HI! Well, it's me again and I wanted to try something new. I've done vampires and sickness so far. Now, I want to do a completely AU fic. I'm putting our beloved FMA characters in 2007/08. Yes, I am fully aware it's almost 2009.

I hope you like it.

Warnings: characters might be out of character and beware of modern things!

Disclaimer: I do not own FMA


(Edward- first person narrative)

"Edward! Edward! Edward Elric, one word, please!?"

I sighed. I hated this. My name being shouted over and over, those stupid news reporters and magazine gossipers…

Most people would like the attention; I didn't. I wanted to be normal for once not that it was possible with metal limbs or being an actor… (A/n: think...Johnny Depp kind of famous, lol)

Who am I? I'm Edward Elric, one of the most top rated actors on this planet. And my metal limbs I mentioned above, about that, I was injured in a car accident involving a semi and my small sports car about 3 years ago. That was when I was 15, just beginning my acting career. I lost my right arm and left leg.

So far, I've been in almost 25 movies. In most movies, I'm the short hot one or so people say. They say it's my golden hair and eyes.

As for my family, I don't have much. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 10. My dad ran off and I haven't heard from him since I was 2 or 3. My brother, Al, is my personal manager. He's only a year younger than me and I can't think of a better manager. Then there is Winry. She started out as just another fan and I spotted her in a crowd. I invited her in for coffee after a movie showing, my very second movie, and we started chatting.

I don't know why I picked her out, but her and my brother are dating, actually. From the way I was talking earlier, you'd think it was me and her. Nah. She's a good friend though.

I shoved my way though the rest of the paparazzi muttering a 'no comment' here and there.

Now, this isn't the normal paparazzi, this is a totally different crowd of them. I wasn't in a movie recently. The event, however, that IS causing the stupid, annoying people did happen quite recently.

Al opened the limo door from the end of the sidewalk and held his hand out to help me in without being clawed at but the rest of the news reporters. I flopped heavily on the seat and stretched out my legs. It was late May now and I watched as my artificial knee cap moved in sync with my real one just below the line of my shorts. Everybody knew so why hide it?

"Jeez, you'd think that they'd let a guy go to the bathroom in peace. Just 5 minutes ago this place was empty. How'd they get here so darn fast?" Al said looking out a large tinted window.

I ran a sweaty, flesh hand though my hair. "I don't know Al, it may have been the girl that screamed 'OMG its Edward Elric!!' and pulled out her cell phone, don't cha think?" I asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow.

Al punched me lightly on my real arm, "Very funny, brother."

"And, no Al, they can't let a guy go to the bathroom in peace, especially a bi teenage actor…"

"Brother, you and I both know you're not bi, it's just him. I know you like girls, but it's just that one guy, no other guys interest you. At least, that's what you said, right?" Al looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

I shook my head, pulling out my wallet and flipped it up revealing a picture. "Yeah, it's just him Al, it's just him…" I rubbed my pointer finger over the picture of him and flipped my wallet closed again.

My mind wondered to the events that happened between November and April. I grabbed my iPod and plugged my head phones into my ears and I drifted…


(November 07)

I tapped on the black window between me and the driver, Jean Havoc. I heard the click of the button and watched as the window retreated back into the seat. I leaned forward, "Hey, you need to turn left on Spring Street and then right on Braziel Avenue. This movie premiere is at the new theater." I pointed my fingers around in the air and met his gaze in the rear view mirror.

"Oh, thanks, I wouldn't have known that. Haha, thanks, kid."

I smiled, this was about the only person, besides Al and Winry, that treated me normal. I liked that. I shrugged on the fur-lined coat over my suit as I watched tiny, unique snow flakes swirl in a mad frenzy past the limo window. It was late November, so I wasn't really surprised. I was surprised by how many people were standing behind the fake-velvet ropes. The limo came to a crawl and I patted down my hair, looking in the mirror. The red carpet was lined with at least 500 to 700 fans on each side. Seven or eight other actors and directors were already standing on the red carpet waving or posing for cameras. Others were being interviewed or sighing autographs and shaking hands with screaming fans. Ugh, what a headache…

My door came in front of the walkway and I put on my fake smile and walked out as the door man opened my door. He signaled the announcer that I was here.

"Edward Elric who portrayed the assistant, Toby, has arrived!" This was spoken over the loud speaker and a brand new wave of screams took over the walkway. I suppressed a grimace I heard 5 or 6 girls shouting, 'WE LOVE YOU EDWARD! AHHH!' Instead, I smiled, located the group and blew them a kiss, and just for kicks and giggles I winked at them. They practically fainted and I turned to my other side and waved and signed a few people's stomachs and other DVD's of the other 24 films I was in.

Luckily, I made it to the door before an interviewer could get to me. That wasn't the same case for the actress that had come in the limo after mine, Clause. She was my little sister in the film. I glanced up at the title for the movie. The Philosopher's Stone. I had fun in this movie. The effects of the alchemy were absolutely amazing. It looked almost real. Almost.

I walked to the concession stand and got a large vanilla coke and some blue sour straws. With my coke and candy in hand, I walked up the guard at the door and he asked for my pass. I didn't look up at his face but I pulled out my actor's pass and handed it to him. I looked up at him when he gave it back to me with a sour straw in my mouth. Hey, I might be an actor but I was only 17.

He was…wow. He was in a navy blue uniform and a white clip board in hand. He had the most amazing eyes; they were midnight blue. They twinkled in the dim lighting of the concession area. He had shaggy black hair that looked so soft I had the sudden urge to reach out and touch it. He had the whitest teeth ever, with the left canine being a little crooked. I liked girls but this guy was…insanely cute, hot, handsome, and I don't know why I thought this. I wasn't gay, I've never been attracted to any other guy… He smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Roy Mustang and I'll be here at the door if you need me at anytime during the movie for security purposes. I am professionally trained personnel. I'm here at entrance A and my boss is at Exit A." he paused, looking thoughtful, "I want to know why in the hell they call it that if there is only one exit and entrance, besides the 2 fire exits, but those set of an alarm anyways…"

I laughed. "Who would have knew, I made Edward Elric laugh. Wow, I feel special." He shrugged and smirked in my direction.

"Well, don't go gloating to your friends, I'm nothing special." I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, " Aren't you a little young to be a guard?"

He glanced at the doors and said, "Not really. I'm 22, I graduated when I was 17 and have been training for this, being a security guard for things like this involving famous people, for about 4 and a half years."

He grinned, " I just had my birthday."

"Oh, well, happy late birthday then…Roy." I smiled back at him.

He laughed, "Thanks, now go watch yourself on the big screen for like the millionth time."

Being sarcastic, I smacked my lips , and said, "Oh yeah, fun."

He laughed and I smiled sinisterly to myself as I slipped my card in his uniform pocket and walked to take my reserved seat. He wasn't that much older than me…


What do you think…?

Reviews…? (puppy dog eyes)

Thanks, Lynn XOXO