Hallo! I be speaking German!
LOL… err, I don't know it that well… I'm looking for a teacher, though! Anybody?
But yeah, please enjoy this chapter!
"Tsukina…" Itachi whispered, his eyes narrowing.
"Who's that?" Sakura asked, looking up at him.
"Never mind." Itachi said, "I'll deal with her."
"No." Sakura said, standing up. "What is she doing with Hazuki?"
Itachi looked away, refusing to meet his wife's eyes.
"Tell me now!" Sakura said as she took hold of his arm. "I need to know…"
"…" Itachi looked at her. Her pale face showed all of her worry. "…Alright…" he said, "She wants our daughter…"
"Why?" Sakura pleaded.
"…She… She… She knows when you're…" Itachi mumbled, refusing to let the words pour out.
"When I'll die…?" Sakura asked.
"Yes…" Itachi said reluctantly, "And she offered me a deal to let you live."
"Hazuki…" Sakura murmured. She turned and bolted out of the room. 'It's because I didn't care enough…' She told herself, 'She overheard the doctors… She blames herself…'
Sakura opened the door to the room the doctor mentioned earlier. "Hazuki!!" she called out.
All of a sudden, she grabbed at her heart as she struggled to breath.
"Such a shame…" Tsukina said as she walked over, "You could've lived if you'd let your daughter die for you."
She smiled evilly, "But this is your punishment, then… for stealing Itachi…"
Itachi burst into the room. "Sakura!" he exclaimed. He ran over to her as she was falling, and caught her.
"Tsk tsk." Tsukina said, "You shouldn't have come in here. Didn't you see the markings on the floor?"
"Dark magic…" Itachi said as he glanced over his shoulder at the symbols Tsukina drew near the doorway. He turned back to Sakura and felt her pulse.
"You stopped her heart."
He looked up to see Hazuki, teary-eyed, run towards him. She pointed at Tsukina. "She tried to kill me!! She bit my neck and now I'm bleeding!!"
Itachi glared at her. Tsukina glanced at her watch, her composure still calm and collected. "Well, what do you know?" She asked, "Turns out I have to be on my way now…"
She pranced out the door, but stopped and looked back at them. "Shameful, really," the vampire said, "You could be happy if you never left me, Itachi."
Itachi glared at her as he hugged his crying daughter closer to him, pressing his hand against her neck to stop the bleeding.
Aww, so sad!!! I'm like, crying right now, and I hope I'm typing this correctly since my tears are blurring my vision…
But yes, this is the final chapter. I want to thank everyone who supported me throughout the last two chapters. You really inspired me to continue with thoughts about a sequel. I've got part of it planned out, but I'm still in the midst of typing it up. Please be patient with me.
If you put me on your Author Alert list, you'll be able to find out when I type it up. =]
Review please?
Oh, by the way, I have a myspace! OMG! Please add me as a friend 'cause I love you all so much! So yeah, after the url, it's himepomeranian. That's how you get to my page! Yay! But um, please put that you've read my fanfics otherwise I will be like, "AH! STALKER!" and deny your request. Especially if you're like a middle-aged guy… then I really will be like, "AH! STALKER!!" if you don't say that you've read my fanfics…
Friends! Yay! Also, check out 5 Days Dirty! They're on the top of my friends list!
…I'm partially sad that this is the last chapter. The sequel will be much longer, though! I promise! But wow… this is the first story I've actually finished! I'm not counting my NarutoxXxHinata lemon [sex] oneshot because, well, it's only one chapter, and that was as fan service for my friend, Trish.
Oh, speaking of fan service, I have a yaoi [two guys making out and more. More emphasis on the "and more" part, since shonen ai is just when two guys are making out.] fanboy Nii-chan [Older brother, informal] who has a request for me to write a KibaxXxKankuro oneshot banana [yaoi lemon]. I'm partially scared, because, well, I have nothing against gays, but seriously, KibaxXxKankuro??? Uber disgusting! I'd rather write a RamenxXxNaruto banana. If you've read Survival Exercise, then you know that Ramen is not a delicious noodle dish.