Hey guys, second Nick/Greg story here, I'm still only on one shot stories but I have got a story in the works that will involve a few chapters. Any way here it is and if you wan to review then I would be really happy! Just the usual stuff, CSI and Nick and Greg aren't mine, if they were they would be toghter already.
Nick hated this, ever since Ecklie had found out about them he'd moved Greg to swing shift and Grissom hadn't managed to talk him round into believing that their relationship wasn't gonna effect their work but he wasn't gonna give up anytime soon and until then Nick would have to deal with only seeing Greg in the hallways or stolen moments in the locker room. Today Nick was in a really bad mood, he hadn't seen Greg probably since Monday and it was now Thursday, he woke up an hour late meaning he only had half and hour to get dressed and get to work and it was right in the middle of the Vegas heat wave and the air conditioning had broke so all in all not the best start to the day. Running down the stairs knowing that if he wasn't in the car in four minutes then he was going to be late, maybe he'd phone Grissom and try to explain and apologize in advance. As he was in the kitchen trying to find something to drink before he left something on the work surface caught his eye. As he moved closer he wondered what it was, the kitchen was always spotless, or as spotless as it could be when you lived with Greg but he'd gotten better since he moved in with Nick. Nick picked the paper up and recognized Greg's handwriting and started to read, forgetting about the time.
Hey Nicky, if you having a day anything like mine then you probably feel rubbish. I know we haven't seen each other probably for a few days and I miss you. I just want to tell you that I love you and that no matter what life throws at me I know that if I have you I'll get there and I hope that it's the same for you. When I met you the pieces of my life started to slowly fall into place until the last piece slotted into place two years ago. I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how cliché that sounds. A few years ago I started to feel may I wasn't mean to love someone and nobody was ever gonna love my but couldn't have been more wrong. Without you the stars wouldn't come out at night and I don't think I would be able to breath without you. So I guess that this is just a note to say that I love you and I always will.
See you later
Greggo xxx
PS. We've both got the entire day of tomorrow so I'll see you then.
By the time Nick had finished reading he could barely see through the tears that were falling from his eyes. He folded up the note and but it into his pocket then left the house, so what if he was a few minutes late?
So what did you think? Review and let me know! This came to me while I was doing my college work so I'd better get on with it if I wanna pass but like I said there is a story in the works so check back for it.