told me nodding his own head. He sounded like Alice, and her "fate" talk.

"It's right." I whispered staring at Kyle and Gabriella, while they were watching each other. There was a unique way that they watched each other. I had only ever seen it a couple times.

After a few more minutes, we unfortunately had to leave. We were cutting it close as it is.

Reluctantly, I walked over to them and told Kyle once again that we really had to leave now.

They hugged each other tightly and then Gabby kissed Kyle on the cheek while Kyle kissed her forehead. They broke apart but I could see the strain of what it took to not go back to each other's company.

As we departed and said our good-byes to everyone else, the look shared between Gabby and Kyle sent a tug to my heart.

When we got in the car we rode in silence. Each one of us was thinking about something else. The silence was broken when Jasper's phone starting ringing.

"Hello?" he said as he flipped it open. "Yeah, okay. We'll be right there." And then he hung up.

"Who was it?" I asked pulling my gaze away from the window to his face.

He looked away from the road for a moment to glance at me. "It was Rose. She says everything is done and to just pick her up from the house. She's waiting there."

I nodded. "Okay."

When we got to the house Rose was sitting there on the porch. She got off the step as soon as she saw the car approach the house. She had her bags with her. Jasper popped the trunk and got out to help her place her bags in the back.

It took them a couple minutes but then they returned and got in the car. Kyle was happy to see Rose, who sat herself in the back seat with him. Jasper started driving towards the airport when I started feeling guilty.

"Guys…" I started out.

"What is it, Bella?" Jasper asked looking concerned.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, you guys are packing your lives away here to come with Kyle and me all the way to Washington."

"Bella –" Rose started to say.

"I mean, I don't want you to do this because you think you have to. I don't want to force you. I guess I could handle Edward alone with just Kyle." I said continuing. I really needed them there but I didn't feel right making them practically close off the lives they created here just to start on in Forks for me. Every thing they wanted was here.

"Isabella Marie, listen to me. You are not making us do anything. For are you forcing us. We are going with you because you are our friend, just as well for Kyle and for support. Hell, you couldn't get rid of us if you even wanted to, so don't bother. So don't you dare feel bad about anything!" Rose said crossing her arms and lifting one of her eyebrows.

"I think what Rose is trying to say is that we're here for you whether you want us or not. You mean a lot to both of us, for us to let you go through something like this on your own. We really do want to go. And as for our lives, well we can always rebuild them, nothing like new experiences." Jasper said gently with a sweet smile on his face.

I nodded understanding that I had the two greatest people in the world with me. I was relieved that they would be there with me along the way. I don't think I could be strong without them. If it wasn't for them, I would've even survived this long.

We soon arrived at the airport. Rose helped Kyle get out of his seat while Jasper had come around to my side and opened my door. I smiled and held his hand as the jitters of just getting this far and not running away unable to face my past came rushing back.

I felt Jasper squeeze my hand as if saying that he was here for me. It helped to calm me slightly.

We went through airport security forty-five minutes later and once we were waiting for the plane, we ate. Rose and Jasper went over to get some food. They went to the nearest Pizza Hut and got a box of pizza. When they came back we ate with occasional conversations. Jasper and Rosalie were talking to Kyle, while he was asking where we were going. They told him but didn't dare tell him who was there or why we were heading there.

We had agreed that that was my job. When the time was right, between the plane ride and arriving in Forks, I would let him know who it was that he was going to meet. I worried for Kyle. Would he be excited? Well of course he would be but….would it devastate him even more if Edward refused him?

I knew it was a possibility, one I feared immensely.

Kyle, noticing my silence, asked me if I was alright. I wasn't always so quiet. I tended to hide my sadness from him often but I suspected that he could see me as transparent.

Mustering all the happiness I felt at the moment I gave him a smile and assured him that I was okay. He seemed to understand me and let it go, chattering endlessly with Jasper and Rosalie.

I took out my camera, the one I had in my carry-on, and took pictures of the three of them together, with Kyle wedged in the middle. After a couple of pictures, my mood seemed lifted temporarily and I smiled for real.

