I got this idea when I was in Japan June 16, 2008 - July 7, 2008 but I changed the pairing. It's unlike my other ones, which have been funny and romantic… well, this is romantic, but it's not funny. Okay, there is a little bit here and there, but it's not focused on that. Please enjoy it. Oh, and please check out my other stories as well.
I'm sure you'll find something you like.
"Itachi? Are you still here?" A pale pinkette asked as her eyes slowly opened.
Itachi held onto her hand. "I'm still here, Sakura, I'm still here."
"Good." Sakura smiled, "Don't ever leave me."
Itachi kissed her hand. "I wouldn't dream of it." He assured her.
"Where… where's Hazuki?" She asked.
"She's sleeping next to me." Itachi said.
Sakura managed a weak smile. "Don't wake her."
"Of course." Itachi said, slowly standing up. "I'm going to go real quick, but I'll be back before you know it."
Sakura smiled. "Keep your promises, now." she said.
Itachi smiled at her and brushed her hair out of her face. He leaned in to kiss her before heading out the door.
The hospital was bright, even though it was dark outside. Itachi walked down the hall.
"You seem to be in a rush."
Itachi turned around. "Tsukina…" he said.
"It seems you still remember my name." The woman said as she walked over to him. "All these years…"
"What do you want?" Itachi growled.
Tsukina laughed. "As demanding as ever, I see." She said, "Well, I've noticed you around lately, and I'm jealous."
"Of what?" Itachi shot back, "That I'm happily married and you're still dateless?"
"Oh, don't be coldhearted, now." Tsukina said, "You're making all those precious memories from long ago vanish."
"I don't love you anymore." Itachi said bluntly.
"You don't have to love me to make me give you what you want." Tsukina said, smirking.
"I have a wife for stuff like that." Itachi said, showing her the wedding band on his finger.
"Oh, not that, silly!" Tsukina said as she put her arms around his neck. "I've been studying dark magic."
Itachi remained silent.
"She's dying. I'm not stupid, you know." Tsukina said, referring to Sakura.
"You leave her alone." Itachi said.
"Fine." Tsukina said, letting go of him, "Let my deal go to waste. Lose her in a week."
"What? A week?" Itachi asked.
Tsukina turned back. "I've caught your attention, now, have I?" She asked, smirking.
"What's your deal?" Itachi demanded, his face returning emotionless.
"I can cure her…" Tsukina said, a twinkle in her eyes, "…for a cost…"
"What's that?" He asked.
"I need a pure soul." She said, "One of a young girl, perhaps?"
"No, you're not taking Hazuki away form me!" Itachi said.
"Then have a child with me." Tsukina said, closing in on Itachi once more, "Have a child, and sacrifice it for your love. The choice is yours."
Ooh, what a terrible choice to make! Poor Itachi!
Yeah, can you believe that originally, it was Sasuke, and that Hazuki first met Tsukina, and nobody else knew her?
I won't say anymore because part of it is going to be in this fanfic, and I don't want to spoil it for you.
But what do you think of this so far? I'd love to hear your thoughts, since this is the first fanfic I've done like this.
Oh, and the reason why Sakura is in the hospital… that will be revealed later.
I know. I'm evil. Thank you for your compliment!
I hope you read the next chapter!
Bye now!
REVIEW PLEASE!! I will be very happy, then!!