I know it has been ages but there has been a lot of changes since my last postings.
I am engaged now and need to save up money for a lot of things.

Please forgive my lateness as I really do intend to finish my stories, even if slowly .

Chapter 17: Your Duty

Song of the Chapter:
Blurry - Puddle of Mudd
Reason: Sometimes uncertainty marks another event.

Azami puked in her room after mentally recounting the night's events. Luckily for her, Madara had enough respect for her to not attempt to sell her body to Isao. She shivered remembering that icy touch on her cheeks giving her false compliments that would melt most normal women. Thing was, Azami was anything but normal and taken at that.

She felt for her necklace and sighed not feeling any response from Zetsu. The night was odd but she wondered if it was her lack of chakra that made things difficult on her. She brushed a couple of honey strands back and shivered feeling the aura of death over the area. Why did killing have to be my job? Azami sighed and after walking through the palace, she looked at the 'new' Mizukage. The woman indeed was beautiful and with Isao no longer threatening her life or personal matters, she could properly rule. The protection Madara offered her was enough and from now on, Akatsuki and the Mist Village were to be enemies.

Upon hearing the gentle footsteps, the Mizukage looked up and a bright sunny smile lit her countenance. "Azami-san, I thank you even though I normally disapprove of such methods." Azami blanched and looked ashamed as she tried to make herself smaller. The Mizukage however, gave a polite hug. "Without you, my position in this village and my life would not be secure."

Azami knew she had done some good but overall… she remembered pain and sorrow she would rather forget.


Isao constantly ordered her around to fetch him tea or clean his quarters. It was most annoying on her end being forced as a maid. Madara-sama will pay for this… When she heard a throat clearing, she winced. "Yes Isao-sama?"

With a smirk wider than what a normal human would have, she shivered. "What training have you woman?"

Azami started for a moment. "Training my lord?"

"The kunoichi arts." Azami's blood ran cold. Isao smirked and held a kunai. "I have no doubt if I throw this at you, you can easily return it to me. Or that you intended to seduce me for who knows what reason." Isao idly played with the kunai while Azami tried to locate the senbon expertly hidden in her sleeves. "So my love," Azami felt a little bile in her mouth at that, "Who are you working for?"

Azami give a grimace. "I only work for the Mizukage, Isao-sama." He frowned and grabbed her golden hair. Azami's head rushed with pain as she focused on her objective. "My lord!"

"Stop lying to me wench!" He threw her to the wall and she shivered for a moment. "Who the hell hired you?" When Azami bit her lip and looked at the man, she felt her cheek sting with a slap. "Tell me before I do something you will regret."

Azami snapped internally and pounced on the man. Out of shock, Isao dropped the kunai and tried to scramble for it but Azami threw a senbon needle at it to send it clattering away. "Isao-sama…" she mockingly intoned. "I thought you were going to do something I would regret." He looked at her and suddenly noticed her hands.

"An Akatsuki ring!" She smirked and backhanded him with the ring. "Stay back or I'll call my body guards!"

"The ones I poisoned?" His blood ran cold. "No one can help you. You are dead to the world now." Her hand glowed with a dark aura as she thrust her hand sharply into Isao's chest. He coughed up some blood and managed to back away but not before staring at her eyes in shock.

"My body… what did you do to my body!" His breath was growing ragged as he felt himself being consumed by a crystal.

"Nothing your body did not deserve. If anything, this will make it the purest it has been." She coldly moved out of his reach while the man scrambled for a way to stop the process. However, within five minutes, he was almost completely crystallized.

A mysterious figure shattered the man before Azami could end his life. Azami looked up and smiled seeing a kunoichi.

End Flashback

Azami was almost back at the Akatsuki base and sighed softly. Mission a success, she had been ordered back but took the liberty to wonder about the countryside. If they really need me, they would send Zetsu to me. While thinking, she softly touched her necklace and wondered what her partner was doing. Probably enjoying himself while I had that mission, she thought grumpily as she leapt to the trees to continue her trek.

Zetsu walked through the base holding his head. Damn you Madara! What did we do to deserve that? He doesn't want us attached to her yet berates us for not doing so? My head… hurts… Azami… The plant man did not even notice how he almost ran over Deidara who looked nervous seeing the daze in his eyes.

"Zetsu, un?" The man did not even turn around as he stumbled to his room. Deidara frowned and continued to his quarters.

Azami huffed as she stopped at a river. Damn! I cannot cross this easily… my chakra would have to constantly remold itself in order for me to stay afloat in this fast current. The stream is too wide for me to jump either… With a sigh, she rested on the grass and began watching the clouds.

"Azami…" The blond did not shift but kept vigilant as Shizune appeared behind the shrubbery. "Return to the Leaf Village…"

"I have no interest to be there…" She stood up and a sudden breeze billowed at her Akatsuki robes as if to emphasize their presence. "Why would Tsunade-sensei want an Akatsuki member there anyway…? I have no interest to reveal their secrets or even reside in the village. Unlike her, I will not be bound by a village," Azami said with a sudden bitterness.

Shizune seemed taken aback but composed herself. "In Akatsuki, you will fight and kill. You are a healer and you must do your duty as such. Why join a group dedicated to coating the world in bloodshed?"

The wind picked up now and Shizune charged just as Azami began vanishing in a shower of petals. "Because I get to cleanse it."