Nine Nights of Darkness

Harry Potter does not survive the Killing Curse as a baby.
Five years pass, and the Wizarding World is lost in darkness.
Desperate, Severus brings baby Harry from the dead and
raises him to be a formidable enemy to the Dark Lord. AU.

Chapter Three, Paintings

"Expecto Patronum!"

Harry gripped his wand fiercely, desperately trying to conjure up an image of happiness to mind. He thought of his favorite things, like flying and his library, and of course memories of Severus, but there was no stirring of happiness inside him. A small, smoky wisp escaped from the tip of Harry's wand, but nothing else. Harry felt his magic pulsing, fully capable of performing the spell, but his mind provided no positive thoughts to allow the Patronus Charm to work.

"Harry, don't - "

Harry pushed against the current of his magic until he felt a strange bubble of electricity erupt inside of him. He gasped and dropped his wand arm, swaying dangerously at his feet. Severus caught Harry by the shoulders and held him against his body until Harry could stand properly. Harry turned around and laid his forehead against the cool fabric of Severus' robes.

"I'm sorry, Severus." Harry murmured.

Severus stroked the top of Harry's head before reluctantly letting go.

"You aren't ready yet."

Harry sighed.

"I know..."

"Then don't try that again. We must go through all the standard spells first." Severus warned Harry, and led him to a settee. Harry sat down and drew his knees up to his chest, staring at Severus with wide eyes.

"I turn seven in three weeks, Severus." Harry said suddenly. Severus frowned, already sensing where this conversation was going.

"Yes, you are." Severus said slowly.

"I want to learn how to jump paintings." Harry said sullenly. Severus stood up, not willing to have this particular argument again, and bore his obsidian eyes into Harry's orbs.

"No." Severus said flatly. Harry jumped to his feet.

"The sooner I learn - " Severus grabbed Harry by the shoulders and shook him.

"You will do no such thing until you are old enough to fully understand what kind of magic that involves. We have been over this, Harry, more than once."

"But it's useful, Severus! I could see everything I want, and listen to all the conversations in the world. The perfect spy."

The words shook Severus. The perfect spy. Severus had once been the perfect spy. He watched for secrets, forged new alliances, recruited informants, tortured for information, and guarded his mind like a treasure chest. And even with all his knowledge as a spy, he failed. He couldn't prevent the Light side from falling apart. Harry couldn't possibly understand the sacrifice and mental strength it took to be the perfect spy. Always looking over your shoulder, never trusting anyone, waiting for death to knock on your door because someone knew of your real alliance.

"You are young, Harry. Do not force yourself into your future role. We are both aware of your potential, and your position in this war, but you must not rush things. Jumping paintings is extremely dangerous and can wait until you've learned all your spells."

Harry sighed, his body wilting into himself, and sat in a ball again. Severus didn't understand. Harry could see the magic surrounding magical paintings. It was a faint shimmer, and Harry just knew that with the right training, he could manipulate the magic. The same magic that allowed all paintings to speak and move. Harry was already having dreams in anticipation of learning, his dream-self touching the painting and actually melting into the surface until he was a living painting as well - his limbs moving nimbly, quickly jumping between paintings and seeing all there was to see in the world without anyone knowing his real identity.

He was a secret to the world - but the world would have no secrets from him.


Just a little side note, I pushed Harry's age up a year. Previously, he started his spells at age 5 but that seemed too young, so now he's 6.