Hoping to help clear my head of my future problems, Jasper began to make funny faces at the camera making Kyle laugh. Rose, not wanting to be left out of the fun made some too. Soon all three of them were acting so goofy. We were playing around and laughing so loud that people were beginning to stare at us. But I didn't care, I was in the moment.

Rosalie took over the camera for me and I took her place. She kept telling us to make poses and soon we had tears in our eyes from all the laughing. When we calmed down they called our flight number and we quickly got out things.

As we passed through we handed our tickets to the lady by the door. She smiled and wished us a safe flight.

When we were in the plane we searched for our seats, finally finding them in the mid-section. We sat down and I stood to put my carry-on away in the overhead bins when Jasper took it from me.

"It's okay. I've got it." I told him.

"Nah, it is fine. I'm closer anyway. You just seat Kyle." I was going to refuse but complied instead, knowing Jasper could keep this up all day. I don't think the pilots and other people on board would like to be held up.

As I let him have the bag, I told Kyle his seat and we both sat down. I had the window seat while Kyle sat on my left. Jasper's seat was right behind Kyle and Rosalie sat behind me.

I watched as Kyle put on his seatbelt and clapped for being able to do it himself. I handed him the stuffed lion he had since he was born. He never let go of that lion, for reasons he never really understood.

He seemed happy and content with things for now. But I knew that he was still a bit sad about having to leave Gabby. I knew that they would meet again one day. I would ask Jasper to take him back to visit her, should I die before I could make it happen.

The thought of leaving Kyle brought tears to my eyes. I turned my head towards the window blinking them away before he could see them. I felt Rosalie place a hand on my shoulder, knowing what I was thinking about. I stared at her sad eyes before I looked back out the window.

There was still so much I wanted to see Kyle accomplish, and I had so little time left.

The flight attendant told us to put our seatbelts on and to turn off any electronic devices. I felt the plane starting to move. Looking out the window I noticed the trees and ground become even more blurry with every passing second. I could feel the plane start to leave the ground, angling upward. I held onto the seat, calming my breaths.

Planes had always made me feel weird. I suppose the fact that I couldn't depend on the ground being right there if anything should happen, got to me. I looked at Kyle and saw he was completely at peace.

I remembered when I had first gotten on a plane.


"Please?!" I whined and pouted. Emmett laughed at me. Alice just dragged me along.

"Come on Bella. You need to get a little sun. Goodness knows you're extremely pale. And when you're done we'll go shopping!" she squealed.

"No! And I like being pale, thanks you very much. There's nothing wrong with it." I glared, silently threatening her.

"Except that you like the undead. Or perhaps a mental patient who's been locked up for so long that they've never seen the sun!" Emmett said. I turned my head and glared at him too. He's supposed to be on MY side.

"Thanks for the help brother." I muttered sarcastically.

"Aww, Belly-welly don't be like that. You'll have fun. I mean you'll be going with the Emmster, why wouldn't you have the time of your life?!" he boasted while putting an arm around my shoulders. He led me to the jeep which was parked just outside my house.

I had planned to do nothing for my summer before becoming a sophomore and when Alice heard she had blown through the roof. Since then she was chatting endlessly about all the plans she had about what we would do. As soon as I heard shopping I tuned out. I told her I probably could do anything and I'd need my parent's permission.

The sneaky pixie went behind my back and had asked them, seeing as how she knew how to charm them they couldn't say no. I had hoped that they would at least try to help me but they sold me out and eagerly accepted. Good for nothing….

It was later that I realized that I should've listened more closely to what Alice's plans entailed, or rather where. When she told me to pack a suitcase, I thought she had gone off her handle. Was I running away?

No. It was worse…she was making me go to Florida. To Disney world! Now, I was all happy about going to Disney World. I had never gone. But the fact of the matter still stood. I would have to get on a plane! Me, on a plane!

I hated heights, being on a plane made it worse. I never told the Cullens about my aviatophobia. Once Alice heard about me never going to Disney World Emmett took it upon himself to tell me of the "riches" of a wondrous world. I've never seen him talk so passionately about something other than cars…and girls.

