There is no copyright infringement intended.
Chapter One
Hermione remembered the night with clarity. It was raining in sheets outside, cracking thunder, and bolts of white hot energy across the sky. It knocked out the Muggle electricity. With her wand she lit the many lamps, and candles around the house. It was small, a one story. Perfect for Draco, and Hermione, of course they picked it out together three months in their relationship. Draco opted for a bigger house, but Hermione saw it as a waste of perfectly good money. He gave in, as he usually did with her.
Their love story was boring, typical. A year after the war she ran into the young Malfoy in a quaint Muggle coffee shop. It was a shock for both of them, especially for her, but when he paid for her mocha they sat together for hours trading stories, laughing, and flirting. It was surprisingly easy to fall in love with him. As easy as breathing. He had changed much since his school days, he hated his past, what he done, how he saw things, he covered up his Dark Mark tattoo with a black band, and donated tons of money to earn a good name.
It was just as easy telling her friends, at least it was after she saw how they took the news. All except Ron were okay with it leaving the Hogwarts days behind them. Ron agreed to tolerate it, and that was as good as she could hope for.
Five months they had been living together. They fought, but most of the time it was blissful. Who knew in one stormy night her world would come crashing down?
Every Friday after work, her, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, and Neville got together. That day they met at Ron's bachelor pad. She was in a rush that morning, and didn't have time to read the Daily Prophet, she had court cases, and no one could get a word in. Harry, and Ron were called in early for an emergency (they worked as Aurors). Ginny went into Quidditch training before the mail was even delivered. Luna rarely read her mail from the Ministry. Something about... Hermione didn't listen to her explanation. Neville had a hard time getting to that mail before Luna burned it, but he saw it as a challenge, and he tended to borrow someone's copy at Hogwarts where he worked as the Herbology Professor. None of them stopped by home to know. Ron didn't check his when they came in.
So they were all finding out at the same time... The candle's light flickered across the page.
In Regards To: Ms. Granger,
A new law has been voted in place by the Department of Magical Law at nine 'o clock this morning. As it so states we are to match Muggle-borns, and Half-bloods to Purebloods. The matchings are of the decision of said department. The couple must marry within a year, and have a child within five years. This is mandatory.
This law is to insure a greater population, and keep preferences of blood void, so that our community can continue to thrive, and grow.
Your future marital partner is: Blaise Leonardo Zabini
We at the Department of Magical Law apologize for any inconvenience.
Sincerely, Margaret Keane - Head of Department of Magical Law
Tears began to blot, and smear the shaking page. She reached, and touched Draco's, unopened. She recoiled, and ran a hand through her wild cinnamon hair.
As she let the formal letter fall to the table, the front door burst opened. She didn't look up, she knew who it was. Working late as an Auror (much to Ron's chagrin) he must've heard.
"Hermione," he called, his shoes squeaking on the tile kitchen floor. He stopped in the doorway. In his haste he probably disapparted, and done so a mile from the house. It was the only way to explain his drenched clothes, dripping a puddle at his feet. He looked more washed out than usual. "Hermione," he gasped rushing to her side as she buried her face into his soaked robe, the cold making her shiver. "Shhh, love, calm down."
"D-did you t-talk with them?"
"It was difficult. So many are angry. It was sudden. Nobody knew about this."
"They can't do this!"
"They are..."
"Y-you're a P-pureblood. Why..." She couldn't finish. She hiccupped.
Draco suddenly stiffened. "I... I wasn't chosen for you?"
He held her tighter. "They said they matched as they saw fit... Being an ex-Death Eater, and you one of the Golden Trio... They thought we would kill before marry no doubt."
"T-tell them that we w-wouldn't. It's a mis-misunderstanding."
"You're a lawyer, Hermione, you know that it's a done deal." His voice shook. "I... We'll find a way... W-who did you get?"
"Zabini." She lifted her face to catch his reaction. He was smiling.
"Blaise. It's okay, he'll help. He's a good man. My best mate, you know."
"He's my... Fiancé," she cringed. "How are you okay with this?"
"It's not like you'll have to live with him. You won't be tied emotionally. You won't sleep with him."
She bit her lip. He didn't know... "Draco... We have to... To... Make a baby."
"This is the wrong time to joke, love."
Without a word she handed him her letter. She watched as his face transformed. Shock. Disbelief. Anger. Sadness. Shaking. A tear, one drop mixing with the clouds own. He threw it to the side grasping her to his chest. "I'll find a way," he swore.
She didn't see how, and she didn't want to hurt him further by being negative. Instead she smiled crookedly handing him his letter. He let her go to open it. His eyes narrowed.
"There weren't enough Muggle-borns. They chose someone who loves them instead."
"Ginerva Weasley," he read. "The Weaslette. Potter's girlfriend." He sneered.
"Oh no..." Her best friend - in terms of girls.
"This can't be happening."
The lights flickered back on then as if light would cause them to see the truth. The truth was simple. Draco, and Hermione were being made to marry their loves best friends. What a very messed up situation.
Immediately the phone rang causing Hermione, and Draco to jump in surprise. Hermione rushed to the phone wondering which of her friends were calling first. She guessed Ginny. She was right.
