This fic is probably best read after reading my first House MD fic 'What If'...

This is what could've happened if House had been there for his daughter from Day 1.


As always, I don't own House or any regular characters. (Wish I did)

Please read and review (Thanks to momsboys for the inspiration)



"How can it be positive?" Greg House stared at the pregnancy test in his girlfriend's hands.

"You're the newly qualified doctor!" Was the response. "What are we gonna do?"

He stood up from the edge of the bath tub which had served as his seat, "I don't know," he smiled at her, "We'll figure something out."

"How are we going to afford a baby, Greg?" Jane stood up and followed him out of the bathroom, "You're on your first rotation, bottom of the food chain, and I've still got to find a job!"

He slouched down on the sofa in the tiny living room, "It'll be ok. Trust me. I'll try and get you booked into the OB/GYN after my shift tomorrow."

"OK." Jane sighed, slouching down beside him. "Thanks."

The next morning, he strolled up to the maternity ward, and stood patiently waiting for someone to notice him. He cleared his throat to announce his presence at the desk. The nurse on duty looked up at him. "Can I help you?"

'Can you make me feel a little less like a piece of scum?' he thought to himself. "I'm Dr Gregory House, first year resident." He flashed his ID badge at her, "I need to see someone about arranging an appointment for my girlfriend. She's pregnant." He flashed his best grin at her.

"Dear God, they're multiplying already." The nurse muttered, "Take a seat over there and I'll see what's available." House sat down, waiting for her return. "Friday at 3?"

"That's 4 days away, is there nothing sooner?"

"Take it or leave it." She held out an appointment card for him, "You want it?"

"I'll take it." He took the card from her hand, and turned to walk away.

"Don't bother with the thank you!" The nurse called after him, "Newbies." She muttered.

8 weeks later

"Hi mom." House was on the phone to his parents.

"Greg, how are you? And Jane?" He could hear her banging about in the kitchen, probably making dinner.

"I'm fine, mom. Jane's actually the reason I'm calling."

"Oh no, you haven't broken up."

"No, mom, nothing like that. We're, uh, gonna have a baby." He waited for his mother's reaction.

"Really? Oh honey, that's wonderful." He could tell his mother was already planning what clothes to buy. "When's the baby due?"

"Umm, February." He looked over at Jane for confirmation.

"John?" House could hear his mother shouting on his father. "Greg's gonna be a dad!"

"Great, that's all we need.You know who's gonna be buying all the baby stuff don't you? Us, those two sure as hell can't afford it." He heard his father shout in the background.

"Don't you worry, love, he's just surprised that's all. I'd better go. Congratulations, give Jane our love."

"I will, mom, thanks." He hung up the phone.

"How did she take it?" Jane was sitting nervously on the sofa, "Is she angry?"

"No, no. I think she's very excited." He smiled, sitting down beside her.

"And your dad?"

"Let's not talk about him." He sighed, "He doesn't matter. What matters is you and our baby." He pulled her into a hug, worrying himself about how they would cope.

6 months later

House was enjoying a sandwich in the cafeteria, sitting alone reading a medical journal, when the journal was pulled from his hands.

"Reading here!" He muttered loudly, looking up to see Jane standing before him, "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd experience cafeteria food." She answered sarcastically, "Your baby is on it's way, genius."

"Maternity is on the 4th floor, I'll meet you up there once it's all over."

"Like hell you will." She grabbed his hand. "Come on."

"Can't do, patients to see, people to save." In all honesty, he was terrified. "Ok, I'll take you up, get you booked in, tell my chief what's happening, and then we can have ourselves a baby."

He did as he said, and arrived back in Jane's hospital room soon after. "Greg, I can't do this." She was panting. "I can't."

"Sure you can sweetie." He wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I'm going to see if I can find a doctor." Jane had been in labour for 15 hours, been fully dilated for 2. "This is taking too long." Just as he was about to leave, a nurse arrived. "Finally!" He sighed sarcastically.

"We're going to check the baby's heartbeat, ok?"

"You think something's wrong?" She asked, panicking. House looked worried too. "Greg?"

The nurse attached the cables to her stomach, "Ok, baby's heart rate isn't great. I'm just going to get the doctor, ok?" She hurried out of the room, returning a few moments later. The doctor looked at the monitor, read out.

"Ok, Ms Young. I think we need to do a C-section, we'll need to use a general anaesthetic, we don't really have time to wait for a spinal to take effect." He explained, "Mr, uh-" He addressed House.

"House. Doctor House." House corrected him, bitterly.

"Dr House, Nurse will get you some scrubs and we'll see you in the OR."

House followed the nurse back out, got changed quickly and followed her to the OR, where Jane was already asleep. "Are you ready to be a father?" The nurse smiled at him, he just stood, silently praying that Jane and the baby would be ok. In a few moments, he heard his child cry for the first time.

"Congratulations, it's a girl."

House breathed a sigh of relief. "Is she ok? Is she breathing ok?"

"Listen to her, nothing wrong with those lungs." The nurse patted him on the shoulder, "You want to hold your daughter?" His daughter, words couldn't describe how that phrase made him feel.

"Yeah." He answered, allowing the grin he had been suppressing to break out. She handed him the tiny person, face red from her first cries, wrapped in a blanket. "Hey," he whispered, "I'm Greg House. I'm your daddy."