This is the sequel to Secret Past.
Main pairings will be:
Blindshipping (Atemu/Heba), Puzzleshipping (Yami/Yugi), Puppyshipping (Seth/Jou), Tendershipping (Bakura/Ryou), Bronzeshipping (Marik/Malik)
Some minor pairings:
Isis/Mahado (don't know the shipping), Teana/Hondo (this might be in the story, haven't really decided yet), Rebecca/Leon (don't know the shipping)
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!. It belongs to its creator.
Chapter 1
The sun rose into the Egyptian sky, signaling the start of a new day.
In their room, Heba cracked open an eye to see the sunlight entering the room. Sighing, Heba sat up and turned to look at Atemu, who was still sound asleep. "Atemu, wake up." Heba said, gently shaking Atemu.
Atemu groaned in his sleep and rolled over.
"Atemu, get up. You know you don't have a choice." Heba said.
Atemu slept happily on.
Heba sighed. "Why do I try?" He knew of only one way to wake Atemu up, and he didn't have a choice except to do it. Heba straddled Atemu's waist and gently kissed Atemu on the lips.
Atemu woke up to find Heba kissing him. Wrapping his arms around Heba, Atemu kissed him back.
The two broke up.
"That's quite a nice way to wake up." Atemu stated.
Heba smiled. "I'm glad. Now get up." Heba said before climbing off of Atemu.
Atemu groaned. "I don't want to get up." he said.
"You need to. I don't think you want Yami coming in here." Heba replied.
Atemu sighed. "Fine."
The two got out of bed and got dressed.
"Before I met you, I never got up on time." Atemu said.
"Before you met me, you actually slept with your clothes on." Heba retorted.
Atemu grinned. "I actually don't mind sleeping naked." Atemu said.
Heba blushed and said, "Let's go. The others will be going to breakfast." He darted out of the room with Atemu following.
Seth, Jou, and Yami were already eating breakfast.
Atemu and Heba walked into the room.
"Well, it looks like you're up. I guess Bakura and Ryou are the only ones still asleep." Seth said.
"Who's going to go get them up?" Seth asked.
"The last time I tried, Bakura yelled. I think we'll give them a little while longer." Atemu replied as he and Heba sat down.
Jou had sour look.
"Jou, are you all right?" Heba asked.
Jou glared at Seth. "Ask him." he growled.
"What did you do?" Atemu asked.
"He wouldn't get up this morning, so I might have done something to force him to get up." Seth said simply.
"Something?! You poured ice cold water all over me!" Jou exclaimed.
Seth smirked. "It got you out of bed, didn't it?"
Jou growled at him.
Atemu, Yami, and Heba couldn't help but laugh at that.
"What did we miss?" Ryou asked as he and Bakura walked in.
"Nothing. Jou was just telling us how Seth got him to wake up." Heba replied as the two sat down.
The group continued to eat breakfast as they talked about trivial things.
The group got up to leave the room.
"Do you have anything to do today?" Heba asked.
"There's a council meeting this morning, but our afternoon should be free." Atemu replied.
"Well, I guess that means that the three of us are left to our own devices." Jou said.
"Just try not to cause too much trouble." Atemu said.
"I won't make any promises." Heba replied.
Atemu groaned. "Sometimes, I wish you three had to come to these meetings with us."
"Ryou, could you-" Seth started.
"I try to stop them from doing these things, but it doesn't do any good. They cause trouble despite what I say." Ryou replied.
"Well, let's go before Father gets onto us about being late." Yami said.
Atemu, Seth, Bakura, and Yami left the other three.
"So, what should we do now?" Ryou asked.
"I think I'm going to walk in the gardens." Heba said.
"We might as well go with you." Jou said.
The three walked down the halls to the gardens.
"Should you have lied to them like that?" Yami asked.
"Probably not, but we have things to get set up, so we just thought that would be the most believable thing to say." Atemu replied.
"Well, you had all better get going if you want to get everything set up." Yami said.
"Right you are." Bakura said.
Atemu, Seth, and Bakura walked off.
Yami shook his head as he continued walking down the hall. He came across Mahado's study, which had the door cracked open. He peered inside the room to see Isis and Mahado kissing each other. Yami continued walking.
It was no secret that Isis and Mahado were together. They were married, even if they had had a quiet wedding that only the court attended.
Yami sighed as he came to a balcony and stood with his elbows resting on the sill.
"Yami, what are you doing?" Aknankanon asked, stepping out to the balcony beside his son.
