Well Guys, I'm back. Didn't expect to see me around here anytime soon I guess! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! Hopefully this chapter is good enough for you to forgive me absence, and hopefully there will be many more stories and chapters to come. R&R
Following Edward's ambush in the hospital he promptly stood up and walked out of the room.
I could feel my jaw moving, I knew my lips were forming words but for some reason there was just no sound coming out of my mouth. Anthony's face flashed in my mind and I couldn't help but feel like I had betrayed him.
When Alice entered the room, chipper as ever, I was still sat, semi-upright, in my bed. My lips were still moving and there was still no sound coming out.
I could hear Alice babbling and she must have been two or three minutes into her monologue before she realized I hadn't heard a word she said.
"Uhm, Bella? Hello?" I didn't have to see her face to know she had pulled it together, scrunched with frustration.
"Bella!" She tried again, I could hear a faint laugh in her voice.
"Sorry Alice, what were you saying?"
Her head cocked to the side, knowing something was wrong but not sure if she should be asking what was going on. I mean, yes she was my best friend in town, but I had really only known her for a few days. Alice processed this for onl a few seconds before deciding to jump back into her story. Alice knew I wasn't listening, and I knew that she didn't mind, because in this moment, I just wanted someone else to have to talk.
Oh great. What a joy, my father was here. I'm sure my enthusiasm was just radiating off my face. I saw Alice's eyebrow raise and she got the idea that I wasn't fond of my Charlie. What could have given her that impression I will never know.
"Charlie, I'm fine."
"Don't call me Charlie, Bella, I'm your father." His voice was stern but wavering. He appeared to be worried. His eyes darted nervously between Alice and I and then Alice stood up.
"I'll be back later Bella, I'm just going to get a coffee." She smiled at Charlie, shook his hand and glided out of the room, and I knew she had instantly won Charlie over with her smile.
"Bella I was so worried about you! What happened? Was that kid at fault? I'll take care of this you don't have to worry about anything. I called your mother, she wants you to call her. She says if you want her to come out she will. She'll be here on the next flight if you want. She wanted you to know that she told Anthony and the girls, they're worried about you so I guess you should call them too…" This went on for another ten minutes before I finally decided to interrupt.
"Dad." I decided to placate him by calling him dad instead of Charlie, knowing deep down I would never consider him my dad. "I'm fine, everything's fine, it's just a few broken bones, heaven knows I've had them before. Tell mom I'll call her soon, pass along the message I'm okay. I'll call the girls when I get my hands on my cell phone. If it made it…"
Charlie's eyes danced nervously around the room again, unsure of what to do next. "I'm just glad you're okay. I love you Bells."
I shifted uneasily in my bed. "Yeah, I know. I'm really tired though I'm just going to get some rest ok?"
I almost felt sorry for him. His eyes seemed to portray a story, one that I hadn't heard before and it was almost enough for me to want to forgive him. But I just wasn't quite ready to do that.
Shortly after Charlie left, although it took much convincing from me he slowly got up and left the room. I felt myself sink lower into the bed, my eyes drooping and finally, I succumbed to sleep.
When I awoke I thought I had seen a pair of emerald green eyes looking at me but the next time I look they were gone and Alice was sat in front of me, a large smile plastered on her face.
She laughed, "Who else Bella?"
"I thought…" My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "Nevermind." I smiled at her and we chatted for awhile before finally she started asking questions.
"So Bella… do you like Jacob?"
I felt my cheeks flush dark "Oh Alice, I'm not really interested in dating. Jacob and I could be really good friends. But… I don't know if he wants to be friends."
She thought about this for a second, tossing the idea around in her head. "What about Edward?"
I knew Alice was studying my face, looking for the real answer to her question. I took a moment to comprise my answer before starting.
"Well… he came by yesterday. It was really weird Al."
"What happened?" Curiosity radiated off of her but for some reason I didn't feel like Alice was completely in the dark.
"He kissed me." I said it bluntly, looking her straight in the eye for some sort of a reaction, or advice. The look on Alice's face was priceless. You could see the struggle between bursting out screaming and jumping and remaining calm for my sake. In this process I saw a complicated array of facial expressions and couldn't help but laugh.
