By: Jamie Davis

One of The Guys

Chapter 1:Moving Out

It had been a long three months without the watchful eyes of Mr. Mosbey to keep a look out on everything that went on at the Tipton Hotel. It wasn't to say that everything had gone to hell once he had left; on the contrary things had gone quite smoothly. The once night manager Skippy had been promoted, and was now in charge of the Hotel, even though before his departure Mosbey had insisted on finding someone he thought would be better suited for such a big task at hand. He knew it would be a very big responsibility to keep an eye out for the Martin twins that seemed to cause chaos where ever they went.

Everyone knew when Mr. Tipton had asked Mosbey to become the manager of the S.S. Tipton, that there was no way he could possibly refuse. They knew that time away from Zach and Cody was right up his alley. Mr. Mosbey had dealt with the rambunctious twins for a good three years, and that if anyone deserved a long time away from their antics it was him.

A lot had changed after Mosbey packed his bags for the high seas, Maddie finally graduated and went off to college, even though London had bribed her with a hundred thousand dollars to stay at least over the summer. When she asked London why she wanted her to remain at the Tipton so badly all she got was a blank look on London's face before the teen finally said, " Well I need someone to tell me how fabulous I look in my designer boots."

While somethings changed over those three months many things stayed the same. Arwin had decided to continue to work on his Super Strength Glue. He had managed to make the glue stop exploding, but when he tried to help Esteban glue his Tipton name tag back on he learned that now all it did was cause things to melt.

Since summer was now coming to an end; which disappointed Zach and Cody to a great extent, things were beginning to get busier than ever. Guest were always pouring in constantly, which kept the Tipton staff very busy.

"I can't believe you threw my bottle of soda at that pour kid!" complained Cody as the two twins made their way through the revolving door and into the main lobby.

"Hey, I told you before we even left the movies I was going to throw something of your's at that kid." explained Zach as he walked over to the candy counter.

"You still didn't have to throw my soda at him. It was still halfway full of Orange Fizz." said Cody.

"That explains why he fell over when it hit him in the face, besides he deserved it." said Zach turning around to meet Cody's glare.

"He cut in front of me, he was asking for it anyway." said Zach now turning his attention to the array of candy behind the counter.

"Millicent I-" began Zach.

With a loud scream, candy flying in every direction Millicent turned around to face the twins.

"May I help you?" she asked with a look of depression on her face as if she was going to start crying her eyes out at any minute.

"Hit me up with a triple chocolate bar." said Zach smiling as he handed some of his weekly allowance over the counter to Millicent who now appeared to be chewing on strands of her hair.

"Anything for you Cody?" she asked in a soft and silent voice.

"Um I'll pass thanks." said Cody while giving her a weird look in the eye.

And with that she sunk down behind the counter.

"Does she scare you Cody, because I really don't want to be the only one here." said Zach while taking another bite out of his chocolate bar.

"No, I'm right there with you." replied Cody as the twins began backing away up the steps towards the elevators.

"Hey Esteban." said Cody as the head bell boy came out of one of the elevators.

"Hola little blond peoples." he wheezed.

"Esteban are you okay?" asked Cody, a little bit of concern on his face.

"Oh Skippy had me take some luggage up to suite 714." began the tired bell boy.

"And taking the elevator made you tired?" asked Zach shaking his head with confusion.

"Well when I got there someone was already staying there. I was going to go back down and talk to Skippy. Turns out he gave me the wrong room number." a look of annoyance on his face.

"Oh and by the way, your mother has been looking for you." he said over his shoulder as he walked up to Skippy.

"I wonder what Mom wants." said Cody as he raced off into the elevator.

"Knowing Mom it probably won't be anything fun." said Zach following suit.

Guessing that their mother wanted then to clean their room, which had yet to be cleaned, the boys made their way to the 23rd floor. When they walked in they noticed that their mother was sitting on the couch, most likely watching the news.

"There you are." said Carrie glancing over at the boys before returning her view back towards the television.

Cody who actually to great interest in what was on the news took a seat next to his mother while Zach spent the moment raiding the kitchen for something to eat.

Once the news had finally gone to a commercial Carrie reached for the remote and turned off the television so that she could speak to her kids.

"So Mom what did you want to talk about?" asked Cody very anxiously.

"Well I found this new school program," began Carrie but she quickly stopped as both of her boys began to interrupt her at once.

"But Mom!" started Zach.

"What in the world is wrong with the school we are attending right now?" asked Cody who looked as if he might need to sit down for a few minutes.

"Guy's!" said Carrie trying her best to talk over both teens.

"Guy's listen to me first. I'm not making you do anything. This is all up for you to decide. Just hear me out okay." said Carrie as she sat both Zach and Cody down on the couch.

"Now you remember that cruise we went on a few months ago?" she asked.

"Yes." said both twins, both thinking this was going nowhere.

"Well Mr. Tipton has started a new program called S.O.S" she said beaming at both boys.

All Zach and Cody could do was look up at their mother dumbfounded at what she had just told them.

"S.O.S?" asked Cody; his mind was now full of questions needing answers.

"S.O.S stands for Schooling Out at Sea. I want to enroll you in Seven Seas High School aboard the S.S. Tipton." she said hoping that it would sink in.

"With a name like that it must be safe." laughed Zach.

"Mom how would you afford it? I'm sure something like that would be very expensive." said Cody wanting all the details.

"Well since I work here at the Tipton I get a pretty good discount." she said nodding her head at the boys.

