I'm starting a new thing where I'm writing a series of one shots based off various Frank Sinatra songs. I know, cheesy, but if you listen to them with Tony and Pepper in mind, they totally work. This one is based off of two songs: Fly Me To The Moon and Come Fly With Me.

Pepper had no idea that she could be such a poster child for Apple products.

Her MacBook Pro was transferring files to the shiny new Mac on her desktop in Tony's home office specially designed for her use. Her iPod was on shuffle and hooked up to a nice pair of speakers in the corner, and she had lost her heels long ago and was swaying to Jack Johnson. All she needed was an iPhone and Steve Jobs should be knocking on her door any minute, begging her to be in an ad campaign.

Tony had long since shrunk into his workshop, and Pepper was reveling in the non-interrupted work time. It was eleven PM and she needed to crank out e-mail responses fast, and they depended on the files that were being transferred onto her new Mac. Her pleasure at being uninterrupted was short lived though, because the intercom on the wall pinged and Tony's voice came through.

"Pepper? Can you meet me on the roof?"

Pepper stopped dancing and walked over to the intercom. "Right now, Mr. Stark?"

"Yes Pepper, right now. That will be all."

The intercom went dead, and Pepper glared at it for a second. After accepting the eccentricities of her boss, she slipped her feet back into her heels and set off for the roof, which was three flights of stairs above her.

After making a moderately painful climb up to the roof, Pepper was waiting by the edge of the roof, leaning against the barrier and staring at the few stars she could see in the sky. She abandoned her shoes again, and the fact that Tony was late for a meeting that he set up in his own home didn't faze her in the least. She was used to this kind of thing, and now she had taken to looking at the roof entrance for any sign of her boss.

"Behind you."

Pepper swore she jumped a foot in the air as Tony whispered that in her ear.

Wait, behind? The only thing behind me is the ocean.

"Seriously Pepper, you have to watch your surroundings." Tony said, hovering. He was wearing the exoskeleton of his suit so that his regular clothes were still on, but he looked weighed down with all the equipment on his legs, arms, and chest.

"Tony, don't ever do that again," said Pepper, still freaked out. Tony laughed and produced a martini from behind his back – an extra dry martini with three olives.

"I figured I owed you," he said sheepishly.

Pepper remained silent as she took the martini from his hand. She really did not want to talk about the Fireman's Benefit Dinner right here and right now. She sipped the martini as Tony hovered over the roof and turned off the flight stabilizers. He landed with a small thud and stood where he was.

"I got a little preoccupied that night, and I never officially said I was sorry."

Pepper smiled a small smile and said, "You never had to, but I accept anyway."

Tony clapped his hands together, but they made a funny metal sound because of the stabilizers. "Great. In that case, would you like to go for a little flight, Miss Potts?"

Pepper rolled her eyes. "Tony, I already told you that the only thing I want to do with Iron Man is to make sure he comes home safe. That does not include going for joy rides."

Tony waved his hand and stepped closer to her. "This isn't a joy ride, I'm inviting you on board."

Pepper quirked an eyebrow. "On board, where exactly?"

Tony just smirked and when Pepper didn't reply he said, "Come on! It will be great. When was the last time you felt the wind blow through your hair?"

"The last time you drove with the top down, and I was too busy being afraid for my life to enjoy it."

Tony took two steps closer. "This is completely different. The last time we were on a plane was to go to the board meeting in New York, and that was no fun."

"Quite the contrary, Mr. Stark. I had a lot of fun on that last flight. I beat my Tetris record."

Tony took another step closer, closing the small amount of distance between them. "I can promise you that this will be way more fun than Tetris."

He was close enough that Pepper could smell his cologne that was so uniquely him. "Tony, I have more work to do if you're going to keep this up."

Tony came in for the kill and wrapped his arms around Pepper's waist. Pepper felt her breath hitch a little bit and her heart shoot up into her throat. "Miss Potts, this won't take more than five minutes of your time."

Pepper mustered up all of her courage. "Tony, you complicate everything. For all I know, you could keep me up here for hours." She winced at how badly that came out.

Tony seemed to ignore the accidental double meaning and kept going. "Pepper, look at me." Pepper looked up into his eyes and she found she couldn't look away. They were like that for what might have been one minute or one year, but it didn't seem to matter. Then Pepper noticed that the moon behind Tony had just come into her line of sight. When she looked down, she found they were hovering about ten feet off the roof.

Pepper immediately locked her arms around Tony's neck and held on for dear life while whispering, "I hate you," over and over again. They began to rise even higher and Pepper became more comfortable with being this high up. She looked at Tony's face and it looked so serene and carefree. She felt a pang of sadness at the fact that she had never seen this expression on him except for the few times she had caught him sleeping. Tony noticed that she was looking at his face and smiled. Pepper smiled back.

They ascended even higher and Pepper began to get goose bumps, even though it was a warm summer night with only a warm wind to make her hair whip around. Tony looked at Pepper and saw something he had known but never thought about: she was a goddess. Her fiery red hair blew all around her and her pale skin looked beautifully white bathed in the moonlight and her eyes cast a sparkle that no model could ever achieve. He was suddenly aware of her arms around his neck, his around her waist, and how close in proximity their faces were to each other.

