AN: Hi there, thanks for clicking in :-) Hope you'll enjoy my story! I was planning on making this a 3 chapther story.. but there might actually be 5 or 6 before I'm finished, suddenly there were all these things I wanted Ichigo to go through! This is my first story with more than just one chapther!! And this is even my first story with more than just smex :O OMG! And I'm surprised at myself for writing such a long thing just :-) Must be the plot-thing ne?
Also - this chapter had been updated since the first version was published. I've corrected some spelling things and fixed the stuff that I found that was amiss. Noting has really changed in the chapter story wise though!

Disclaimer: I do not own. Which is good. Otherwise I would've ruined the show with gay p0rn ^^;;

WARNING!!: This story contains men taking it up the behind! YAOI, YAOI, YAOI, YAOI!!!! And in this chapter VINES/TENTACLES hollowxman smex.

Beta: Pending. . . .


Chap. Ichi – Trouble ahead

Ichigo opened his eyes and scanned his room, searching for his clock on his desk. Only 6:30. Way too early to get up - especially on a Sunday. He rolled over facing the wall, thinking about all of the strange events that had happened to him lately. It had only been a few months, but Ichigo felt he might need years to process everything that had happened. It all started when the shinigami Rukia stepped into his room that day... the day he became a shinigami himself – a substitute, but a shinigami nonetheless. At least until Rukia regained her own shinigami powers... Ichigo sighed and rolled onto his back again, closing his eyes.

Rukia: the source of all his resent problems. In order to save his own family from certain death by the hands of these creatures called hollows, he had accepted the job of being a shinigami in Rukia's place... after all she had been wounded protecting him. Well, now Ichigo didn't need protection anymore... But gaining that power only meant he had the job of vanquishing hollows every time they showed their ugly masks in his city, which was quite often unfortunately.

Another sigh escaped Ichigo's lips as he attempted to fall asleep again and stop thinking about the past. As soon as he felt his consciousness starting to slip away he heard the familiar annoying sound of a cell phone's beep from his closet. Perhaps, if he was lucky, it wouldn't mean he had to get up this early...

"Ichigo!" Rukia yelled forcefully opening the door to her current bedroom; Ichigo's closet. She looked at the seemingly sleeping orange head getting annoyed. Ichigo really needed to learn how to take this job more seriously – she would have expected any other shinigami to be ready for battle by now. She slipped out of the closet calling for the boy even louder.

"Ichigo, get up. There's a hollow nearby." Ichigo grunted he had no luck at all. He opened his eyes and sat up, reaching out for the yellow lion teddy bear sleeping suspiciously close to his pillow, emitting a loud snore Ichigo was surprised he hadn't noticed before.

"I'm up, I'm up." Trying to get rid of some of his annoyance he decided to choke the little loin while stuffing his other hand into its tiny mouth. The lion suddenly came to life trashing wildly and muffling strange sounds until Ichigo pulled out a small bead and it went limb as the stuffed animal it was. Ichigo put the bead in his mouth and swallowed immediately getting the desired result. His soul split from his body and suddenly there were two of him. He would never get accustomed to looking at himself like this, it was watching a mirror, but still not, since what was reflected was a boy he didn't recognize. His body's face changed into that of a hurt child.

"WAAAH! Rukia! Ichigo is so mean to meeee!" His body cried out jumping up in an attempt to hug Rukia. Rukia dodged, or rather, se kicked the offender in the head as he dived to reach around her waist.

"Forget it, Kon." She said, "I'm out of sympathy hugs, and we're in a hurry. Come on Ichigo." Kon-Ichigo pouted. Ichigo didn't really like it. Kon was nothing like himself, and seeing his body act so stupid made Ichigo more annoyed, no wonder he couldn't stop sighing and scowling all the time. At least Kon could try to be a bit more like him, so his cover wouldn't be blown. He felt a shiver running down his spine, remembering how Kon used his body to do very embarrassing things to girls from his class. Well, at least he didn't do that anymore.