"Hermione! Did you get your letter?!"
"Malfoy, Hermione! We hate each other! I hate him! I'm sorry, I know he's your boyfriend, but really, they can't do this! I'll kill him, I will!"
Hermione's voice was dead. She wasn't processing it all correctly. "Who does the other's have?"
"Oh, you won't believe this! Harry has Luna! Neville has Penelope! Ron has Hannah! Oh, it's just horrible! They can't do this! They can't make us!" She sobbed, it caught Hermione off-guard. Ginny rarely cried. Her heart went out to her "Can't you do anything?"
"I'm not in that department -"
"You're a lawyer -"
"For magical creatures."
"You deal with anti-Muggle laws. You have changed so much..."
"This isn't my department. My status means nothing."
"I can't marry him! I can't have his... Child. I can't do this... And Harry... How can I... He... I... We..."
"Where is Harry? Do you want me to come over?"
"He's here... I think he's in hysterics, he won't stop saying her name - Luna's. It's a mess here... There's no need for you to come over."
"Does the others know yet?"
"Everyone. Unplug your phone line, okay? I'll tell everyone the news. Nothing else for me to do until Harry snaps out of it."
"Thank you, Ginny."
"I'll see you soon, Hermione."
The moment she put the phone down, it rung once, and she roughly pulled the line out of the jack.
Draco tugged on his baby-soft blond hair. He sat hunched over in one of the kitchen chairs. "How did I get the Weaslette? Potter has to have some influence, doesn't he?"
"No... It's not his department, you know that."
"But he's Potter."
"That doesn't matter..."
He looked up sharply, his eyes glazed menacingly. "Now it doesn't matter? After all the bloody years his gotten his way he can't find a way out of this? When it's important!"
Slowly she crossed the distance between them sitting herself in his lap. "Are you admitting you can't think of a way out of this law?"
He smirked. "You're the genius here, Hermione. If anyone can, it's you."
She frowned. So did he. "I'm sorry, Draco. This is..."
"I know... We could try running. We could move out of country..."
"We can't escape this... It's international surely, and they'll find us. I don't think Harry would appreciate trying to find us."
"Potter can help. Keep the others off our trail."
"Draco," she wept desperately.
"I know," he said again. "There's no escaping this... Not forever..."
She kept his face as a vise in her hands. "I love you. Always you. No one else. If it was my choice, you would be the one. I only want to marry you. It's your children I want to have. Not Blaise's. Not anyone's."
He caught her face the way she did his. "I love you too. There will never be anyone else. I'd love to marry you. No one will be replacing you. It's not possible." He searched her eyes. "Marry me, Hermione."
She wiped a stray tear as he caught another with his thumb. "It's too late."
"No, it's not. In that..." He struggled not to curse. "Letter," he forced out. "They are talking about legal marriage. Marriage is about love, it's about tying yourself to someone emotionally for the rest of your lives. What we all will be forced into can hardly be called a marriage. Marry me first."
"It won't be legal."
"But it will be real. Please..." He didn't wait for her answer, he pulled her to her feet disappearing out of the kitchen calling behind his shoulder for her to wait where she was.
Flabbergasted she leaned to the right hoping to catch a glimpse of where he was going down the hall. She heard some banging around. She could imagine the mess he was making, but it hardly bothered her. Her curiosity got the best of her making her wait instead of investigating the mess, and Draco always cleaned up any he made on the occasions that he did at all.
When the banging ceased he was running into the kitchen again, his fists clenched. He stood still in front of her holding his fist in the empty space amid them. He opened it, and in his palm was a silver diamond encrusted wedding band, and a matching man's ring. "They were my parents," he explained as he gave her the man's band.
It was warm from his hold. It was beautiful. Expensive. Meaningful. She looked into his light gray eyes as he looked into her chocolate brown ones.
He captured her left hand, and breathed deep. "Hermione Jean Granger... Do you take me as your husband?"
Happy tears leaked from the crinkles of her eyes. "Yes."
He slid the band on, a smile stretched across his otherwise distressed face.
In turn she took his left hand. "Draco Lucius Malfoy... Do you take me as your wife?"
She slid the band on, both of their hands shaking, this time for different reasons.
Before she could take a breath he circled his arms around her waist pulling her against him. His lips on hers set off a fire that burned everywhere. She would miss that feeling. She would miss him, his musky scent, and the way he hogged the covers at night.
Hermione had to focus on the positive. They've touched a place that Zabini, and Ginny can't even if they wanted to. Draco would be Hermione's, and she would be his. She could never tie herself to Zabini the way she did him. The Ministry couldn't change that. As far as they were concerned that was their wedding. She would be his wife, and he would be her husband.
It didn't help her insides from screaming. It didn't help the break down she was secretly having. She had to be strong. If she broke down on the outside she might give the attempt at leaving with him, and that could only end with them in Azkaban. It wasn't worth it. They would see each other. They would be together somehow, even if they were bound legally to someone else. Oh how that pained her.
A/N: Marriage Law fics have been run into the ground, but I hope you give this a chance anyhow. I think it's a bit different in a lot of ways.