Edward Cullen disappeared into cyberspace. Don't ask how; he's a vampire, he can do magical things, okay? The first site he went to was Wikipedia. He used his mystical vampire powers to type FANFICTION SUCKS across all the pages. Then he went to YouTube and uploaded a video of James chanting "Fanfiction sucks, fanfiction sucks!" and made it so it was all over the homepage. Finally he went to Fanfiction dot net itself and destroyed it with his teeth and vampire powers. Then he went and tracked down the creators of fanfiction dot net and ate them. They tasted like dog shit.
The End
Author's Note
I AM SO FREAKING MAD! FAFICTION TOOK DOWN MY LOVE CHILD, NOTES FROM THE CULLEN COVEN, BECAUSE APPEARENTLY MY LIFE ISN'T SHITTY ENOUGH! I HATE (okay I'm going to stop with the caps; this yelling is wearing me out) that they didn't even give me a warning or anything. I don't know what I did wrong! As soon as I found out, I locked myself in my room with a Dirty Dancing DVD, my picture of Patrick Swayze with no clothes on, and ice cream, my comfort food. I'll start a new one soon, providing FF doesn't take that down too. Anyway, in the meantime, enjoy Edward destroying FanFiction.