"Nee-chan, you're just as mean as Ichigo!" Kon turned Ichigo's face into a puppy look and sniffed looking at the both of them. Rukia ignored him and went to the only window in the room; she opened it and started to crawl out of it as a knocking came from the door.

"Are you awake, Ichi-ni?" Came the voice of his youngest sibling Yuzu, the door opened and se peeked inside. "Oh you are!" Her face lit up. "I'm so happy, I thought you might have forgotten your promise to go with me today! Oh, but Rukia is here also... Oh I see!" Her face lit up even more as she flashed a smile from Kon, whom she believed to be her brother, to Rukia, who was leaning on the window frame. "You must have told Rukia that you were taking me to the zoo and Rukia also wanted to come along with us."

Both Kon and Rukia froze, not processing what was happening. Ichigo sighed and gave Kon an elbow in the ribs, trying to get the mod soul to react. He had completely forgotten he had promised to take her there today. Something about an animal being born some time ago and she wanted to be there to see it on its first day in public. Oh well, Kon could take her there, no problem at all. The sharp pain to his chest gave Kon the ability to speak again.

"Oh, well... Sure I'll be taking you there, but Rukia..." Kon looked from Yuzu to Rukia, trying to find an excuse for her to be in the room this early and still be able to get her out of the zoo date.

"I'm not really-" Rukia didn't manage to finish her excuse before Yuzu had her arm locked with hers.

"Don't worry Rukia," She blinked at her "I won't tell dad that Ichigo took you for a date while I was there." She winked at Rukia who suddenly looked like someone had told her the worst joke in the world. "Come on Rukia, we'll let Ichi get dressed and go get ready, I was thinking of bringing lunch with us, what do you like?" Rukia felt herself being dragged to the door of Ichigo's room. She shot Ichigo a look of 'help me out here', that Ichigo didn't get. In a final attempt to get Ichigo to do his job she threw him her cell phone, luckily Yuzu didn't notice the cell phone being caught and held in what to her would seem like air.

"Do you job properly," she managed to say before the door to Ichigo's room slammed shut again leaving Ichigo and Kon alone.

"Well Ichigo," Kon said happily, "It looks like I'll go on a nice date with Rukia-chan while you'll have to go beat up the bad guys." Kon danced a bit around Ichigo making funny faces at his currently identical twin.

"Whatever," Ichigo sighed again, he had to kick the sighing habit someday. Today just didn't seem to be a great day for that. "Just don't do anything I'd regret later." With that Ichigo jumped out the window following the cell phone's direction towards what would probably only be the first hollow he'd have to take care of today. At least he wouldn't have to listen to Rukia's nagging about him not doing it the way he was supposed to.

Back in the room Kon pouted. "You really are no fun Ichigo! You could at least get a little angry or jealous when I go out with someone." Kon kicked the bedpost, leaving a dent there. He didn't expect Ichigo to show any emotion, besides annoyance he rarely did anyway, but it would have been nice to know if it meant anything the shinigami substitute.

Kon suddenly smiled brightly. Oh well, he was going to have some fun today, perhaps embarrass Ichigo a little in public, that would certainly put him in a better mood. And with that Kon began dressing Ichigo's body in the most embarrassing outfit he could possible find in Ichigo's dresser – perhaps Yuzu's also.


Rukia was annoyed. Yuzu was a good child, but right now she wanted nothing more than to ditch the girl and run after Ichigo. She had a really bad feeling about letting Ichigo go alone today. She didn't know what was nagging her, but she needed to get someone to check up on Ichigo for her. Perhaps her uneasiness was because she thought that Ichigo might ditch his job today... No, much could be said about Ichigo, but he had agreed to take care of every hollow sent his way, and he seemed like the type to keep that kind of promise. He fought with a passion similar to nothing she had seen before. Perhaps he thought like that because he was human at heart. Well, great shinigami or not, she didn't feel right about sending Ichigo off on his own, and she already knew how she would keep an eye on him today. She snapped back to the scene before her, Yuzu presenting lots of different kinds of food, asking her whether or not she liked them or if Rukia had different tastes or something she really wanted to bring along. Rukia interrupted the picnic packing.