"Atemu, Seth, and Bakura have gone to get everything." Yami replied.
"Oh. You could go stay around Heba, Jou, and Ryou." Aknankanon said.
"Well, that wouldn't work. The only way to get away with it was to say that we had a council meeting this morning." Yami explained.
"I see. That means neither one of us can see them for awhile without arousing suspicion. You could see if Mahado needs any help." Aknankanon suggested.
"He's already busy." Yami said.
"With what?" Aknankanon asked.
"Isis." Yami replied.
"Ah. I see." Aknankanon said.
Yami sighed.
"Something bothering you?" Aknankanon asked.
"Everyone around me seems to have someone. I just wish that I had someone, too." Yami replied.
"Do not worry, son. You will find someone someday." Aknankanon said before walking off.
Yami sighed. "When?" he muttered.
Heba, Jou, and Ryou had spent the next few hours talking in the gardens.
"You know, Yugi would have loved these gardens." Heba said.
"Yeah. Yugi always did have a bit of a green thumb, didn't he?" Jou said.
Ryou smacked Jou in the back of the head. "Knock it off!"
"Jou's right. Yugi loved the gardens. He'd have loved to just sit out in them." Heba said.
"Malik would have loved the number of people he could have pulled pranks out. The palace would have really been in an uproar." Ryou said.
It was then that Yami walked up to them. "We're done with the meeting. The other three went back to their rooms. They're waiting for you there." Yami told them.
"Thanks, Yami." Heba said as the three walked off.
Jou walked into the room and found Seth sitting on the bed.
"I'm glad you came so fast." Seth said.
"Yeah. I'm here, so what do you want?" Jou asked.
"Come with me." Seth said. He stood up and took Jou's hand in his, leading him out onto the balcony.
Their balcony overlooked the city.
Seth turned Jou to look at him and said, "Jou, I love you a lot, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Seth took a ring with a sapphire in it out and said, "Jou, will you marry me?"
Jou's eyes widened in surprise at the ring and the question. A second later, he was hugging the life out of Seth. "Of course I'll marry you, Seth!"
Seth smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." He slipped the ring onto Jou's finger.
"Is that why you've been acting so strange the last few days?" Jou asked.
"Yes. I was waiting for the perfect moment to ask you, and I thought that this was it." Seth replied.
Jou smiled and said, "I love you, Seth."
"I love you, too, Jou." Seth replied as he kissed Jou.
Ryou walked into his room and found Bakura waiting on him.
"Come on, Ryou." Bakura said. He took Ryou's hand and led him out of the room and down the hall.
"Bakura, where are we going?" Ryou asked.
"You'll see." Bakura replied. Bakura opened the door to his study and pulled Ryou into it before shutting the door.
Ryou was surprised at how the room looked.
The normally dark room had lighted candles scattered throughout the room
Ryou turned to Bakura and said, "Bakura, what is-"
Bakura placed a finger over Ryou's lips and said, "Listen, Ryou. The first time I saw you, I knew that I fell in love with you. I didn't want anyone else to touch you, which is why I took you as my personal slave. I was ecstatic when I heard that you were noble once I got over the shock. I don't want to ever spend another day without you." Bakura took a ring with a topaz gem. "Ryou, I want you to marry me."
Ryou's eyes widened as tears filled his eyes. "Oh, Bakura!" Ryou said as he threw his arms around him. "Yes! I'll marry you!"
Bakura smiled as he hugged Ryou. "Good. I was worried that I you would say no."
Ryou looked at him. "There's nothing that would make me say no. I want to marry you." Ryou assured him.
Bakura put the ring on Ryou's finger and said, "Then I want us to get married as soon as we can."
Ryou smiled. "I'd like that."
The two kissed each other.
Heba walked into his room and found the room empty. He frowned. 'Yami said that Atemu was waiting for me here.' Heba thought. He walked further into the room and noticed a piece of paper in the bed. Heba picked it up.
Meet me in the personal gardens.
Heba was surprised at this. 'What are you up to, Atemu?' Heba asked himself. He left the room and walked out to the personal gardens that only the Pharaoh and his sons could enter.
Seth and Bakura had permission to go there, too, and Heba, Jou, and Ryou were given the same freedom.
Heba entered the area and looked around, but still didn't see him.
Arms wrapped around Heba's waist from behind and a deep voice said, "I see you got my note."
Heba smiled and said, "Yes. Why did you want me to come here?"
