A Thank You Visitor

Leni Hayes stood right outside of Mick St. John's apartment. She held baby Jack in her arms. It amazed her that it would only be a year in a couple of weeks that Mick had saved her life and that she had saved his. She knew that she had, but she wasn't sure how she had done so. Apparently calling his friend, Beth Turner, had helped a lot, she mused.

Leni knocked on the door, and a moment later, the door opened.

Mick popped his head out and had a look of surprise on his face. "Leni," he said with equal surprise.

Leni gave him a small innocent smile. "I wasn't sure if you would remember me," she told him.

"Come in," he said. "Come in. What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to introduce you to Jack Michael Hayes," Leni said.

Mick looked at the baby in her arms. "This is the same baby you were pregnant with last year?" he asked with ridiculous astonishment in his voice.

Leni chuckled. "Eleven months ago," she corrected. "You knew that I was a couple of months pregnant even though I hadn't told anyone. I wish I knew how you figured that one out."

"Maybe I'll tell you someday," Mick replied knowing that he would never in his life tell her.

"Jack is three months old," Leni told him. "He was born May tenth. I was in labor with him for a little bit over twelve hours." She looked at him as he watched the baby in her arms. "If it weren't for you and Beth Turner, Jack wouldn't have had a chance to have been born. Let alone have a chance to have a life."

"I was just doing what I was paid to do," Mick said. "Josh Lindsey just wanted me to find you and bring you back safely."

Leni looked down when Josh's name was mentioned. "I had about his death," she said. "I don't suppose Beth hasn't gotten over him quite yet."

Then Beth walked into Mick's apartment still holding the keys that they had exchanged last month.

"Or maybe she has," Leni said looking a little surprised.

Beth looked at Leni in surprise. "Leni Hayes?" she asked.

Leni smiled at her. "The one and only," she said. "I wanted to come by and let Mick meet Jack."

"Jack?" Beth asked.

Leni motioned her over to get a good look at the baby. "This is Jack," Leni said. "If it hadn't been for you and Mick, he wouldn't be here today."

"Oh," Beth said cooing. "He's gorgeous. Can I hold him?" She glanced at Mick knowing the reason why he didn't want to hold the baby. He didn't want to tempt fate.

"Sure," Leni said. "I could use a break." She handed the baby over to Beth.

"Aren't you precious," Beth said as Jack curled against her.

"He gives me great joy," Leni replied. I work as a caretaker/maid for another major family. It's a live in job. It takes a load off me that my employers love Jack as much as their own children."

Beth smiled. "You can take it," she said. "Jack has one tough mother."

Leni blushed. "Thank you," she said, "but I really should be going now. I have a few errands to run."

Beth gave the baby back. "You take care," she said.

"I will," Leni said.

"Goodbye, Leni," Mick said.

Beth smiled at Mick as Leni shut the door behind her. "They're going to be alright, Mick," she said. "Isn't it satisfying to see a job done right come back and thank you for what you'd done?"

Mick smiled at her. "You know when I figured out that she was pregnant, she had said that she was going to name the baby after me," he said. "I told her that she should name the baby after the father, but it looks like that she found a way to name the baby after me and the father."

"Jack Michael Hayes," Beth said trying it out. "That's three strong names that the kid will have to live up to. Leni for a mother, she'll make sure of it."

"She definitely would," Mick agreed.