Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter
Chapter Fourteen: Aurora Borealis
The man cowered and put his arms around the boy. "P-please, don't h-harm my son." He begged.
Voldemort moved forward but did not touch the man. "Don't worry. I won't harm your son. It's such a shame that you don't recognize me."
"What are you talking about?" the man said. A few death eaters gasped as they watched a muggle stand up to Voldemort.
"You don't remember? Dear, dear Avis." The man's eyes widened as he heard Voldemort's voice change.
"It's you."
Blaise walked down the corridor near the dungeons. His head started to hurt. He thought he saw a wisp of bright red. "Who's there?" No one answered. He continued walking. Suddenly a figure stepped out. "What do you want Weasley?" Blaise noticed that Ron was off a bit as he walked toward him.
"Do you still care about Luna?" Ron asked in a shaky voice. The name seemed to cause Blaise more pain, but he forced himself to keep a calm face.
"Why would I care for a freak?" Blaise asked. Ron looked like he was about to cry. "Are you going to cry Weasel?" Ron shook his head. "Make sure you watch out for spiders. This is their favorite part of the castle." He expected the red head to be spooked, but there was no sign. Instead, Blaise watched as Ron ran away and to his bewilderment, he saw small tears escaping.
Ron was walking down the hallway near the Gryffindor common room. He was thinking about Luna, she seemed strange when he tried to ask her out. Then he thought about Hermione, who was actually shocked. He could still remember their conversation.
"I really like Luna. Do you think I should ask her out?" Ron asked.
"Well, if you really do." Hermione said. He could tell she was hesitating on something.
"Let me guess, you think that she might still like Zabini."
"Ron, it's just well, she was a bit heart broken. Just talk to her, you never know with Luna." Hermione advised.
"You never know what with Luna?" a new voice asked. Ron and Hermione turned to see Draco walking toward them. No one else was in the halls. Draco stood next to Hermione.
"That would be none of your business Malfoy." Ron replied. He turned his slightly to the left.
"Well if you want to ask her out, go right ahead. Apparently Blaise doesn't care for her anymore. He called her a loon." Draco explained. "Oh and Weasley, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to have to take your lovely friend away from you now."
Ron stopped. He called her a loon? He put a hand in his hair. As he turned around to go towards the common room he heard someone running towards him. When Ron turned to face the person he froze. There, crying and panting was…him.
Hermione and Draco were seated across from each other. They were in the astronomy tower not talking. "So what is this?" Hermione asked.
"This," Draco said as he gestured to the tower, "is our second date."
"So what are we going to do on our date?" Hermione asked.
Draco conjured a blanket and placed it down. "Here, lay down on this." Hermione did as she was told. "Okay, close your eyes."
"What are you going to do?" Hermione asked. She got up from the blanket and walked towards him.
"I'm not going to do anything if you don't close your eyes." Draco said.
"Alright, alright, see? I'm closing my eyes now." Hermione replied. Her eyes were indeed closed. Draco smiled. He took a deep breath and cast the special charm that he had found. He looked up to see the results and it drew him breathless. "Draco? Are you still there?" Hermione asked.
"Yeah, I'm still here. You can open your eyes now." Draco said. Hermione opened her eyes and she was speechless.
"Did you do this?" She asked.
"Yeah, I did." He answered.
"It's almost like the real thing." Hermione told him. Across the top of the tower was a replica of the aurora borealis. Hermione watched as the colors flowed into the next. She turned to see Draco already on the blanket lying down.
"Care to join me?" he asked. Hermione shook her head and Draco feigned sadness. He smiled when she sat next to him. "What do you think?"
"I think I-"Hermione started. She was however rudely interrupted.
"What are you two doing here? It's past curfew…" the angry voice started ranting off. Draco and Hermione, being the quick thinkers they are, ran and fortunately, were not seen by the person.
When they got to their dorm the two were laughing. Hermione's face was flushed and Draco's breathing became uneven. "That was fun." Hermione said.
"Yeah." Draco agreed. He saw that Hermione was heading toward her room. He stopped her. "You wanted to say something before. What was it?" He asked.
"Let me choose where our next date will be." Hermione demanded lightly.
"Why? You might choose the library." Draco whined a bit.
"Are you whining? Besides, you might like the library." Hermione said with a smirk.
"I did not whine. And you're right. I might like it." It was silent for a moment and Draco leaned in to kiss Hermione when she turned her head and he kissed her cheek. "Just like the bathroom." Draco murmured.
"Sorry, not now." Hermione replied before going to her bedroom. Draco smiled before turning to his own room. He waved his wand toward her room. She was in for a surprise in the morning.
Lucius sat in his office while his wife was talking with her friend, Antonella Zabini in the sitting room. He pulled out a file and found the name that he was looking for. He couldn't help but sigh, he had been looking for this particular file since the morning and now he was relieved to have it in his hands. Lucius was about to open the folder, but he quickly hid it in his bottom drawer. He turned his head to the fireplace and a few seconds later, Bellatrix Lestrange came waltzing in. "Lucius, my dear brother-in-law, how are you?" she said a little too sweetly.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Lucius asked suspiciously. He watched as Bellatrix lightly touched the books aligned against the wall.
"I just wanted to give the good news." She looked at his eyes. "Dumbledore is going to die."
"What are you going to do, call on my son again?" Lucius asked.
"No, though I'm still deeply disappointed that he did not do it the first time. Draco was not fit to do it that time, but this time, he is." Bellatrix explained. A creepy and sinister smile happily placed itself on her lips. Suddenly the attention was brought to the fireplace where after the flames died away, a man stood. Immediately, Lucius understood. In a game of chess, there is the king, the queen, the bishops, the knights, the rooks and the pawns. In this game, he was ranked higher than a pawn. The death eaters were just pawns. However, those like his sister-in-law are ranked and her position is similar to that of the queen. Voldemort easily placed himself as the king and now, he was staring at the next strongest piece. "Lucius, meet the man who is going to kill Dumbledore."
Hi! So I'm going to apologize to those who I told them that I was going to update sooner. So to make it up I give you this chapter. Just to let everyone know, I love you all!
So my plans for the next chapter:
Blaise and Draco argue again and a couple of things break (bones, trusts, curses, promises, glass)
Please review!