"Ok. So do we all agree that we're heading to Ba-Sing-Se?"

"Aang, I still don't see why we need to go straight to Ba-Sing-Se."

"Well, Sokka, Toph wants to at least see her mom again. So we are going to sneak over to her house, and let her take it over from there."

"But why do we need to go straight to Ba-Sing-Se? I mean, we are on this uncharted island and we could probably go to a…" Sokka started to look at a new, updated map they recently bought. "Water Tribe Island! Let's go there!"

"Sokka what would we want to do there? Let's just go to Ba-Sing-Se. I want to see my mom. I'm even sure she'll give us some extra money, too."

"Ok, guys. So do we all agree, now, that we're heading to—"

"Fire Nation!" Toph screamed at the top of her lungs, "Everyone, run!"

Everyone ran in different directions while Appa and Momo flew up onto the cave the gaang was camped in.

"Bring me a captive!" The Fire Nation invader commanded.

About half an hour later, the soldiers returned with a prisoner.

"She'll do perfectly," the leader said evilly, "She'll do perfectly."

Author's Note

So do you like it? Who do you think "the leader" is? Sorry this chapter is so short. I will try to make the next chapter longer. (It looks a lot longer on paper) Constructive criticism recommended. No flames please. Feel almost free to give me more ideas for this chapter.