"You know, I can eat anything prepared by you, Yuzu. So just pack whatever you feel fits a day like today." Rukia paused, flashing Yuzu a not entirely false smile, "I just remembered I need to call someone today, can I borrow your phone?"

"Sure Rukia," Yuzu smiled, happy to be complimented by Rukia and just as happy that she was going to the zoo today. If Ichigo had forgotten she wouldn't have been able to go see it for another month, and tigers grew up so quickly so it wouldn't be the same.

Rukia left the kitchen and went to the phone, picked it up and waited for the other end to answer. Then a click on the line and an amused voice could be heard.

"Urahara Shoten, how may I help you?"

"Urahara... I need a favor."


Ichigo stopped on a small hill just outside of town, it had taken him longer to get here than he had expected, and now he started wondering if the cell phone was broken since he couldn't see or even remotely feel the presence any hollows. He checked the gadget again, confirming this was the place. He took in the surroundings – he could see houses close by, and a pond between them and him. On the other side was a huge grassy field that no one had seemingly cared for in a long time. The grass would reach past his knees if he went in there. Ichigo decided to wait a little while before searching the area for suspicious elements. Speaking of suspicious, why would a hollow be out here anyway? They usually appeared closer to humans or a least close to some sort of high concentration of spirit particles or something like that. That was what Rukia had told him anyway. This hollow hunt was turning out to be nothing like the usual and something sent shivers down his spine out here.

"Must be because it's so damn cold," he muttered to himself. The sun wasn't really up yet, it was bright enough and all, but it was cold. Ichigo rubbed his arms and started to walk, but didn't even get to take one step before he found himself rooted to the ground.

"What the hell?" Ichigo looked down and found one of his angles entangles in something that looked like a vine. He cursed a little and tried to shake it of, but it only tightened the more he moved his foot around. Finally having had enough he reached for his zanpakuto wanting to cut himself loose. The moment he touched it vines came shooting at him from several angles forcing him to duck and spin around to avoid them. The vine around his angle keeping him from escaping entirely though.

"Show yourself!" Ichigo yelled, looking round franticly trying to spot his attacker while keeping the vines from hitting him. He spun around pulling his sword free from his back and put up a fighting stance ready to take on the vines. The first one came straight at him and he cut it though the middle, making it fall to the ground motionless, the next attack had several vines just like the first one and he had to side-step as much as the vine on his ankle allowed and swung his blade to cut all of the vines at once. Another attack started almost immediately after the earlier had been deflected and Ichigo found himself getting sweaty. A vine came from behind almost piercing his head though Ichigo managed to move just enough for it to only cut his cheek.

"Damn, they are sharp like knives..." Ichigo had to fall to the ground to avoid the following attack, but as he did so another ground vine wrapped around his wrist on his free hand. He hissed as it cut his skin and quickly cut the vine so he could stand up. He felt slightly warmer now, like his body starting to catch on fire. In a sudden burst of energy Ichigo swung his blade through the air sending an oncoming attack of vines of in different directions due to the gush of wind he created. He stabbed the sword into the ground freeing his ankle from the first vine and jumped into the air to avoid being pierced one again.

While in the air Ichigo could see the ground better, looking for any sign of a source of the vines. He found it. In the grassy field he saw it, an ugly white mask lying flat on the ground with vines coming out of it from all angles. Obviously the hollow realized it had been spotted as it rose from the ground almost looking like a mini Menos with a body of vines – okay, so maybe it looked just a bit more like a squid than a Menos.

