I'm not going to lie, I thought this story was dead... but look here! Yay! I also edited the first two chapters... nothing major but you might want to reread, if nothing else to get caught up. This story will be very short (as in probably five chapters total), but now I actually plan to finish it! Yay!

And for a little while, everyone was happy. Well, with the exception of Nessarose, anyway. Galinda was glad to have the sweet but sometimes overwhelming Biq(

Boq, she mentally reminded herself. Elphie got awfully annoyed when Galinda messed up her boyfriend's name) out of her hair. Elphaba seemed to appreciate his attention. Of course something did seem to be bothering Fiyero- he'd always been friendly to everyone before, but now seemed to enjoy picking on Boq- at least not when Elphaba was present. When Elphaba was around he was always a perfect saint. Annoyed with him, Galinda called him on it one day when the two of them had gone out to breakfast. "What's the matter with you lately? What did Biq ever do to you? I can't ever remember you teasing or bullying anyone. He's our friend, and more importantly Elphaba cares for him. Play nice. You never had an issue with him in the past."

"I'm not mean to him," Fiyero insisted. "Though I admit I don't think he's the best thing for Elphaba."

Galinda frowned prettily. "And what exactly do you think would be good for her? She's happier than I can ever remember her being." She took a dainty nibble out of the muffin that sat in front of her.

"But she isn't behaving at all like herself. They're always together. I never thought she would be one to go all... giggly over a boy. And she is. Much less one she never showed interest in before... She was never interested in him before, was she?" He looked somber all of a sudden, as if his question was of grave importance.

"No... but I don't see why that matters. She simply might have not told me..." She didn't mention her magical intervention.

"But really. Boq. And I'm just worried about her!" He insisted. "I... I don't have any especial reason to care. I don't. But they're not good for each other.. She's not right for him either. Even when he was with Nessarose, he managed to maintain his affection for you. Now he doesn't."

"You're saying you're concerned because another boy isn't fawning over yourgirlfriend?" The flaw in his logic was huge. Galinda had a point, there.

"I'm saying something doesn't feel right," Fiyero insisted, "And while you might think this is all for the best, I don't know if I agree with you."

They parted annoyed with each other. What in the world had gotten into him? Biq and Elphaba were both fine. Just because he wasn't paying a lick of attention to the girl he formerly loved and Elphaba was completely wrapped up in someone who she had only previously tolerated before... Oh well. It didn't matter. Elphaba was happy. And as a plus, Biq was out of Galinda's hair.

But even she had to admit it was annoying to not be able to have a conversation with her best friend that didn't turn to her boyfriend. And Fiyero had been right- Elphaba wasn't acting a bit like herself. It was like she was pretending to be something she wasn't just to keep Boq interested in her. So flighty, so giddy, so... not Elphaba Thropp.

And Boq worshiped the ground she walked on. To him, she could do no wrong. And he thought of no one but her, ever. So she relented- perhaps Elphaba and Boq just weren't meant to be together. Her silly pride wouldn't let her admit she'd been wrong... so she'd have to break them up herself. She remembered the spell book- there was no reversal spell, but true love's kiss would break it. Boq had loved her before, right? So if she kissed him, the spell would be broken and she would have her best friend back. The non-giggly version of her best friend.

She knew the spell was strong- it was probably the only effective thing she'd ever done with magic. She knew it would take a great deal to get Boq to actually sit still long enough for her to kiss him. Maybe when he was asleep? That would require waiting to much time, and sneaking into his assumed locked dorm room... no, she had another idea.

Boq frowned, confused. He'd found a note from Elphaba stuck inside one of his books, asking him to come over to her dorm room that night. But when they'd spoken she hadn't mentioned it, in fact she had seemed confused when he'd mentioned her plans for the night. She'd said she had intended to spend some time with her younger sister. "I really do need to spend more time with Nessie," she said a he walked her back to Crage Hall.

He frowned, confused. He considered showing her the note, but decided against it. Maybe it was because he'd asked her about it in public? Oh Oz, was it because she wanted this all to be private... was she planning something that warranted intense privacy? "Of course. How is Nessa doing?"

"She misses you, but who can blame her?" The sweet comment was rewared with a kiss.

He had to work to control his pulse... There were so many people around, no wonder she wasn't commenting on her plan!


Needless to say, he arrived outside the dorm room at exactly the appointed time. Truthfully, he'd gotten there about fifteen minutes early, but didn't want to rush her. Gathering his nerve, telling himself to be as calm as possible, he knocked on the door. "Elphie?"

The door swung open silently- and he could see the need for privacy. Candles were lit and there was a sweet smell to the air. The bed was covered in silky sheets- wait, didn't Elphaba have the bed closer to the door, Galinda the bed closer to the window? He must be wrong...

Except he wasn't, Galinda choosing that moment to strike. "Boq, it's so nice to see you..." she gave him her best smile, leaning toward him. She was all dolled up, wearing much less clothing than would be considered appropriate.

He took a step backward. "I don't understand- where's Elphaba?"

"With her sister," she said, aiming for the kiss.

He dodged her. Unfortunately she was able to close the door behind him, putting her back to it. "B-but-"

"Boq," she said. "You don't have to pretend anymore. I know the way you feel about me. Don't worry about Elphie. She'll understand-" She puckered her lips and leaned in... only to kiss air.

"Galinda, please. I'm sorry, but there's been a misunderstanding. I mean, you're lovely, but I really just want to be with Elphaba... I'll be going." Groaning, she let him out, trying and failing to kiss him as he went.

Pouting, she changed back into her normal nightgown, got rid of the candles, and remade her bed. She was going to need help if she were ever going to break these two up.