Not many people know this, but Kelly loved playing hockey. No one ever noticed the shy little loner waiting until everyone had left the rink. That was when she practiced. She had been watching hockey her whole life, first with her dad, and then her brothers. They taught her the basics, but the Ducks taught her the rest. Not that they had any idea who she was, but she loved them. She watched all of them at the Olympics, and watched them destroy the Varsity team at Eden Hall. This year was her sophomore year, just like the Ducks. It was like a dream come true last year when the Ducks came to Eden. Maybe, just maybe she would get her chance, but no she was too afraid. What if she wasn't good enough? What if they laughed at her, just like the Varsity thugs. She couldn't take the chance

Just like after every hockey game, she waited until everyone had left the arena. She walked around to the entrance where Bill, the rink manager waited for her. He had been friends with her father, and he always left the rink open for a couple of hours after everyone left.

"Hey Bill!" Kelly said as she hugged the big man. Bill hugged her back and said, "I'll give ya about two hours ok? Be safe." Kelly laughed and said, "Don't worry I'll be ok." Kelly laced up her skates and put on her pads, hand me downs from her older brothers. Bill handed over his old hockey stick and she went out on the ice. Skating from blue line to blue line, she smiled. It just didn't get any better

Dean Portman was freaking exhausted. He loved winning these games, but afterwards was always a killer. He sure did love bashing those Bulldogs. Bunch-a pansies. It was so easy throwing those guys into the wall. "Hey Portman, we're all going out to eat…you coming." Dean looked up at Charlie Conway, captain of the Ducks, "Umm maybe, but I'll meet you guys there, I left my bandana on the bench, I think." Charlie and the rest of the ducks left the room while Dean went to go see if his bandana was still out there.

As he was walking up to the ice he heard someone yelling, "Ahhh and the crowd goes wild as Kelly "the Storm" Smithson narrowly scores on "unbeatable" goalie of the Eden hall warriors!" Dean looked around and saw a girl with her hands in the air, waving her hockey stick like she just won the Stanley Cup. He smiled, and sat down in the stands to see what she would do next.

Kelly took the puck and maneuvered her way across the ice. She moved the puck in between her legs and shot off towards the goal. Dean watched in awe as she performed a triple deke! He had really only seen Charlie Conway do that, and that stupid Icelandic dork, but this girl could do it flawlessly. He heard her talking to herself, "Only three seconds left and Storm is on a breakaway." She aimed for the goal and shot. The puck sailed into the goal and the girl yelled, "WOO! The Ducks WIN! The DUCKS WIN! Kelly 'the Storm' Smithson just won the game! She spun in a circle and started cheering. Dean laughed and stood up and opened the door to get onto the ice. "Now imagine if you really were playing for the ducks…

Kelly started and spun around too fast and fell right on her butt. Dean "ran" over and made to lift her up, "Oh sorry if I scared ya." Kelly scrambled away and got back on her skates, and mumbled, "Sorry, I'll just go." She started skating away when Dean grabbed her arm, "Hey you don't have to leave; I was just looking for something. I'll find it and get out of your way, ok?" Dean slid over to the bench and flipped over the wall to grab his bandana on the floor. Kelly watched as he slid back over to her. He wobbled a little and she made to steady him, but they both toppled on the floor. They both started laughing and Kelly laid her head on the ice and said, "Gosh, I just can't stay upright tonight." Dean laughed as he got up and held out his hands for her, "Here let me help." She grabbed his outstretched hands and he pulled her straight. She wiped the ice off her butt and Dean said, "Well I got my bandana, so I'll just let you win another game for us Ducks. Do you play on another team or something?" Kelly looked puzzled, "No, I don't play on any team."

"Why not? Why don't you try out for the Ducks? We could always use some more good players." Kelly looked up at Dean and shook her head no. "I don't think so, I'm pretty good by myself, but with a team? It'll be a joke." Dean looked at her and said, "So you just play here, alone?" She looked around and breathed in, "Here…no one will tell me what I'm doing wrong, or judge me on if I'm the best, or tell me that I suck. Here it's just me, and right now that's all I can do." Dean looked at her and shrugged, "You know, that is what I used to think before I met the ducks, but now…I can't imagine life without them, they are like family to me. Not that I ever tell them that, but they know. Kelly shrugged back, "I'm glad it worked out for you." Dean smiled, "It could work out for you too, if you gave it a chance. But, its your choice, I'll see ya around Storm." She laughed as Dean walked out of the arena. Kelly spun around on her skates and frowned, "Believe me, I tried it already, family always lets you down." Kelly sighed as she skated off the ice.