
Di: Hello! I'm Di and with me is Sakura!

Sakura: Hi.

Di: 0o" don't worry about her. Shes just emo.

Sakura: I am not!

Di: Then stop acting like it!

Sakura: OK fine. Just read the story already. She does not own Naruto or any other characters in this story.

Di: Although I DO own a few of their personalities. Their kind of out of character. Sorry. If you don't like it, don't read it.

"Sakura? Sakura, honey you need to get up now. It's almost 7:00. The bus will be here in 45 minutes." Sakura's mother said as she walked past her room.

"Guhhhh..." Sakura murmured, turning over in her bed. It was Friday. She hated Friday's. The teachers seemed to think that because they don't get to torture us for two hole days they need to give us plenty of work to make up for it.

Sakura flipped over and stuck her face in the pillow, falling back to sleep only to be woken up again five minutes later by her mom's agitated voice yelling up the stairs

"SAKURA!! If your not down here in two minutes I'm going to call your father!"

Now that got her up. Sakura hopped out of bed and walked over to get her towel. Her dad was not someone you wanted to piss off. As she was getting her stuff, Mayumi poked her head into Sakura's room.

"Sakura? Did you do anything with my homework? I can't find it." Mayumi said.

Sakura scowled. "Now why would I have your homework? I cant even keep track of my own!"

Mayumi giggled and walked away from the door. Sakura tripped down the stairs and got into the shower.

Half and hour later, Sakura was done getting dressed and was running to get on the bus, yelling that it was 15 fucking minutes early. She hadn't had time to finish putting on her "emo makeup" as people called it. Sakura was known as the Gothic chick of the 8th grade. She was never seen without a article of black clothing and her purple hair. (I know her hair is pink, but I think purple would be better and cause its my story, I'm going to make her hair purple.)

"Sakura!!" She looked over to see Ino waving at her, trying to get her attention. Sakura went and sat down next to her.

"Look at this awesome new book series I've started! The first book is called Guilty Pleasures. The title makes it sound like a naughty book but its not! Its about a vampire hunter named Anita Blake. And she carries around this gun and a ton of knives and...blah...blah..."

Ino was a total bookworm. And a prep. Why Sakura hung out with her, she may never know. But is was kind of nice knowing that not all preps were complete bitches trying to ruin her life. Sakura zoned back in to something wet poking her ear. She reached up to catch what it was and grabbed a hand. Turning around, Sakura came face to face with Naruto. His finger wet. A wet willy. He had given her a wet willy! She thought that all the boys had grown out of such immaturity.

"NAR-U-TOOOOO!!" Sakura's voice raising quickly. Sakura leaned over the seat, only to have her cheek slapped by his best friend Sasuke.

"Now Sakura, we don't need to be violent now do we?" Sasuke's eyes gleamed with mischief.

"What makes you think I'm going to listen and do what you say?" Sakura responded.

Sasuke reached over and touched Sakura's face.

"Because you want me and I know it." Sasuke swooned.

She slapped his hand away. It was going to be a LONG day. And it had only just begun.

"OK class, its the last day of the quarter, so I hope you studied for your finals!"

Sakura groaned. She hated finals! She had known about the finals for over a week. Yet she had never bothered to study. History was the most boring class she had. And her teacher, Mrs. Zink, didn't try to make it very interesting.

Sakura got her test and started working. It was a lot easier then she had thought it would be. She glanced over at her best friend, Tenten. She knew that Tenten was worse off then she was. Tenten's grandfather had just died and she was going through a lot of stress. Sakura had in fact helped her so much, it felt like Sakura was doing Tenten's homework for her. She took a deep breath and started to work.

Several minutes later, Sakura took her test up to the front of the class to turn it in. she was finished. She had survived another test from hell.

The bell rang and she walked to her next class. As soon as she walked through the door she was attacked by, her other friend, Mandy. Mandy had just moved to Japan from the U.S.A at the beginning of the year. Her Japanese was terrible, but you could still understand her. Barely.

