Disclaimer: All characters belong to Square Enix & Disney. Just stuffed them into my own story hehe.

A/N: This little plot has been ticking around in my head for a while. Decided to let it out.

A gift fic for my best friend, Ginexa.

I tried to draw a heart, but FF took away the sign.

Love you muchly anyways.

Rule #1: Do not play with Luxord's cards.

Xion closed her door softly behind her. Her bare feet made no noise on the cold, stone floor (obviously), as she floated down the corridor, her nightdress billowing out behind her. The dim blue lighting flickered occasionally, making long, contorted shadows on the walls. Xion continued silently airborne down the long corridor, and then turned the corner to progress down the stairs.



"Shut up Demyx!" Xion groused, irritated, as she pulled herself up from the, as mentioned before, cold, stone floor. Which was exactly why she had been hovering, before unceremoniously crashing into Demyx, holding his beloved sitar, and plunging to the, once again, cold, stone floor.

"Do you want to wake up the whole Organization?" Xion continued hissing angrily, staring daggers at Demyx while she resumed her hovering, who was now looking up at her long white nightgown in astonishment.

"Why, in the name of Poseidon, are you floating, I repeat, FLOATING, around in a white, I repeat, WHITE as a FREAKING GHOST nightgown in the middle of the night?" Demyx questioned from the floor. Xion sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I was on the way to the kitchen," she replied, and continued to hover gracefully down the stairs.

"I wouldn't go down there if I were you," Demyx called after her rapidly disappearing shadow. "They're bored."

Xion increased her speed and continued to descend until she reached the eighth floor. There she turned out to the corridor and entered the massive kitchen. Light shone down from the high ceiling and illuminated all the shiny appliances inside. It also showed Xion that she would not be alone in making her midnight snack of a toasted cheese sandwich. And maybe some chicken wings, if she was really peckish. Which, after that sudden encounter with Demyx upstairs, she was.

Axel was sitting at the wooden countertop which dominated the center of the kitchen. With him was Roxas, with Larxene and Saix sitting opposite. Xion's expression creased into one of annoyance; Larxene was a nuisance. A noisy one. As she entered, the four of them turned to see who was awake at such an ungodly hour (apart from themselves). Saix nodded at her and continued munching on his buttered toast; Axel and Roxas acknowledged her presence by turning their food fight towards her; Axel catapulted some mashed potatoes her way, which she turned to one side only to have it smash on the wall next to her. Larxene turned and smiled at her in a disgustingly sweet way.

"Why Xion, why are you up so late?" Larxene the Nuisance asked silkily in her high-pitched voice. Xion literally thought she heard glasses breaking. She saw Saix wince soundlessly as he bit into his toast.

"Got hungry," she shrugged casually, and proceeded to the mammoth refrigerator to dig out some cheddar. Mashed potatoes splattered on the other unopened door of the fridge, near her head. Xion rolled her eyes silently and pulled out some cheddar, milk and some cold chicken wings before shutting the fridge. A saucepan and a wooden spoon landed silently next to her on the table and she proceeded to make her cheddar cheese sauce. A mixing bowl sat quietly on the countertop next to her while a flurry of ingredients added themselves in, while another wooden spoon mixed them thoroughly together. Xion finished grating her mound of cheese and poured milk into the saucepan. She clicked the stove. Nothing. She tried again. Nada. With a sigh, she turned to Axel.


"Let there be FIRE!" Axel snapped his fingers. The stove lit and the blue flames swayed about merrily.

"A little lower please Ax. Like a simmer," Xion said, and Axel complied. The saucepan was thunked over the little fire.

"For that, you have to make wings for me too," Axel said. White bread flew from the bag into the toaster, and the chicken wings threw themselves into an aluminum container as the mixing bowl poured its barbeque sauce contents over them. The oven set itself and the door opened as the container whizzed towards it and Xion motioned for the mixing bowl to put itself into the dishwasher with a flick of her finger as she settled into the empty chair next to Roxas.

"Not a chance Mr. Flurry of Dancing Flames," Xion said. "Make your own.

"Y'know Xion, why didn't you just do all that while sitting down?" Axel asked, scraping his bowl for mashed potatoes.

"Because I actually happen to like cooking," Xion answered, taking a gulp of Roxas' orange juice.

"'Ey, fat's 'ine!" Roxas said indignantly around the clump of mashed potatoes in his mouth. He swallowed the lump whole and grabbed the glass from Xion to wash it down. "So why didn't you just do it all by hand then?" he asked, putting the glass down with a clink.

"Because I didn't want to get my hands dirty with the barbeque sauce," she answered as the toaster ejected the two slices of lightly browned bread, which were de-crusted, buttered and placed on a willow-patterned plate. The stove suddenly turned itself off, and the saucepan zoomed to the plate, turning to its side as the wooden spoon scooped out the goopy yellow contents onto the plate. The pieces of bread glued themselves together and the plate carried itself to Xion. Roxas made a grab for it, which it dodged, and he dejectedly returned to his mashed potatoes. With cheese. Xion bit into her sandwich.

"Hey, whaddya' say we play a game of Blackjack?" Axel proposed to the room, suddenly shuffling a deck of cards.

"Sure," said Roxas, and Saix nodded. They had nothing to do anyway. Larxene stopped cleaning her nails with her knife and folded her hands on the table expectantly. Xion raised her eyebrow at Saix, who raised his back. The rest turned to watch her devour the last bite of her cheese sandwich. And waited.

