OK so I know it's been a while! Alright an AGE since I removed this, and although it's not yet complete I have edited it, so hopefully this should now be up to scratch, and I simply had to find out what you think! I will try to update when I can, so please be patient with me (I know you usually are), and I'd love to know what you think! So please don't forget to REVIEW! Enjoy! :D
Logan felt tired, no naturally tired as he descended the stairs to the lower floors of the mansion late one morning, but weak and drained. He had been early to bed and late to rise recently as his mutation fluctuated dangerously leaving him feeling nauseous and fatigued. Never knowing what it was to experience a sick day in his life before he had been somewhat anxious to suddenly find himself afflicted with the unexplained and concerning loss of his healing abilities now… and the fact that his absence had not remained unnoticed by his fellow housemates at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters had only succeeded in adding further to his symptoms. There had been no discernible explanation for his condition, although at first Logan had struggled to convince himself that it would all pass in time.
He paused briefly at the bottom of the staircase as he observed the empty corridor stretching out before him. Breakfast had already been served and for most had finished hours ago, meaning that most of the students had since dispersed into their various classrooms by the time Logan cautiously came to enter the kitchen a moment later. Driven by an overpowering thirst he immediately made his way over to the fridge, grabbing himself a cold beer from the top shelf as he did so before the audible sound of footsteps echoed across the varnished tiled floor as somebody entered purposefully behind him.
"So you've finally emerged." Storm spoke disapprovingly as she aimed a condescending look in Logan's direction. "You were meant to be overlooking a danger-room session over an hour ago."
"So? Sue me." Logan responded resentfully, struggling to tear the cap from his beer as he directed a warning glare at her before turning away evasively – he'd never had any problems performing such inconsequential physical tasks before.
"Need any help with that?" She asked him at last as she continued to observe him struggling relentlessly with the dew tinted bottle, it's shimmering glass slipping continually through his fingers.
"I can manage!" He snapped, frustration beginning to show in his voice as he suddenly sliced his finger on the jagged metal cap, almost losing grip of the bottle entirely. "Shit!" He gasped as the blood began to flow.
Storm immediately closed the gap between them. "Are you alright?" She asked, her previous hostility towards him replaced by prominent concern.
"Fine!" He snarled in response, his desire to be alone finally beginning to show through. "It's just a cut, it'll heal!" His demeanour was sharp and he hadn't meant to come across as so harsh, but even so he breathed a sigh of relief as it became evident that his rather over forceful tone had had the desired effect.
"I have a class to get to." Storm revealed at last, eyeing her watch in casual gesture for a moment before turning to aim a final questioning glance in Logan's direction. "Will you be joining us for your session later?" She asked.
"Maybe." He replied vaguely, hardly registering her contemptuous expression as she turned and walked reluctantly away, the sudden silence an almost immediate relief to his throbbing head and ears.
… The calm didn't last long however, as with a sudden jolt of sharp pain to his finger he looked down to see blood oozing from the raw flesh of the wound. An unfamiliar terror immediately struck him as he dejectedly realised that his healing factor had failed him yet again, and, despondently discarding his untouched beer he set off to find a bandage to bind the wound himself.