" 'Ello Sakura! " Mandy had trouble pronouncing her name right, so every time she said her name it sounded like Sock-ew-hah. Sakura didn't like it, but had to put up with it.

" 'an ew sit by mee ewday?" Mandy asked, her eyes big. Mandy always wanted to sit next to Sakura. But she was kind of annoying. Sakura smiled and shook her head. She was going to sit next to Tenten. She always did. Tenten walked in and sat down next to her.

"I think I flunked the test." Tenten said.

"I'm sure you did fine. It was a lot easier then I thought it would be. And there were only 45 questions"

Tenten didn't agree.

"Meebee shes just stewpid" Mandy giggled. Tenten look over and gave Mandy the finger.

"At least I can talk right!" Tenten said. She was getting mad. She and Mandy were always fighting. It was so annoying. With a sigh, Sakura picked up her book and started to read. It was going to be a long day.

The day dragged by. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Class by class. Finally, it was the last hour of the day, and one of her favorite ones to. Science. She loved science, and even better yet, she loved forensics. She loved solving the fake murders that the teacher assigned them. It was just perfect.

Until she walked into the room.

In her seat, were the preps and their leader, Kenzi. She stopped and look at them for a minute. Great just great. Sakura thought. I'm late for one class period and I lose my seat. I sit there everyday! Why did she suddenly want to sit there? I don't think I've done anything to bug her lately...

Sakura was torn out of her thoughts by Tobi's calling

"Hey! Sakura! Over here! You and Tenten can sit my me and Deidara today if you want. Don't worry, I don't bite, and neither does Deidara. Well I guess he does. But only if you really piss him off!"

Sakura glared at Tobi, then walked over and sat down across from him. Deidara just sat there and stared at her. She was starting to feel a little nervous. It was like he was glaring at her. She knew that they were both in the city gang, Akatsuki. They were know for being a little violent. And they were perverts. She had known Tobi for a while. He was her friend. But she didn't remember ever seeing Deidara last year.

Feeling a little self conscious in fount of Deidara, she looked away and continued to stare at the words scratched into the black table top. You could learn many things from reading the table tops.

"...and then Deidara was like 'Shut up Tobi' and then though a bomb at me. And it was scary. Oh! You haven't met Deidara yet have you?" Tobi had now stopped talking and was looking at her through his freaky orange mask he always wore. She just couldn't figure it out. Hats and masks weren't allowed in school. So how did he get the teachers to let him wear it? Oh well. There are many questions in life that will never be answered.

"No, I don't think I have. Did you move here this year?" Sakura was figiting in her seat, Deidara's eyes still on her.

"Nope!" Tobi answered for him. " Hes been here his whole life, its just that last year, at the beginning of the year when he and Hidan got into a big fist fight and got kicked out for the rest of the year. Thats probably why you didn't know him."

Yup. She had been right. They were violent. Although, Tobi was in the group, and she had never seen him hurt a fly. Wow. What was with the unanswerable questions today? God was out to get her.

But by the time she was listening again, Tobi was already showing her his new Slipknot jacket. He had bought it online over summer break. He just hadn't had a chance to show it to her yet because they hadn't really talked much that year.

At that time, the teacher, Anko, walked into the room.

"OK class. We have a test for some of you to take today. Some of you have already taken it but, there were a few absent the day we took the finals. So I need these people to come up and get a test. Tenten, Shikamaru, Ino and Deidara."

Deidara stopped staring at her and went to go get his test. Tobi poked him as he walked by and whispered something in his ear. Deidara looked a little shocked but nodded his head, and walked away. Life was just being to mean to her today. For all she knew, Deidara was going to hate and kill her. Yup. Life was wonderful.

Di: Soooooooo...did it suck as much as I thought it did?

Sakura: cough yes cough

Di: Thats so mean! Oh well! Please review and tell me what you think. If you think the story sucked, tell me. Please. If no one is going to like the story then I see no point in writing it.

Sakura: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Di: sweatdrops well goodbye!