A/N: Once again I'm super sorry for the extremely late update! I've had three rehersals for the school musical a week, plus dance class, plus 9 hrs. at the swimming pool a week, plus studying for my pre-cal, AP chem, and AP english mid terms. Can you blame me for being side tracked?

I know this chapter probably isn't that good so criticizms are encouraged.

Thanks for all the reviews and a special thanks to Runs With Horses for dressing Emmett and CullenLvr34325 for catching my name change mistake.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, that happiness belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

Back to BPOV

Finally it was lunch and it was about time! The morning's classes had seemed to drag on impossibly long, and that's coming from someone who is going to live forever. I now understood what my siblings had meant about the repetitive material driving them insane. I left English as fast as I could and made my way to the cafeteria while trying to attract as little attention as possible. But at this task I failed miserably, I was the new kid and even if I wasn't standing out because I was a vampire I could hardly walk anywhere without being noticed.

I cringed remembering my Gym period all too clearly; it was the one class I didn't have with any of my siblings.


Gym, the root of all evil, the epitome of pain in my human life, the one class I'd been dreading today. True I was a vampire now and my sense of balance had improved with my transformation, but this was my one class I had alone, with none of my family members to distract me from the prying eyes of unsuspecting humans.

Class had just ended and I was about to head over to the cafeteria to see Edward, when I heard someone come up behind me, take a tentative deep breath and then speak.

"Hey, you're Isabella Swan right?" It had been a while since I'd heard that one.

"Bella," I corrected automatically, it was my first day in Forks all over again. I turned around and ended up face to face with the boy who I'd earlier assumed was Mike Newton's mutant spawn.

"Nice to meet you Bella," He grinned. "I'm Josh Newton. I know it's your first day so I was wondering if you needed a guide, you know someone to help show you around and stuff."

"Thanks so much for the offer, but I think I can find my way around on my own."

"Oh it's no problem really, someone as pretty as you shouldn't have to walk around alone. You know, if you want I could show you around town after school then maybe take you out to dinner." He couldn't seriously be asking me out, hadn't he seen me and Edward this morning?

I put on a polite smile and tried to let him down gently. "Thanks but I really think I can find my way around on my own. Now if you'll excuse me I really have to go, my boyfriend will be waiting for me."

His face fell. "Oh that boy you were with this morning?" I nodded. "Isn't he your brother or something?"

Oh boy it was going to be one of those days. "No Josh I'm sorry he's not, you see we were both adopted my Carlisle and Esme but we're not blood relations. He really is my boyfriend." Well loose interpretation on the word boy and he is my husband, but there was no need to fill this boy in on all the gory details.

I quickly made my way away from him a hurried towards the cafeteria. I knew that I hadn't heard the last of Josh Newton, but I pushed it from my mind as I walked across the school grounds.

End Flashback

I made it into the cafeteria just as Alice and Rose were sitting down with their almost empty trays. While I was standing in line to buy my food I noticed the boys coming in, Emmett and Jasper seemed to be arguing about something that Edward found extremely funny.

While walking back to the table with my tray holding only an apple and a bottle of lemonade I realized that whatever my big brother were up to, it would probably involve me in some way shape or form. It always did in the end.

"This is going to be brilliant!" Alice whispered to me as I sat down.

"What is?" I asked unsure whether to be excited or extremely frightened of Alice's expression. She looked as if she just saw herself going on a week long shopping spree.

"You'll see." She turned to our sister. "I've never been more excited to see the stupidity of our men!"

"What did you do Alice? Is this going to end up painful for me or embarrassing?"

"Maybe a little of both, but that's not the point Bella," She said "Trust me when I say this is going to be more entertaining to you than anything else."

I didn't truly trust her judgement completely but I stopped talking because the subjects of conversation were on their way over to the table.

"Hello love how was your morning?" Edward whispered as he slid into the seat beside me.

"Longer than you could ever imagine." He chuckled and pressed his lips to my hair.

"For me as well, but at least you didn't have gym with Emmett."

"What did Emmett do?" Rose asked turning to glare at Emmett.

"Rosie baby please don't be angry!" He begged

"You didn't!" She exclaimed absolutely fuming.

"Oh yes he did." Edward remarked cheerfully.

"No I didn't!" Emmett argued.

"Yes you did!" Edward answered.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"





"What did he do?" I interrupted Emmett and Edward's childlike games. Sometimes it amazed me how people centuries old could act like such babies. But then again it was Emmett.

It was Alice who then answered me. "Let's just say that some of Rose's clothes are stretched out and Emmett won't be sharing a bed with her for the next week."

"What!" Emmett cried. "Alice you said I wouldn't get in trouble!"

He turned to Rosalie whose expression was still full of malice.

"Rose I'm sorry, you know I never wanted to upset you! Please don't do this to me!" He begged.

It took her another minute to calm herself down enough to reply.

"I'll make you a deal. You replace everything you ruined; including the Gucci shoes and the lulu lemon pants and you never wear my clothes to gym again and I'll consider reducing your sentence." She said.

"You've got it! No more women's clothes I promise!" I couldn't doubt the sincerity present in every syllable. Either Emmett had a larger mental capacity than I originally thought, or he couldn't last a week without 'sleeping' with Rosalie.

"Wow," I murmured to Alice "I didn't think Rose would be so lenient with Emmett."

Alice snickered quietly. "Oh, it wasn't only for his benefit. Rose can't go a week without sex either."

I had to look away to keep myself from laughing. It was these types of things that made me love my family even more. The quirky things that you would expect to find in a regular human home, amplified because of what we are and who we are. I suppressed a giggle and turned back to my family.

"Jazz, what were you and Emmett arguing over when you walked in?"

"Oh that," He said. "Emmett here just doubted my skills of persuasion."

Emmett snorted "Hah! What skills? You couldn't get a girl if your life depended on it."

"Moot point Emmett. Seeing as I have Alice, I will never try to get another girl let alone want to get one." Jasper said pointedly.

Alice leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Thanks Jazzy, but this whole argument gives me an idea. I propose a bet; you boys will spend your afternoon trying to get as many phone numbers as you can."

"Hah!" Emmett scoffed. "That isn't hard at all; I could get 20 with my eyes closed."

Alice simply smiled back at him. "I wasn't finished yet. The challenge is, the only thing you are allowed to say to those girls is 'Can I have yo numba?' like the guy from the MADTV sketch."

Jasper threw Alice a you-can't-be-serious look, while Emmet just looked dumbfounded.

The table erupted with laughter. Edward was holing on to the table for support and I almost fell of my seat, even Rosalie was getting in on the action.

The two macho men agreed to Alice's challenge and we left the cafeteria. There was no doubt that this would be an interesting afternoon for my big brothers.

Please review! My review goal for this chapter is 6 reviews, that will make 25 in total and make me want to update faster.

Thanks for reading!