But that's only when I overheard him giving Edward "the talk". To say Edward was embarrassed and I was dying to laugh my ass off, would be putting it mildly.

He still has no idea I know about that. That day will forever be embedded in my mind. I've never seen him blush so much. Ha! And I'm teased about MY blushing.

So, all these events led to me standing right where I was, outside, by the jeep, about to go to the airport so I could get on an airplane; or as I like to call it, THE WINGS OF DOOM. I was still holding out though, hoping that someone would come out and tell me it's a joke and I'm being punk'd or something.

"Please!" I begged again. They shook their heads.

"No, Bella. And when we get to Florida we're going to do so much shopping!" she cheered. I sighed. She never listens to me. It's always in one ear and out the other.

While we stood there arguing about shopping trips I was not going to go through, I felt Edward come behind me. He pushed Emmett's arm off of me and put his own around me. I could feel the fluttering in my stomach from being to near him and actually touching him.

Emmett took my bags and placed them in the back of the jeep.

"It's okay Bells. I'll protect you." He whispered in my ear. His wonderful breath hit me and I shivered in delight. Hopefully he didn't notice. When I looked back at him, he didn't seem to appear like it.

"Oh, Bella look at these! I knew you wouldn't buy one yourself so I took the liberty of buying them for you." I heard Alice say. I noticed Edward staring at something with widened eyes. When I looked to see what it was I saw what Alice was holding. My own eyes widened and along with that I blushed too.

"Alice!" I yelled. God, that's embarrassing…

"What?" she asked with an all too innocent look on her face.

In her hands she held three bikinis. One was midnight blue, the other black and the last was light blue (or sky blue as Alice would put it) with white polka dots.

I saw Edward gulp loudly, his Adam's apple bobbing. I was so red that I turned my head onto Edward's chest. I felt his arm tighten.

I was beyond embarrassed and Alice was just looking like we were having a normal conversation and that she was not indeed swinging my, apparently, bikinis off her fingers.

"Aren't that hot?!" Alice asked. Edward opened his mouth to say something but shut it. He cleared his throat and then spoke. "Yeah, they're great…" he breathed. I could tell he was probably embarrassed. He kept shifting uncomfortably and it was probably from being exposed to his best friends' swimwear.

He probably didn't even think of me in a revealing way. As much as I understood that he was a god, and I a mere mortal, it still hurt that Edward would never feel the same way that I feel about him. It probably disgusted him. After all, I was only a friend.

He was glaring at Alice while she was looking smug. I had no idea what was going on with them.

Emmett had come back and he seemed confused by the looks Alice and Edward were giving each other. But he did notice the bikinis in Alice hand. His eyes widened.

"Damn!" he yelled out. I turned even redder.

"I know aren't they hot?" she asked.

"Yeah…wait, who are they for?" Emmett asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. He was acting all big brother on her again.

She rolled her eyes. "Bella clearly. Who else?" she asked rhetorically.

"Oh. Well then…" he looked at me. I suppose he was imagining me in them. He looked me up and down and back at Alice, "yeah, they're hot. They'd be great for Bella." I had finally stopped blushing and then it reappeared at Emmett's comment. Edward's arm tightened even more.

I saw Edward turn his glare on Emmett. "Emmett…" Edward said in a warning tone.

"What?" Emmett held his hands up.

Edward shook his head.

"Well, Bella needs to get laid anyways. Perhaps these will help her find that someone." Emmett commented pointing at the bikinis and waggling his eyebrows at me.

Edward looked pissed. He was really protective of me. He didn't want me to give my virginity to just anyone. He didn't like the guys who stared at me like I was a piece of meat. Hell, he could barely even stand Mike the golden retriever. And Mike just screams 'Alert! Creepy stalker here!'

I swear I heard Edward growl. Alice didn't seem moved by it. I'd never seen Edward like this. Disturbingly enough, it made me feel hot. I banished the thought though. It only made the unrequited love I feel for him hurt even more.

Alice skipped up to Edward, who if looks could kill Alice would've dropped dead by now.