"So we would be going to school on a cruise ship out on the ocean?"asked Zach, as what his mother had just told him was now starting to sink in.

"Well yeah." said Carrie. She was starting to see where this was going.

"I'm on board." said Zach getting to his feet and giving his mother a right hand solute.

"I could study marine biology on the ocean?" said Cody. He knew this would be the best opportunity to ever happen in his lifetime, aside from living at the Tipton for the past three years. With a rather big smile on his face Cody did exactly as his twin brother.

"I'm in as well." he said.


London was busy packing as many different outfits as she could into the ten very large suit cases she was allowed to bring with her to what she told everyone was a vacation at sea. She had no idea she would actually have to attend school while on this so called vacation.

The more outfits she picked out the more she began to realize she was going to need more suit cases. She remembered her father explaining to her via cellphone that ten suite cases was the limit, and that everything else would remain in her suite at the Tipton.

"What do you think? Sea worthy?" she asked looking over at her mirror.

Before the bright pink rimmed mirror could reply she tossed the dress aside.

"You're right," she began while looking for something else. " I need something more ta da!"

Every article of clothing she felt was good enough to take with her was tossed behind her to Rose the maid who was now hard at work attempting to pack everything up for the rich teen.

"Ugh, none of these are going to cut it." said London as she made her way out of her massive closet.

She quickly grabbed her purse and made her way out the door leaving Rose to dig her way out of the large mound of designer clothing London had tossed at her.


"Can you believe we get to go to school on a ship?" asked Cody as they both made their way back into the lobby.

"Hey London guess what?" said Zach when he noticed her behind them.

"Does it involve thinking?" she asked, as she was in quite a hurry.

"Cody and I are going to be attending Seven Seas High School aboard your Dads cruise ship the S.S. Tipton." said Zach grinning from ear to ear.

"You're going on Daddy's ship too?" asked London.

"Yeah why?" asked Cody standing behind Zach.

"I'm going on vacation on my Daddy's ship." she said.

"Wait a minute school is starting in a few weeks, how could you possibly be going on vacation?" asked Cody.

"My Daddy owns the ship duh." said London, making her way through the twins and out the revolving door.

"Maybe London is attending Seven Seas High along with us." said Cody.

"Well maybe someone should tell her that." laughed Zach.

The days passed very quickly for everyone but Zach and Cody. Both twins wanted to head out on the open sea as soon as possible. Finally the day had come. Both boys would be moving out and onto the S.S. Tipton for the next school year. Carrie was just as excited as the boys. Before they had agreed on everything she explained to them that she would be moving into their room. That had been the only downside for Zach. He had to actually clean his room from top to bottom if he wanted to leave.

With everything now packed up the boys made their way to the elevators and down to the lobby. Everyone knew today would be the twins last day for a whole year, and while that meant not having to put up with the trouble of keeping the boys in check they were all going to miss them deeply. Esteban was the first to walk up to the boys.

Tears were forming in his eyes as he bent down to give both Zach and Cody a hug.

"Oh little blond peoples I'm going to miss you so much." he said now crying very hard.

"Don't worry Esteban it will be-" began Zach.

"I need a moment." said Esteban getting to his feet and walking off.

From behind the counter the boys could see Skippy waving both hands back and forth with a large smile spread out across his face.

Both twins were glad that saying goodbye to everyone at the Tipton wasn't as hard as it had been saying goodbye to their friends.

It seemed that Bob had been the only one to take the news in a good way. He did however say he would miss coming to visit them at the hotel, though both Zach and Cody knew he just liked it when Norman the Door Man called him sir.

It was in fact Barbera that took it as very bad news. Her and Cody had been dating for the past four months and she was beginning to get very attached to him. Cody however explained to her that while he would be away on a cruise ship for an entire year, it would become very hard to have a steady relationship with her. That and the array of beautiful women he knew would be aboard the ship. At that Barbera let out a very loud laugh.

The boys knew before they left they would have to say goodbye to Arwin.

He too was beginning to cry his eyes out just as Esteban had done not five minutes ago.

"Don't worry Arwin we will be back in a year." said Cody his arm on Arwin's shoulder.

Both twins leaned in and gave him a hug.

"Besides Arwin, while we are away we need someone to keep an eye out on our mother. Think you can handle it?" asked Zach knowing that time with Carrie would cheer him up. And within seconds his tears vanished and he got to his feet.

"It would be an honor Zach." said Arwin in a very serious voice. Then as if to break the tension he bent over and gave both boys a high five. With a smile on his face he bid both farewell, and exclaimed that he couldn't wait to see them again.

"Well come on you two. The cab is waiting to take us to the dock." said Carrie, motioning to the boys to hurry up.

Zach and Cody took just one more minute to look out over the lobby again. They had grown up here in this very hotel. Even though they only stayed at the Tipton for three years it had felt like a lifetime.

Both waved goodbye to the remaining staff and headed out the revolving doors with their mother. Within minutes their suite case were secure in the trunk and they were on their way.

But both couldn't help but look out the back window as they watched the Tipton fade away into early morning rush hour.

Author's Notes: Well it seems Zach and Cody are now off on a new adventure. I know this chapter might have seemed a little dull, but do not worry things will pick up very soon once the boys meet their love interest while boarding the ship. That is if they can manage to stay aboard long enough. Chapter Two will be up as soon as possible. If you could leave me a review I would love it. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, or what you would like to see in my brand new story.

Jamie Lynn