A/N: So many people have asked for more, and up 'til now I've resisted temptation. Then I reached 101 reviews (I still don't believe that), and lions-lamb-4ever left a review for chapter ten that said "I want to see Esme's reaction" and I finally snapped. Started and completed within twenty four hours, here is the last chapter from Edward's perspective.


I could already hear Esme's thoughts buzzing from the porch.

Oh, can't they hurry up! Alice implied she was human still, but I know my daughter, she loves surprises so much—no, that's ridiculous, stop it. But even if Bella's entirely unharmed, what about him? His first date in eighty years at least, I still don't know if he had a girlfriend when he was human…

When we emerged from the trees, I smiled at my mother immediately in order to assuage her various convoluted fears, and she replied in kind, her soft features transformed from anxiety to intense relief and unselfish joy. Her mental monologue took on a new tenor.

Have I ever seen him smile like that? How wonderful; this girl must be so special. I always said he was in love with her.

I fought the temptation to roll my eyes. Both Esme and Alice had been quite vehement in their protestations of my emotional state, even as I tried to deny it. It was Jasper who had finally brought me out of my denial, convincing me by demonstration that my feelings for Bella were almost identical to his own regarding Alice.

As my sister and I neared the house, Esme began a silent assault of questions: how did it go? Did she like your meadow? Does she mind about what we are?

Instantly upon reaching her, I was swept up in a tight embrace. Such a strange sensation after holding fragile Bella all day and strange beyond that: I had made no pretence regarding my dislike of personal contact over the last eighty years. Nevertheless, I found myself hugging her back.

I caught a stray observation from Alice, Bella really has changed him, but Esme's attack was relentless.

Did you meet her father? Alice said you went home with her? Did she invite you? Did you go at her pace? Alice said you did on the way. Did-

"Slow down!" I exclaimed, chuckling at her enthusiasm.

She smiled in apology. Alright, I'll calm down. And here I was, telling Alice to relax! Shall we go inside? Carlisle and Jasper are waiting, too.

Of course I already knew that; I could hear them worrying despite my laughter, but I nodded anyway, and we all filed in.

Alice was cheekily scornful of our assembled family. They're like a bunch of fishwives, always eager for new gossip, she thought derisively.

I winked at her in agreement, and she smiled. My own grin faded quickly as I heard Jasper looking for the colour of my eyes. I turned to face first him, then Carlisle, slowly and deliberately until they relaxed. Jasper, however, remained unconvinced.

He could still have done it accidentally; humans are so delicate.

I stopped myself dwelling on that too much. "Yes, she's still alive," I assured them. Before either could give voice to their apologies, I smiled with feigned lassitude. "Let's get this over with, then."

Did she like the meadow? This from Esme, who seemed to be working from a checklist.

"Yes," I answered, but before I could elaborate-

And your skin in the sun?


It didn't shock her?

"Some," I admitted, relishing the memory of her fingers tracing my palms.

But not scare her?

"No," I smiled.

Esme's face, by now, was triumphant, but the expression faltered slightly with her next question, or rather statement. Alice said you showed her your strength and speed.

"Yes," I confessed, slightly shamefaced. Of course Esme picked up on that.

You didn't scare her off, though.

"Not quite," I said, feeling guilty once more.

Don't be melodramatic then. Alice said she forgave you.

"Yes," I agreed.

"For God's sake, can you please speak out loud?" Jasper exploded. I hadn't noticed his growing irritation in the face of Esme's interrogation.

"Don't blaspheme, Jasper," Esme scolded him maternally. "I'm sorry," she apologised, before turning back to me. "Alright then, what did she think of that?"

Jasper groaned in frustration, causing Carlisle and Alice to laugh. I smiled fondly at them all. "She's asking what Bella thought when I showed her… what I could do," I explained to Jasper.

Good thing Emmett's not here, he'd have a field day of innuendos, Alice observed.

"True," I answered, already regretting my choice of words.

Jasper groaned again, unable to follow the conversation. "Oh, don't you start!" he complained to Alice.

She danced prettily to his side, curling up to him and giggling. "Sorry, Jazz," she said, fluttering her eyelids provocatively.