Pepper marveled at all the sights from the air. Not only the scenery around Tony's house, but the ocean and the world in general. She looked into Tony's eyes to find them looking back at her. They were sharing a tender moment, and they both knew where it was headed. The only question: who would save the other first?

Tony's timing was impeccable. Just as Pepper was sure one of them was going to kiss the other, Tony began to sing.

"Come fly with me, lets fly lets fly away…"

Pepper laughed as Tony continued to hover and sing at the same time. She rested her head against his neck and barely noted that he hesitated in the song when she did so. He picked up, however, and they continued like this for a while.

"Once I get you up there, I'll be holding you so near
You may hear angels cheer – because we're together."

Pepper realized that this was headed towards a dangerous place, and they were fast approaching the point of no return. "Mr. Stark, I have work to do."

"You're up here with me – and I think we're on a first name basis by now."

"What ever your name is, I still have work to do."

Tony looked put out. "But I'm singing Sinatra!"

Pepper rolled her eyes. "I'm sure the Chairman of the Board would be pleased with your rendition, but some of us have to work."

"Pepper, I'm taking you on a personal flight and serenading you with Sinatra. Do you know how many women would kill to be where you are right now?"

"Well, I'm not that woman," said Pepper softly.

Tony looked at her and said, "No, you aren't. You're not that woman; you're Pepper Potts," before crashing his lips onto hers.

Pepper was so shocked that she remained frozen while Tony kissed her but, after a few seconds of a completely blank mind, she returned his passion. Not surprisingly he was an excellent kisser, just like she had imagined in a few of the fantasies she allowed herself ever once in a while. She lost all worry of any paparazzi chasing them at this altitude, and she allowed herself to be fully immersed in the kiss.

Tony was ecstatic that she was returning this kiss. She wasn't too bad at kissing either, and he had a mental image of the two of them silhouetted in front of the moon, Pepper's hair whipping around. In perfect contrast to the white moon, they would be solid black against the moon and the deep royal blue of the night sky. He felt her melt into his arms and forgot all consequences of what they were doing. That is, until Pepper got very into the kiss and a small voice in the back of Tony's brain told him to stop for her sake. The voice began to grow until he finally pulled away from the kiss. He knew the damage was done, but he could prevent what would surely follow: Pepper's initiation into the mile-high club.

"Pepper, I can't let you do this. If I do, I know you will beat yourself up over it."

Pepper nodded and remained quiet all the way back to the roof. The second Tony's boots touched the ground, Pepper jumped away from him.

"Uh," began Pepper awkwardly.

"Yeah," replied Tony. They were silent again.

"Umm…" said Pepper again.

"… Yeah." They remained silent again until Tony said, "So… um… work?"

"Yeah… work," said Pepper quickly. She opened her mouth and it looked as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it and exited the roof without another word. Tony flew down to the garage and Pepper leaned against the other side of the roof door, wondering what exactly she had gotten herself into. Pepper gathered herself and walked back down the stairs to her office where her files finished transferring. She responded to e-mails with surprising speed and packed up all of her things. She walked to the intercom and pushed the button. "Mr. Stark? I'm leaving for the night."

There were a few seconds before Tony's voice said, "Alright. Have a pleasant evening Miss Potts."

Pepper headed out towards the foyer, but was met by Tony leaning nonchalantly against the wall. There was an awkward pause as Pepper stood rooted to where she was, holding her bag. Tony leaned against the wall, but he looked anything from relaxed. "Look, Pepper, we really need to talk about what just happened."

"I agree," said Pepper stonily, willing herself to look anywhere but at his lips.

"Well then, lets talk."

There was a long silence before Pepper said very quickly, "Wecantbetogether." Despite the speed, Tony still understood it.

"Why not?" he said quietly.

Pepper took a long breath. "Well, the paparazzi would have a field day, Stark Industries would make us do loads of paperwork to make sure I didn't sue, nobody would take what I do seriously, I look like another assistant that you bedded in a moment-"

"Pepper, out of all those reasons, not one of them talks about the way you feel about me."

Pepper paused again. "You know you're like my best friend, Tony."

He stepped forward. "You still didn't say how you feel about me."

Pepper ran her hand over her mouth. "What do you want me to say? I mean-"

Tony took her arm and steered her towards the couch. "I want you to tell me exactly how you feel. No bullshit, just the full on truth."

Pepper sat on the couch and dropped her bag beside her while Tony remained standing. "You want the truth? You make my body do all kinds of stupid things around you, I want to be with you all the time, and whenever I had to kick out one of your girls, I always was a little extra mean. It wasn't this way when you hired me, but over time… and it really happened when you were in Afghanistan, and…" Pepper's heart was beating a mile a minute and if her eyes weren't deceiving her, it seemed that Tony's Arc Reactor had just brightened.

"So what exactly are you saying?" It was said quietly, and felt heavy.

Pepper sighed. "Tony, in other words: I love you." Tony kneeled down and looked her straight in the eye.

"That's exactly what I hoped you'd say." With that, he kissed her fully on the lips.

This time, Pepper sank greedily into the kiss as Tony picked her up. Pepper wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as they climbed the steps to the roof. If they had enough time, they might even stargaze.

Cute? Cheesy? Fluffy? I know I liked it. Drop a line if you went, "Aw," or for any other reason.