Chapter 1

I don't own Naruto! I'm just a young writer! Please leave a comment and visit my page!

Chapter 1

The raven fair haired girl walked to the door of her fathers office. She knocked and said, "Father, Neji said that you needed to see me?"

Since her 15th birthday party she was forced to begin in her role as the new head of the clan. She was told not to leave the mansion util they found her a body guard. She was no longer a ninja. She hated it! And whats worse she NEVER got to see Naruto anymore! She was 15 and a half. Shino, Kiba, Naruto, and everyone just seemed like a distant memory.

"Yes, Hinata come in." She opened the door and saw her father sitting at his old desk and a boy with brown hair and traingles on his cheeks sat in the sit across from it. He smiled and she blushed a light rose turned toward her father.

"Father why is Kiba here?" She asked. Her stutturing had stoped when she forced to become the new face of the Hyuuga's clan.

"He's your new body guard." He kept his eyes on his quill.

"He will escort you werever you go from now on. I thought you'd rather have an old friend. And well Shino was my first choice he sugested Kiba."

Kiba was feeling just as weird as Hinata. Kiba had always secretly liked Hinata. And when he saw her standing there in her lavender kimono, her hair flowing freely around her face. He almost couldn't bair looking at her porcelain skin, rose full lips, and innocent violet tinted eyes.

Hinata was no better. She had always liked Naruto but had a certain fondness of Kiba. She almost ran to hug him when she saw him there. His hair was just below his ears, his eyes the shade of butterscotch in the sun, his shirt was tight over his muscly chest and arms.

"Alright." She answered turning her gaze to Kiba and smiled, "Hello, Kiba. It's nice to see you again. I'm glad that you accepted my fathers invite."

He grinned widely at that and said, "No problem Hinata. You're my greatest friend besides Shino. It really stunk without you."

Hinata turned back to her father and said, "May me and Kiba go to the fireworks show tonight? It's his first night I'll take it easy on him." He nodded and Hinata grabbed Kiba by the sleeve and shoved him out the door in front of her.

He turned around once they were far from the mansion and said, "Ok were are we really going?" She smiled and replied, "Training. I'm bored just sitting around signing papers."

He grinned and murmured, "Same old Hinata, so obsessed about training." She giggled and untied her kimono to reveal a tight black outfit underneith and Kiba gulped and said, "Ok Hinata I gotta say you really do have a figure under that sweatshirt. She blushed scarlet and giggled softly and walked off to the training ground, Kiba in toe.

Thanks for reading chapter 1! Chapter 2 should be up shortly!

-M.J. Ethreal