"Oh all right," Xion said, commanding the now empty plate and Axel's bowl to the dishwasher. "My wings aren't done anyway."

"Awesome," Axel said, grinning, and proceeded to deal the cards. Face down five times, and then face up.

"What are the stakes?" Saix asked quietly.

"I'm dealer… So, if I win, Xion makes me chicken wings. If I lose, Xion makes me chicken wings," Axel declared. Xion mentally picked up a knife and threw it at Axel's head. The Flurry of Dancing Flames flattened himself to the table just in time.

"I mean, if I win, Xion makes me chicken wings. If I lose, I…"

"Have to keep quiet for a week," Saix muttered under his breath and Larxene smirked.

"Done!" Axel proclaimed loudly, and the rest rolled their eyes. "Xion, if you win, you don't ever have to cook for me again. If you don't want to. If you lose, you make me chicken wings. If Saix wins-"

"You still keep quiet for a week. If I lose, I'll-"

"Xion has to stay with you for a night!" Roxas blurted out. Xion threw another kitchen knife at the Key of Light, and he fell out of his chair to avoid it. It hit the opposite wall and bounced off, clattering noisily to the floor. Saix looked murderous, then calmed. It was just a game.

"If I win," Larxene said as Roxas climbed warily back onto his high stool, eyeing the now motionless knife, "One of you does my laundry. I don't care who."

"And if you lose, you'll have to stay shut up in your room for a month," Axel proclaimed. "Now you Roxy. If you win, I'll make you mashed potatoes whenever you feel like it. If you lose-"

"Axel will have to stay in your room for a week!" Xion exclaimed in revenge and Roxas moaned.

"No! Not Axel!" he complained. "That's not happening. He'll destroy my room! Here, if I lose-"

"Axel will stay in your room for a week," his cards said, looking up at him. Everyone blinked and looked down at his cards. Then turned to glare at Axel with murderous eyes.

"AXEEEEEL! YOU'RE USING LUXORD'S CARDS!" everyone yelled simultaneously and Axel gaped down at the deck in his hands. Xion mentally threw another knife (where did those keep coming from?) at his head which was deflected by a butter knife thrown by Saix. Both weapons clattered to the floor, and the owners glanced at each other in shock as they remembered the stakes Roxas had set for Saix's loss. Xion groaned quietly in embarrassment. This was not happening. Roxas was slumped on the tabletop, wide-eyed and muttering, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God."

"Stop!" Axel yelled suddenly, a burst of flames spurting out from his eyes and everyone quieted. "We'll just have to play it out," he continued, making himself comfortable again in his high stool. "We have no choice."

The others muttered darkly about what choices they had to do to him, but settled back down nevertheless. Those were the rules. You play with Luxord's cards and you had to finish the game. You had to win or lose, and once the stakes were set, only Luxord could undo them.

But the fact that they weren't even supposed to touch his cards in the first place might make that a wee bit difficult.

"Alright everybody," Axel said. "Look at your cards. You know the rules. Let's play."

Everybody glanced down glumly and looked at their hidden card reluctantly. Axel's top card was an eight (the irony!). Saix's was an ace. Larxene had a four, while Roxas and Xion had a six and a king respectively (You guys know picture cards are worth ten right? Just checking). Xion glanced down at her bottom card uneasily. Granted, her stakes were pretty low, so she didn't mind what she had (Which is, in case you're wondering, a seven. Of spades to be exact). However, looking at her card, her chances of winning weren't exactly very high... But neither were the others. Except for Saix, whom she sorta, kinda, hoped, wouldn't win. Sorta. Kinda. Not really. Whatever. She shook herself slightly and watched the game.

Axel had dealt to Saix first, so said was first to pick.

"Hit me," he said in a low voice, and Axel slid a card over to him, then flipped it open. It was a five. "Again," Saix said, and Axel complied. The card was a six. Saix was expressionless. "Stay," he said, and Axel moved on to Larxene.

"One card," Larxene said in her high, cold voice. It was a six. "Stay," she concluded. Axel nodded and looked expectantly at Xion.

"Nothing for me, thanks," she said, and Axel turned to Roxas.

"Gimme one." A card was flipped open. It was an eight. Roxas kept his poker face straight and tapped the table top to indicate one more. Axel complied once again; it was a queen. Roxas fell face first into his mashed potatoes and groaned inaudibly. Clumps of mashed potatoes flew out and hit his losing cards. Axel laughed and then looked down at his own cards.

"Now let's see… An eight… And whoops!" he said, and he opened a card to reveal a king. Larxene snickered loudly and Saix laughed. Larxene flipped open her cards.

"Twenty you loser! And I want you to do my laundry since you started this stupid game!" she demanded. And left the kitchen. Her cards faded away silently. Xion opened her cards.

"Seventeen," she announced, and Axel pouted.

"Open your cards Roxas," he said, prodding the blond who was still face down in his mashed potatoes. Xion wondered vaguely how he was breathing. Roxas didn't budge, and Axel proceeded to open them with a cackle.

"I'm moving in with you Roxy! Now for you Saix. Let's see what you got." And Axel flipped open Saix's cards. Which were an ace, five and six. Which equaled twelve. With the bottom card… Twenty two.

Xion put her head in her hands. This was not good.

A/N: Hope you guys liked that :) Review? Please?