Ichigo landed on the ground, but not out of harms way. Vines came crawling on the ground and he had to jump up again to avoid being trapped again. Deciding to turn the jump into an attack he aimed for the Menos look-a-like swinging his blade from behind his back into a straight line as he attacked. The hollow shot out vines from its body slashing Ichigo's arms and legs as he came down, despite the sudden numbness in his arms and legs Ichigo continued his descending attack. But before the blade connected with the hollow Ichigo's arms went completely numb and he dropped the zanpakuto to the ground. A vine took the sword and threw it deeper into the grass field as Ichigo came crashing down to the ground, his legs giving away under him.

"What's going on?" Ichigo said more to himself as he tried to get up. The hollow having ceased attacking and just observed him now. He was bleeding from his arms and legs and his uniform had been torn as well. He eyed the hollow as he got up, panting heavily. He felt warm now and sweat droplets fell from his face. His vision going double a few times before the world cleared up. He tried to steady himself. He had to get to his sword otherwise he wouldn't have a chance to defend himself. He turned and made a mad dash though the grass in the direction he knew it had to be in. As he ran he felt vines moving like snakes along the ground trying to wrap around his feet or tripping his feet. The numbness in his legs still troubling him, but he could see the sword coming into view. He reached out and jumped, desperately trying to grasp the shaft of the sword as he landed but only manageing to pluck some grass from the ground. He cursed and got up on his knees reaching out again as he felt vines wrapping around both his feet and continued up his thighs. He decided on one final attempt to reach the blade as he threw himself in the direction of it, but a yank from the vines pulled him back.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He yelled as he was dragged over the ground back to the mini Menos. He was lifted into the air by his feet and left dangling there. Two of the hollow's remaining vines reached for his face slowly and he slapped them away only to have his wrists wrapped with vines too. Great, now he was trapped and could only wait for a chance to get to his blade, if he would get any. If had Rukia taught him some of the cool spells she always used, then this wouldn't have been a problem at all. The vines were back on his face one of them gliding over the bleeding scratch on his cheep wiping away the blood. Ichigo shivered, why he didn't know became he felt very hot and he was panting like he had been fighting of thousands of hollows all day, he didn't understand it.

He was turned back into a normal position with his head towards the sky and he felt like the hollow was staring weirdly at him. The vine that wasn't licking his cheek had moved to his chest and with a gasp from Ichigo it went into his uniform spreading the top to reveal his pale skin.

"De-li-ci-ouuuus," it said, moving the vine to his stomach and suddenly slashing at it, drawing blood. Ichigo hissed. It didn't really hurt, but it was quite offending.

"Tasty," the hollow said in a strange whispering voice.

"What is?" Ichigo said angrily. The hollow looked up from Ichigo's stomach to his face.

"You'll like this, Kurosaki."

"Like what?" The question was answered as new vines shot up and reached for his shredded pants ripping them even more apart until he was practically naked on the lower half of his body. Ichigo wanted to protest but the vine on his cheek slipped into his mouth silencing him. Ichigo tried to yell curses at the hollow, but it came out as muffed sounds with no meaning. Vines were suddenly all over his body - one in particular wrapped around his member and started pumping. Then it hit Ichigo, he had been hard for quite a while now, and from just being brushed slowly by this hollow he almost felt like coming. He moaned around the vine in his mouth as it moved a bit further down his throat, then retreated, moved down again, retreated and then started all over. Ichigo's vision went blurry, somewhere in his mind he knew what was going on, he was kind of having sex with a hollow, but somehow this thought couldn't surface in his mind and suddenly Ichigo was carelessly moving his hips trying to gain friction from the vine on his length. He was warm, beyond burning and he moaned as best as he could as he rubbed himself. The vines gliding over his testicles coating them in some kind of fluid. The same thing happened around his manhood.

The vine in his throat withdrew in a spasm and sprayed green liquid all over his face, another came to replace it, shoving itself down Ichigo's throat. He massaged it with his tongue, starting to more than enjoy the feeling it was giving him.