"Come on Edward feel the softness." Alice said with a smile as she placed the fabric of the midnight bikini to his face.

"Alice –" he started to say.

He sighed and averted his eyes. "I think we need to leave. Carlisle and Esme may be getting impatient." He said as he started to move towards the jeep.

"You need to get laid Edward!!" Emmett yelled. "Maybe lady Bella can help." He joked and smiled.

I feel a pang in my heart at such a suggestion. It only reminded me that I could never really be that intimately close to Edward. I ignored their eyes but I could see Edward tense and then shake his head in my peripheral vision.

I ignored all feelings and spoke in a voice that feigned cheerfulness. "You're silly Emmett. Come on, Edward's right. I'd hate to bother Carlisle and Esme any further seeing as how I'm not even paying for this trip." I said offering a smile, though I didn't feel like it. I passed Edward and avoided his eyes. Opening the door to get in the jeep, I finally looked at him. He was right there looking at me with an unfathomable look.

While Emmett and Alice went to sit in the front I got in the back. Edward came in right after me, closing the door. I still didn't understand what was up with them but I let it go, knowing that if they wanted to keep a secret then I had no right to force it out of them.

The atmosphere in the back was awkward but no one noticed. Emmett put on some stupid song and Alice kept changing it the entire ride. Eventually they ended up not listening to anything and we had already reached the airport.

When we got our stuff through airport security and finally caught up with Carlisle and Esme, we relaxed. I hugged both Carlisle and Esme and thanked them for the opportunity to go with them, even though the metal deathtrap was something I feared going through. (But I didn't tell them that.) When things got quiet I asked a very important question.

"How much servitude do I have to give in order to repay you guys for the trip?" I asked grumbling. I wanted to lighten up the atmosphere and I also really hated when someone gave me a gift this big and expensive. Carlisle and Esme both shook their head as if dismissing the whole thing.

"Numerous shopping trips with me!" Alice chirped

"I could use someone to do my laundry and make me my food. They'd be like my slave." Emmett added.

"Esme already does that for you!" Edward commented.

"Yeah, but something tells me that she isn't going to do it forever…" he responded.

"We'll see." Esme said lifting an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well all Bella has to do for me is hang out with me." Edward gave me his famous crooked smile.

"Dude, that's boring!" Emmett yelled throwing his arms in the air.

"Well you know what? I like it. So, I think I'll just be Edward's slave! Only he can tell me what to do." I said latching onto Edward's arm smiling. In all fairness, I had said it without thinking and with new founded confidence.

"Edward dude now she could be like your love slave or something!" That earned Emmett a slap in the head by Esme. They still laughed though. While they smiled I blushed.

Edward just smirked at me. "Anything you say?" he asked me. He rubbed his chin as if pondering the possibilities.

"Umm, r-r-remember that I'm your bestest friend ever in the whole wide world!" I said in a slightly pleading child-like voice while moving my arms around to make a big circle.

He let out a small chuckle. "Bells, you know I would never force you to do something, right? Plus with your stubbornness, what can I make you do?"

"Hey! I'm not that bad." I pushed him on his shoulder. I crossed my own arms and pouted.

"Come on Bells. I was kidding."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I muttered. I pretended to still be mad at him.

At the same time our flight was called so whatever it was that Edward was going to say was cut off. The flight call also woke me up. I was going to have to get on the metal wings of doom! No! I….I just couldn't.

While everyone else got up I stayed in my seat pretending like I didn't hear anything. Edward seemed to be the only one to notice.

"Hey, come on we've got to go." He said and I stayed silent. " I realize that you've never been on a plane but when they announce your flight that means you've got to go to the gate and get on the plane." He teased.

I pouted. "I can't."

He sighed. "Alice told you, didn't she? I told her not to." He shook his head.

That confused me. "What are you talking about? Alice didn't tell me anything." I cocked my head to the side.

Edward's eyes widened like he was caught. "Oh. Never mind then."

"No. Tell me. What is it that you didn't want to tell Alice?" I insisted.

He shook his head. "Nothing. Don't worry about it. Come on let's get a move on it."

