Don't own it. So utterly random. Post BD.


Sam is happy.

He has Emily and three children and everything he could ever want.

So when he sees Jacob and Leah standing closer together than an Alpha and a Beta should, he can't explain the urge he has to phase and tear Jacob apart, limb by limb.

He watches them laugh as Jacob chases Leah along the beach. She's smiling so genuinely it hurts Sam to look at it. Jacob has that goofy, giddy, lovesick grin Sam hasn't seen on him since Nessie ran away with Nahuel. It's an unusually sunny day in Forks, and they're dancing, flirting around each other, their eyes sparkling with something he doesn't want to admit he can see.

But Sam is happy.

He has Emily and three children and everything he could ever want.

He just wishes he could make Leah happy, too.

Looks like Jacob's doing a pretty good job.
