I found this little one-shot lying around on my laptop. Not my best work ever, but what the hell. BTW, review, or Cedric will eat you.

I watch her as she wakes up, next to him. The evil tyrant prince who made himself king. She can bear his touch, more than that, she loves it, I can't stand it.


-Be quiet, I don't care what you think of me-

She abandoned her friends. Irma and Taranee are in hiding on Earth, skulking like rats in a stable, trying to avoid the inn keeper's wife. Hay Lin, sweet Hay Lin, carefree and high spirited like her element is imprisoned. While the woman beside Phobos eats only the finest food and drinks the finest wine, Hay Lin lives on scraps and the water she drinks more mud than liquid. And Cornelia, the blond haired beauty, died holding Elyon, that light of Meridian that was put out.

The woman beside Phobos is no beauty like Cornelia , she's a goddess. I have to admit it. It turns my stomach to see the way Phobos looks at her, with lust practically falling like tears from his eyes.

Ha, you're nothing but his whore.

-Better a whore than a dead guardian-

I'm not dead!

-Really? The only one who hears you is me, no one can see you, hear you or touch you-

So many people in Meridian and on Earth were brave, they fought until there deaths. What did that red haired harlot do? Ran right to him, gave herself to him, just to save her own miserable skin. Her excuse? She didn't want to be alone again.

-How can I be alone? I can't not with you twittering away in my ear like some damn cuckoo-

You are. Really, how long will Phobos keep you? His interest can't last forever.

-We'll see-

When Phobos wakes he reaches out for her and says, "How are you this morning sweetheart?" She answers with some pretty words. It turns my stomach to watch. Thank god Phobos doesn't notice me. She does though, and always instantly pushes me away whenever her king is near.

I hate you.

-You think the hatred of a dead child means anything to me?-

You killed them.


So? They loved you like a sister, they trusted you with their lives, without you they were helpless.

-Aren't we all? No one, not even Oracle could stand against Phobos. Why should five teenage girls be able to?-

You could have tried! Instead of jumping into his bed at the first opportunity!

She's standing in front of a mirror, admiring her reflection. Well, what would anyone do when they were confronted with such a dazzling image. Creamy skin, rosy cheeks, deep, seductive wide eyes, hair like that fires of hell. Phobos was always attracted to the most beautiful things, the most beautiful clothes, the most beautiful palaces, the most beautiful gardens. Now he has the most beautiful woman.

-I did-

Lair. That's all you are, an evil, lying murderess.

-Oh well-

Is that all you can say? "Oh well?" Are you completely made of stone? Are you really so cold?

-Yes, why do you think I'm still sane? You're still sane? Look in the mirror, what do see? Red hair? Brown eyes? You are me. Just as guilty as I am.-

The woman waits until Phobos is gone, then traces her outline in the mirror. Her finger is warm against the cold glass. Her eyes were full of a fiery hatred. She bites on of her lips, trying swallow the bile that rose up in her throat. In a moment of madness, she lifts a hair brush from one of her numerous vanity tables. She throws it at the mirror with all the strength she can muster. The glass cracks, obscuring her face. The woman turns away. She can't see the tears of self-loathing that are streaming over her rose red cheeks, but they are there.

The same always.