Atemu took Heba's hand and led him over to the bench that was in the garden. "I brought you out here so that I could tell and ask you something."
"What?" Heba asked.
"Heba, when I first saw you, I knew I had fallen for you. I would have done anything to protect you. I was thrilled when I heard that you were a noble because it meant that we could be together. Heba, I never want to be apart from you ever again." Atemu said. He took out a ring with an amethyst gem in it and said, "Heba, will you marry me?"
Heba gasped at the question and said, "Are you serious?"
Atemu nodded. "Very. What do you say?"
Heba smiled widely and jumped on Atemu, hugging him. "Of course I will!"
"I was hoping you'd say that." Atemu said. He put the ring on Heba's finger.
"I love you, Atemu." Heba said.
"I love you, too." Atemu replied before kissing Heba.
That night, Yami stood on his balcony, looking up into the night sky. He let out a sigh.
At dinner, the engagements had been announced, and the dinner had been in honor of them.
Yami was very happy for them all, but it didn't change how lonely he felt.
"I wish that I had someone, too. My brother, my cousin, and my friend all are engaged, and I'm still alone. I wonder if I'll have someone." Yami said.
He looked up at the sky.
"I pray that Ra will send someone to me. I really need it." Yami said before turning and going back to his room.
Jou and Seth were laying in their, wrapped up in the sheets.
"When do you think our wedding will be?" Jou asked.
"I'm not sure. There'll be three different weddings. I think my uncle will ant to kill all three of us for this." Seth said.
"Well, I'm glad we are. I want to get married." Jou said.
"We will." Seth said.
"I couldn't be happier. I've wanted this for a long time." Jou said.
"Me and you both." Seth said before kissing him.
Ryou and Bakura were lying in bed together.
"I love you, Bakura." Ryou said.
"I love you, too. I'm very happy that we're going to get married." Bakura said,
"After three weddings, I thin that the Pharaoh will be out of his mind." Ryou said.
"He will. He's already said that by the time all three of us are married, he's going to want to kill all of us for deciding to get married at the same time." Bakura said.
"In any case, I don't think I've ever been happier than I am now." Ryou said.
"That is something that I am glad to hear." Bakura said and then kissed him.
Heba and Atemu were in bed together.
"How long had you planned on asking me, Atemu?" Heba asked as Atemu ran his hand through Heba's hair.
"About a week. Why?" Atemu asked.
"That's the only way that dinner could have been planned." Heba said.
Atemu laughed. "You caught me. Seth, Bakura, and I all decided to ask today." Atemu replied.
"Well, I know that none of us could be happier." Heba said.
"I'm glad. After all, you're happiness is all I really want." Atemu said.
The two lovers kissed each other.
Yami was walking around the gardens, unable to sleep.
Marik entered the gardens and said, "Yami, what are you doing up?'
"Couldn't sleep. You?" Yami replied.
"Same." Marik answered.
The two friends sat down on the bench.
"I was surprised at the engagements announcements. Did you know?" Marik asked.
"I knew Atemu, Seth, and Bakura planned to ask. I wasn't surprised by all three saying yes, though." Yami replied.
"I'm not, either. You can tell that they're in love." Marik said.
"Yeah. I know." Yami said, sounding down-hearted.
"Are you not happy for them?" Marik asked.
"I'm happy for them, but, well-" Yami wasn't sure how to put it.
"You'd like to have someone to love you like they do." Marik supplied.
"Yeah, I do." Yami said. He glanced over at Marik curiously. "How did you know?"
"I feel the same way. I'm happy for them all, but I really want someone, too." Marik said.
"Sounds like you and I are in the exact same boat." Yami said.
"Yeah. Jealous that Atemu, Seth, and Bakura have someone, just not of who they have." Marik said.
"Atemu was worried how I'd react to having a brother-in-law. I already see Heba as a brother so there's nothing to be concerned about there." Yami said.
"That'll be tough, though. Three weddings right there together." Marik said.
"Yeah, but Father knew it was coming." Yami said.
"We'd better go back inside. We both really need to get some sleep." Marik said.
The two stood up, and then both found themselves on the ground. They had been hit in the head with something heavy. Marik was already unconscious, and Yami, through blurred eyes, saw three figures approaching them before he lost consciousness as well.
That's it for Chapter 1. Sorry that Yugi and Malik weren't in it, but they'll be showing up next chapter.
You'll find out about Yami and Marik in Chapter 3.
Needed to get them engaged.