"Alice!" I giggled, "Don't have a stroke!"
"BELLA" She finally exploded, "This. Is. Incredible."
"Oh Alice, I don't think anything is going to come from this… he honestly muttered a bunch of things kissed me and took off!" But I knew no matter what I said now there was no going back. Alice spent the rest of the night chattering away at my bedside until I fell asleep. Honestly, I was pretty sure I fell asleep mid-conversation. My bad.
I awoke the next morning to the bustling nursing walking around my room.
"Morning Isabella!"
"Hmm, Morning." What time was it? Where am I again? Oh yeah. Hospital.
"Isabella, we're going to be checking you out around lunch time. I'm going to recommend at least two days bed rest and then following that you need to keep all your weight off your ankle. Very limited moving and wiggling, ok? We want those ribs to heal up nice!" The nurse chirped happily and with that left the room.
Alrighty then… there was no way I was going to be calling Charlie for a ride. I thought for a few minutes not wanting to drag anyone out of school when I saw that familiar pair of emerald eyes walk through my door.
"Oh, Edward." And then my face started to burn, showing my nerves.
Edwards eyes were soft, as he sauntered over to the chair next to my bed.
"I heard you're getting out today."
"I am."
"Well I figured you might want a ride home…" His sentence faltered near the end, unsure of himself and his offer.
"Shouldn't you be in school Mr. Cullen?" My eyes danced, playful as ever.
"Well I would have been, but I simply could not keep my thoughts on my studies."
"I suppose, that I would be more than happy to accept your offer."
Edward's eyes shone, just for a moment and I felt afraid. Scared of what I was getting into. The nurse came in shortly after, giving me discharge papers. Edward then helped me into my wheelchair, and then into the car.
When we arrived at the house Edward was just as careful helping me up the stairs and into bed.
"What do you need? Are you thirsty? Hungry?" The questions were out like a rocket, eager to help. I smiled and shook my head, flicking on the tv with the remote.
"You pick." I said, tossing the remote into his hands. He sat next to me on the bed, very timid and started flicking through the channels. Before I knew it I had dozed off again, leaving Edward and the tv to themselves.
"BELLA!" There was a scream from downstairs, unfortunately, in my sleepy, drugged state, I did not register these sounds.
Edwards gentle nudging and soon pushing made no difference.
Then the door burst open.
"Bella!" Three different voices cheered in my bedroom doorway.
"Who the hell are you?" I felt Edward's weight being pulled off the bed.
That was the moment I woke up. That voice, I knew better than anyone in the world.
"Whats going on?" The words came out in a slurred messed, still half asleep, half medicated.
"Bella who is this?" Fury was weaved through the sentence.
"Anthony?" I blinked twice, trying to get my surroundings. "Anthony no! He's my friend, he brought me home from the hospital, I'm not supposed to be alone!"
"Oh." Anthony's face went blank, clear that he wanted to protect me, disappointed for misinterpreting what was going on.
"Uhm, Anthony. Let go." Ashley's voice was soft, she lightly tapped his shoulder and he quickly released. Edward smiled, gratefully and slinked back towards me, on the other side of the bed.
"Ashley, Roxanne, Anthony," I smiled looking at them, "This is Edward Cullen."
They smiled, shook hands and as per usual Ashley grabbed onto Edward for a huge hug. I chuckled at her enthusiasim and Edward and Anthony were very careful in helping me sit up.
"Well guys, what brings you to Forks?"
"Aww, Bells, you know we're just checking in on you." I chatted with the girls for almost an hour, noticing the quiet glares and dirty looks Anthony was giving Edward and finally, an hour and a half after the crew arrived Edward stands up.
"Sorry Bella, I have to go. Supper." He nervously glances between Anthony and I finally deciding it better to just leave.
"I'll talk to you later ok?" I call out as he heads towards the door. Edward turns just before he leaves, just long enough to give me that dazzling smile.
"Okay Bella. Spill. Now." Ashley and Roxanne's eyes were burning with curiosity and I couldn't help but notice that Anthony's eyes were burning with not curiosity but with anger. This would turn out to be quite the visit.
Well, it's my first chapter back, and I hope you enjoyed! Let me know! :)