Her flirting had the desired effect, and already Jasper's mental imagery was bordering on the x-rated as he pulled his fingers through her inky hair. "You're forgiven," he murmured, and his voice was far lower than necessary.

"Jasper!" I grimaced, trying to block out his thoughts, finding solace in the relative safety of Carlisle's mind and his amusement at our situation.

"Sorry," Jasper apologised, but his eyes and thoughts were still trained on Alice.

"Children!" Why, oh why do three of them have to be talented?

"Sorry, Mom," we so-called children chorused obediently.

Carlisle sighed at the absurd normality of it all.

Deciding it was time to move the conversation back on track, I recounted the latter stages of mine and Esme's conversation. "Yes, anyway, she was scared, but she forgave me."

"Does she seriously not care that you're fighting not to kill her?" Jasper asked.

Alice instantly elbowed her incredulous husband in the side. "Tactful." Sorry, Edward.

"No, it's okay, Alice," I told her, and she brightened noticeably. "And I don't think 'not caring' is the right way to describe it," I said to Jasper. "She finds it…"

What did Bella think of my being a vampire? She claimed it didn't matter, but obviously it changed our relationship—how it thrilled me to say those words!—and generally for the worse. It put barriers between us, stopped us from being together in every sense of the word. And yet she called me beautiful; she saw my skin sparkling in the sunlight, denouncing me for the monster I was, and found it desirable. I was selfish enough to enjoy my 'dazzling' effects on her.

"She finds it an inconvenience," I began again.

Alice broke in, looking up at me irreverently. Like when she's kissing you.

I ignored both her teasing and my own flutter of my excitement that flared insuppressibly. "—and it does worry her, but she seems to think it's worth it."

That you're worth it, Esme corrected me.

She sounds extraordinary, Carlisle commented.

Bloody hell, was Jasper's observation. Either mad or in love.

"What did you tell her about the rest of us?" Esme asked, her curiosity insatiable.

"Not much," I answered honestly. "I told her that Carlisle saved you, how you two," looking at Jasper and Alice curled up together, "joined us, how Rosalie found Emmett…" It occurred to me that whilst I hadn't exactly expected Rosalie to join a welcoming party, I had at least thought her curiosity would drive her to find out whether or not I had killed Bella. Now I thought about it, though, I realised I could hear neither Rosalie nor Emmett in the house.

"Where are Rose and Em by the way?" I asked no one in particular.

Silence, which for me could not be true silence, reigned.

Gone to Seattle for a romantic break, Jasper recounted, cold and factual.

She's still being stubborn, Alice added. Such a shame, doesn't she want him to be happy? she asked herself rhetorically.

It was Alice's idea to invite Bella round tomorrow that decided her, Esme informed me. Alice has told you about that?

I know that she seems selfish, but you know better than us that she does have genuine reasons and grievances, Carlisle reminded me.

"I see," I stated coldly, cutting them off.

"Don't be too hard on her," Esme pleaded, and I felt guilty for my harsh tone.

I shook my head and echoed Carlisle's thoughts. "I know why she's doing it."

I heard Carlisle's approval, but it was overshadowed by a strong and familiar complaint from my little sister. Wish I did. I really don't understand why she has such a problem with Bella. What's Bella ever done to her?

"She's human," I answered Alice.

So are most people, Jasper pointed out.

"For Rosalie, that's everything she wants and everything she can't have," I explained. "Bella is an unwelcome reminder of her loss."

Jazz was convinced, but Alice was shrewder. That can't be it, she reasoned, and I threw a quick glance at her.

Of course she was right. Bella wasn't just human, she was of childbearing age. And in addition to that, she was slightly perturbed that I could find desire in a person whom she described as a plain little girl, and never once look at her beautiful self with lust.

Meanwhile, Alice had correctly interpreted my glance to mean that she was correct in her assumptions. He won't tell me what else, though. Maybe Rose will, once Bella joins the family.

I wasn't aware of stiffening until everybody noticed it.

Sorry! Alice thought. Deciding that there wasn't going to be a better time to ask, she began to plead with me. "Can you please bring her round tomorrow? She'll be perfectly safe."

The vision that followed was an entire day condensed into a fraction of a second, and I had to admit there was nothing that could cause even the slightest worry.