His legs were spread and lifted into the air, placing him into a straight line, a vine sliding across his buttocks going in between them finding its way to his entrance. The vine in Ichigo's throat made the same spasm as the previous, but sent the fluid flying still in Ichigo's mouth, he swallowed and was finally allowed some room to breathe, which turned into heavy lusty moans, he looked at the hollow mask as he felt the vine in between his buttocks poking hard at his entrance and forcing its way inside. Ichigo released a high-pitched moan as he was penetrated, the vine filling him up and making him cum with only a few thrusts in his bottom and hard yanks at his member. Ichigo went limb for at few seconds, trying to collect his thought as the vine started thrusting hard into him until it released its green fluid once again.

Ichigo stared directly at the hollow mask, trying to ask it, himself, anyone what was going on, but his thoughts stayed in his mind, no words escaped his mouth. New vines appeared - one forcing itself into his mouth and another replacing the one that might have just come inside of him. Ichigo felt he had cooled down and started to have rational thoughts. This was not right, in fact this was way beyond wrong, and he started trashing around and almost choking himself on the vine in his throat all while the vines had their way with his body. He shot an angry glare at the hollow, which suddenly stopped all movement, retracted its vines in a loud scream and dropped Ichigo.

He prepared himself for a hard landing, but instead he found himself caught by a pair of warm arms bridal style. That was a surprise. His legs were descended to the ground and an arm wrapped around him protectively pulling him closer. Ichigo looked up, surprised to find an angry face framed by light blonde hair tugged under a green-white hat.

"Sandal-hat?" Ichigo said chocked. Earning a concerned look from what would seem to be his savior.

"Sorry I didn't come sooner Kurosaki-kun, I had some things to take care of. Are you okay?" Urahara kept looking concerned at Ichigo, who didn't quite understand what the other man was doing here. He nodded though, he was okay... now.

Urahara's gaze shifted to the hollow and went from concerned to angry again. "Well, I'm glad that I didn't sent Ururu or Jinta as I originally planned, I would have wanted to deal with this myself. Don't worry Kurosaki-kun, I'll take care of the rest." Ichigo sighed. Not the 'I'm-annoyed-sigh' he had been practicing all morning, no, this was a sigh of relief, he felt safe.

Urahara took of his green coat and wrapped it around Ichigo. Then he walked towards the hollow drawing his own zanpakuto. Ichigo watched the older man leave his side, he knew the shop owner had to be a shinigami, but this was the first time he actually saw that the man had a zanpakuto of his own.

He tugged Urahara's green coat tighter around himself and breathed in, the cloth smelled almost more like Urahara than Urahara himself, if that was even possible. While watching Urahara fight the perverted hollow Ichigo decided that today just never happened, and when Urahara came back they would agree on that, and he'd never think about the day where he enjoyed having a thing up his ass. And he would certainly forget that he had come from it.

The fight ended with the hollow escaping back into that world of theirs and Urahara picked up Ichigo's sword and brought it back to him. Ichigo reached for it but didn't say anything neither did Urahara. Seconds seemed to stretch and become hours while the two looked at each other. Ichigo starred at his savior, who in return had an unreadable expression. Ichigo opened his mouth to say something, but Urahara stopped him.

"You don't have to say anything, Kurosaki. Listen –", and Urahara was interrupted as Ichigo turned his back to him, leaned on his sword and threw up, a green sticky mass leaving his throat. Urahara patted his back in a soothing way, making Ichigo feel better. It only took a few seconds before it was over, and Ichigo straightened himself, turned back to Urahara looking at the ground. Slowly he looked upwards and locked his eyes to Urahara's.

"I'd like to go home now..."


AN2: Please review and inspire me to write more, ne? I am very hungry and I feed on opinions :O I love reviews, and though I'm going to write if I get them or not, it would make me really happy to hear what you thought ^^