That woke me up again. "What? No!" I nearly yelled. "Please?" I asked pouting.

"What's wrong?" he said pulling my lower lip down, which was jutted out in my pout, playfully. It sent sparks down my spine.

"N-nothing." I said stuttering slightly from the shocks spreading throughout my body.

He stared at me trying to figure out what it was that was wrong with me. When I wouldn't say anything he let it go. As he backed away from me I felt the cold from the lack of his warmth next to me.

He grabbed his carry-on and my hand and I grabbed mine. I reluctantly let him drag me into the plane. I didn't want to go. The thought of flying wasn't sitting well with me. I did, however, want to be with Edward and the rest of the Cullens so I let him take me in. I went in slowly, hoping that perhaps before I entered the plane someone told me there was an alternate transportation. But alas, there was no prevail.

When we went in the plane, the cool air hit me. I somewhere in our walk in let go of Edward's hand and kept walking into coach. When I heard my name and noticed that Edward was not next to me, I turned around.

"What? ...Edward, what are you doing there?" he was standing by two empty seats in the front part of the airplane.

He shifted his position nervously. "Well, this is my seat….and yours."

"What? But that's first class!" I said confused.

He nodded. "I know." What? Then why would…. Oh hell no!

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen! Do you mean to tell me that not only am I not paying my portion of this trip, which was generous enough of you guys, but it's also FIRST CLASS??!" I said in a harsh whisper as I walked back to where he was. I could not believe this!


I was pissed. I hated the fact that they were wasting money on me- to know that it was in first class too, really takes the cake.

"Where the hell is Emmett?" I nearly yelled. He looked confused by my question.

"Over there." He pointed behind me. I whirled around and stomped to Emmett.

Before he figured out what was happening, I punched him in the arm. The anger blocked the possible pain I could've been feeling from hitting such a huge bear.

"Hey- Ah! What the f –… figgle faggle Bella?!" he said in shock. He had seen Esme give him a pointed glare because she knew that Emmett was going to curse.

"We're in first class?! What the cookie?!" I said. I knew better than to curse in front of Esme, Emmett unfortunately lack that ability sometimes.

"Cookie?" Emmett asked distracted by my choice of words.

"I know better than to curse Emmett." I told him.

"At least not in front of Esme." I heard Edward whisper in my ear. I blushed. He had been the only person who had heard me curse and really the first time had been an accident.

"Bella, it was a gift from us to you. Please don't worry about it." Esme asked of me.

"I-I don't know. I feel unworthy." I confessed. "It's a lot of money to waste on me."

She shook her head. "Never. You've been a great friend to my children. And you've even kept Emmett out of his usual trouble." She said glancing at Emmett.

I shrugged. "Anyone could've done it." I brushed it off.

"Yeah, but you did it. And I've never seen them happier." She smiled. I looked at Alice, Emmett and Edward. They nodded and smiled. I felt like crying. I refrained from doing so, to avoid embarrassing myself.

"She's right you know. I never had a sister, you gave me that. Plus living with boys isn't at all fun." She huffed crossing her arms, with a hint of a smile.

"You're family now Bella. Family doesn't care about the limit of a gift's worth. They just accept it as a token and expression of their love for one another." Carlisle said.

I really felt like crying now. I wiped my eyes to stop the tears from appearing. "Okay. Now I feel really silly." I let out a short laugh.

Edward laughed with me. "It's okay Bella. You're our silly friend." He said as he put an arm around my shoulders.

"Well then, Emmett I'm sorry for punching you. May I be forgiven?" I asked sort of shy.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, it really hurt. You could've left a bruise. I may never be able to use this arm again. They'll have to amputate it!" he exclaimed. His over-exaggerating made me smile and laugh.

"What can I do then?" I asked.

"How about a kiss here" he pointed to his lips, "and you make my breakfast every day for a month?"

I lifted an eyebrow. "How about a kiss on the cheek and a hug as well?" I offered. He pondered it for a few seconds.

"Fine." He agreed. I skipped over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a 10-second hug, as promised. "You know one of these day you'll be mine, right?" he said as we split.