"See?" Alice crowed triumphantly. Still I hesitated. "Look, I know you really want her to come because otherwise I wouldn't see it at all. Give in!"

It was true, I did want Bella to meet my family; I wanted them to meet her, too. Moreover, I wanted them to like each other. Though I knew Esme would love her no matter what, and Alice knew already that they would be best friends, I wanted my father and brothers to approve of my girlfriend, no matter how inappropriate either title was.

On the other hand, I knew my Bella. How many times this morning had she nearly stabbed herself on thorns, or grazed her palms on rough bark? Had I not been there, she could have seriously hurt herself on the unfriendly terrain, and yet had I not been there, a thorn or a graze would have posed no serious risk to her health. The paradox was constant and irritating.

"Edward," Carlisle said at last. "Alice will be on constant alert tomorrow. And I must say, it would be nice to meet Bella outside of the emergency room."

I laughed, and decided to take the chance. After all, it had to happen some time.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Alice squealed. She jumped to her feet and began spinning round the room like a top. Everybody watched her affectionately. In so many ways she was a child, and yet she was unbelievably mature whenever any one of us needed her. As well as my sister, Alice was my best friend.

"That reminds me," said Esme, following Alice's dizzying progress with a slight frown. "Could you please tell us what got Alice so excited earlier?"

Alice stopped abruptly, her face inscribed with glee as I tuned into the memory, seeing the world revolve at an alarming rate as Alice spun Esme round, hearing the delighted squeals, and I was ninety eight percent certain what Alice had seen. Nonetheless, I still had to ask.

"Which particular event inspired that sort of reaction?"

By this stage, Alice was grinning evilly. You look so nervous! "Oh, that was" the kiss, as well you know, Mister Hotlips."

"Ah," was the best response I could come out with.

"Well?" Esme asked. You know you'll have to tell us at some point, Edward.

Carlisle was smiling ruefully at me. If it's anything dreadfully embarrassing, I do apologise.

"I…" I started again, but I found myself unable to continue. Why, I wasn't sure. It wasn't embarrassing, not at all. Nevertheless, it felt private. Intimate. Far too personal. And would Carlisle perhaps consider it too reckless? I didn't want to taint our only kiss any more than it was tainted already.

"Spit it out!" Jasper exclaimed. You're the mind reader, not us!

"Alice, you tell them," I said, trying to bail out.

"No way," she refused flatly. I could have done that hours ago!

I sighed, giving in to Alice yet again. "Alright then." I took another deep breath.

"I kissed her."


He's joking.

I don't believe it.

Definitely not.

He's not joking.

Oh my goodness, this is brilliant! I'm so glad I didn't tell them! You'll love this, Edward, in three, two, one…

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!"

I was crushed entirely in another hug from Esme and I couldn't resist laughing at her enthusiasm.

"You…" Jasper began from somewhere. …kissed her. You, Edward Cullen…

"I thought you smelt quite strongly of her," Esme gushed, pulling back to look me in the eye before clutching me to her again. "Oh, that's wonderful, you're so strong, oh my son!"

"You actually…" kissed her. So close to your teeth, and you actually…

Carlisle got up to clap me on the back. "I'm incredibly proud of you, son. When are you joining me at the hospital?" he joked.

"You…" kissed her. I still don't believe…

"Not yet," I told Carlisle, leaving Jasper to trail off yet again. "I'm quite enjoying being a teenager right now."

"You actually managed to…"

I thought he might complete the sentence this time, but no.

"Spit it out, Jazz!" Alice said, repeating his own advice from earlier.

Jasper still hadn't moved an inch, utterly frozen by shock. Thankfully, Alice's prompt allowed him to voice an entire, coherent sentence. "You actually kissed her."

"Yes," I said, sharing a grateful smile with Alice, my amazingly annoying little sister who had forced me to say this out loud.

"I kissed her."

A/N: That's it. Finito. End…

… unless I snap again and decide to write Sunday. IF I do, it won't be for ages, so don't hold your breath. I hope you enjoyed this.

Addendum: I've now posted a prequel of sorts to this story, called Secrets, in which Alice's vision of 'the blurred girl' is explored much more thoroughly, along with Edward's reaction to said vision through the decades. Give it a chance, please; it recently won the Twilight Anniversary Challenge competition. Thank you!