Sorry it took so long to update. I lost track of how many stories I'm writing, so this got shoved back. Well, it's here now. Thanks to all of my reviewers. It made me feel so great that you all seemed to want a sequel, but it might be a long time in coming. I'll do my best.


I didn't want to say good-bye. I just wanted to be gone. Then, I realized that it wasn't going to work like that, so we all trouped into the office on Monday and without an explanation demanded a meeting with the principal. I was surprised when the secretary obeyed, but I must have looked pretty scary with the whole grumpy Avian-American thing going on.

Anyway, I told the principal, "Things didn't work out here. We know it and you know it, so we're going back to the way of life we had before. Don't feel the need to forward any papers. Let's go guys."

I stood up, but he exclaimed, "This is illegal! Children need educations! I will call the authorities."

I've had enough of this guy. I snapped, "Ooh, I'm absolutely quaking in fear. Dude, you have to understand that there is nothing you can do to restrain us. We're leaving and you aren't going to raise an alarm because Iggy here might have another bomb up his sleeve even though I told him to get rid of it."

The principal shook with fury, but did nothing to stop us. A pleasant man, really. Not.

The secretaries appeared not to have over heard, so we walked out without a challenge. Just as we were leaving I ran into Maria. She said to us, "Where are you going sillies? The lockers are in the other direction."

I sighed, "We're leaving. I'm sorry, but I'll never see you again." Before I could get caught up in emotional stuff, I marched on.

Outside, we were almost clear of the school. We were passing the last bus when another familiar face came bobbing toward us. It was Sam. I saw Fang tense to fight and whispered, "Don't."

Sam cried, "Are you running away again? What happened? Please stay!"

I shook my head. "Nothing big happened. We just didn't work here. Bye for good." I felt oddly sad this time. Perhaps I had been more relaxed here without the pressure of Anne.

When we reached the edge of the school grounds, Iggy said, "Wait." He grabbed a rock from the ground and scratched Ella's name with his own onto the bark of a tree, explaining, "It might be a long time before we come back for a visit at their house, so I wanted to leave her a reminder."

I nodded, accepting that. I remembered the melancholy good-byes from earlier today and also from the first two times I had been to see them. I feel horrible doing this to myself and to Iggy, but life just isn't meant to be this way for us. Not while Itex could rebuild itself.

In the woods we took off for the thousandth time. Me and my flock. The way things are supposed to be. I glanced over at Fang. Well, some tiny differences.

Gosh, that made me really sad! Let me know how you liked it. Also, tell me what your favorite part of the story was. Thank you everyone!