"Never! My chances of ending up with you are slimmer than me ending up with Alice." I told him as I went back to Edward's side.

Emmett's eyes seemed to brighten. "Ooh! Lesbian love!" he exclaimed waggling his eyebrows. I blushed and turned to Edward's side. I could feel him laughing, his chest moving up and down with every breath he took. I also heard Alice's tinkering laugh overshadowed by Emmett's booming laugh.

I went over to my first class seat, apparently. Before I sat down I moved to place my carry-on in the overhead bins. Edward took it from my hands and when I protested he gave me his crooked smile, which made me give up. He is always a gentleman.

I sat down in my seat and took out my ipod. I realized that we still had a few minutes left before we'd start moving so I listened to classical music. Hoping to calm myself with it I made sure to concentrate on the melody. I felt Edward sit down in his seat but I didn't move and just kept my eyes closed.

I hummed to myself and relaxed slightly. I was still tense though.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and one of the ear phones pulled out of my ear. "Bella?" a smooth voice said. It jolted me out of my concentration and my eyes flew open.

I saw Edward staring at me with an ear phone in his right hand. "Hey, Edward what is it?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you but the plane's about to start moving and you need to put your seatbelt on." He told me.

I was surprised. "Really? I guess I must've dozed off." I explained. I did as he said and put my ipod away when the flight attendant said to turn off electronic devices. I looked out to the right, seeing as how I had the window seat.

I could see the other airplanes next to us on the right and the trees in the background. As the plane started moving it jolted forward and I gasped. I held onto the seat and I could feel the movements underneath my seat.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked, having heard my gasp.

I weakly nodded. "Y-yeah. Of course I am." I said (hopefully) nonchalantly, hoping he didn't realize that something was wrong with me. But the plane's movements weren't exactly helping in my efforts to assure him.

He stared at me. "Are you sure? Because I can tell you're lying." Crap!

I tried to think of something up. But I couldn't so I gave up, knowing he would probably just call me out on it. "I-I…" sigh "No… I sort of have a fear of flying." I told him in a small voice.

He did something I didn't expect….He laughed. He literally laughed!

"You're kidding! Who would be afraid of flying?" he said with a smile.

"M-me. Oh god, I'm going to die!" I half-whispered, half- yelled. The plane had gone over a bump or something and the plane started moving even more and picking up speed. I held the seat in a death grip

His smile faltered. "You're serious? Oh I'm sorry I thought you were joking." He said once he saw me practically killing my seat. He looked sad that he had made fun of me.

"It's …f-fine." I said forgiving him. I let out a whimper and closed my eyes for a mere second as we started moving some more. I felt the warmth and spark as Edward's hand touched mine. I let out a breath in surprise.

"Relax." he ordered me. Instantly I relaxed my grip. Flexing my fingers I tried regaining some feeling in my hands. "You'll be fine." He reassured me.

"I doubt that. We're all going to die on these metal wings of doom!" I exclaimed as I looked out the window and the ground I was missing oh so much began to become miniscule.

He laughed at me and smile. "You're silly Bella." he shook his head. "Metal wings of doom?! Where does she get this stuff?" I heard him mutter to himself under his breath.

As I felt the plane lift off the ground and angle itself upward my eyes widened.

"Bella, don't worry. I'll even help you get over this. Okay?" he asked. I nodded, still fearful of the fact that we were not on the ground anymore!

"I'm scared, Edward." I confessed.

"Just hold on to my hand, Bells." He whispered in my ear. I quickly moved my hand from the arm rest to his hand, desperate to keep a hold onto something. "We can even talk to Emmett and Alice behind us so we can distract you." He offered. I nodded, willing to do anything to not think about flying.

He turned behind him, still holding onto my hand. "Hey guys, Bella is afraid of flying. Do you guys think you can help me distract her?" I heard his ask Alice and Emmett in a low voice, possibly to spare me the embarrassment.


"Damn straight! Anything for my Bellarina!"

"Emmett!" I heard Esme scold him. He had forgotten his filter again. It made me giggle. Having heard me, Edward looked back at me with a smile.

