disclaimer: I don't own KND
authors note: i know i haven't been around for a while, writers block
this is my first time doing numbuh 60's pov
he may be a bit OCC-ISH, tell me if he is and flames are welcome if you tell me what's wrong and how i can change it
P.S thank you numbuh013 for editing the grammer and spelling
60's POV
Panting, sweat is dripping down my face, the taste of blood is in my mouth and I feel pain all over my body.
I can't move, all I see is darkness, I hear father's evil laugh and my comrade crying telling me to wake-up but I feel as if I were bellow a ton of rocks, I'm trying to open my eyes.
"wake up" I heard
I knew the voice anywhere, it was my comrade numbuh 86 I hear her crying, I'm not sure weather it's because of me or father.
I slowly open my eyes and i see her eyes shine, i had never noticed that her eyes were so beautiful before, I couldn't help but stare.
"You, ok?" she asked
"I'm fine"
I felt something hit the back of my head, I looked up and saw Fanny glaring at me, she looked angry, uh-oh not good.
"Ow, what was that for?" i said
"Don't ever scare me like that ever again, ya stupid boy"
Typical fanny, always blaming boys, never mind I'm used to it.
I felt the agonizing of the cuts and bruises and i couldn't help but yell, the tears were rushing down my face, I hated showing weakness.
I had a large burn mark from where father had hit me, it hurt so bad, make it stop, then everything went black
sorry it's short and sorry about the grammar and spelling, anyway R&R. ok? flames are welcome, just tell me what you didn't like about it.