"Bella, do you want to talk about all the shopping trips we're going to go on when we get to Florida?" Alice chirped, looking excited.

"Pffh! She doesn't want to talk shopping. What she needs is Emmett-bear." He said to her as he pointed this thumbs at himself.

"Here, watch the master." He instructed Alice. "Hey Bella!" he called out.

"Yes, Emmett?" I said pretending I didn't hear their previous conversation.

"You know what could help with your fear of flying?" he asked me.

"No, what?" I answered.

"Well, I read in this random book I picked up at the library…"

"What?!" I interrupted. What book?! And how the hell didn't I know about it!

He rolled his eyes. "I do read you know. And yes, I also know where the library is."

I motion him to continue by waving my hand in a circular movement.

"It said that we could give you some relaxants. I'm sure Carlisle has some. But there's only one thing." Emmett said.

"What?" I inquired.

"You have to watch the alcohol intake. Do you think you could do that?" Emmett asked teasing me.

I groaned.

He had gotten me to drink one can of beer a few months ago and seeing as how I never had any before, it made me tipsy. I kept saying random nonsense. I don't remember everything but apparently it was hilarious and Emmett is never going to live it down.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while Edward squeezed my hand. "Emmett, don't make me kick you!" I threatened in a low voice.

"Bella, you'll be fine." I opened my eyes to look at Edward. His eyes looked sincere. "I'll be here the whole ride to protect you. I promise." He told me. He gave me his famous crooked smile which sent my heart sputtering.

I smiled back, thankful for having him with me.

He wrapped an arm around me and I looked out the window. Seeing the clouds and the earth way beneath us didn't seem so scary now that Edward was with me.

The last thing I remember was Emmett yelling, "If you think lift-off was bad, just wait till we land! Talk about a bumpy ride!" A second later a 'plunk' and an 'ow!' came from behind me.

Panic spread. Oh god…

End of Flashback

It was safe to say that Emmett got a can of whoop-ass for scaring me like that. Edward kept his word and I wasn't so afraid when we went back to Forks at the end of the trip. I only had small meltdowns.

I smiled in memory. That was one of the fun most vacations I had. I loved the simple days. I was so happy. Not to say I wasn't now, but there was a lot of heartache on my side at the beginning. Kyle made me feel so happy.

The sad thing was that at least I had Edward before to keep me company when I was afraid, but he wasn't here with me now…nor would he ever. I don't think I could ever tell him about my…condition. In one aspect he might be there, but only as Kyle's father, should he embrace Kyle as his son. But he'd never be able to hold me, to reassure me things about turn out fine.

This time he was wouldn't be here with me, and I've got to cope with that. But at least I had Rosalie and Jasper. They would be the only ones to know about it. For now, Kyle was the most important thing to worry about, in my life.

I looked at my son. He was watching the television screen on the back of the seat that was in front of him, while hugging his stuffed lion.

Noticing me, Kyle turned to look at me. "Mommy?" he whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Why are we going to Forks? Who are we going to see, mommy?" he asked tilting his head to one side.

I thought about how to word it. "We're granting your birthday wish." I told him smiling. His eyes widened and looked hopeful. I didn't dare speak the grain of doubt that would ruin his happiness.

He hugged me and I laughed. He turned to look at the seat behind him, where Jasper was currently sitting.

"Godfather Jazzy, we're going to Forks for my daddy!" he said sounding elated. I tuned out of their conversation knowing how much it would hurt to know that there was a possibility that that happiness would leave and be replaced with a sadness unlike any other, with just one word from Edward.

Instead I stared out the window, hoping to see those familiar clouds and green alien planet beneath it once more.

Not to mention facing a certain past again.

A/N: I'm sorry for the wait. I hope you don't hate me for it. I gave you an even longer chapter this time.

Just a head's up… someone whose name starts with an E will be in the next chapter. Chapter 5 will be completely EPOV though. It's about time I tell his story. You'll see what he's been up to for the past five years…besides going to medical school.

I hope every one is having a great time going into the year 2009!!!

Please review! XD

Elizabeth –