Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. I do however own Yukiko and her brothers and previous family line.

A/N: I fixed Chapter 2. I am very sorry, I have no idea what prompted me to do that, but it is now fixed. Enjoy the story.

--+--Enter the Crescent Moon--+--

"Lord Sesshomaru would you have actually risked my life to test your sword, you ungrateful dog!?" Jaken's unfaithful outburst ended when said dog hurled a fairly large rock at the poor toad's head. However, the foul behavior of the lord's servant continued on. "Before I continue in your service, were you actually testing your sword out on me?" his high pitched and annoying voice did nothing to ease the tension his lord felt. He could smell his baka half brother nearby and wanted nothing to do with him for a while yet. There were differences concerning the group however, one, Inuyasha's woman miko was absent and two there was a different female with them; a female whose life was about to end painfully considering the amount of poison that was running threw her. Also, there were the wolf demons.

"I expected a relieved welcome from you Jaken, not an interrogation."

"Right I'm glad you're well, I thought you might be dead." The poor toad demon really had no chance as an even larger rock swiftly hit its mark in between his eyes. This occurrence, causing the fact that his Lord said something more and turned around to follow his nose, a something that was obviously dead.

Jaken was amazed that his lord had the power to bring the small girl back to life, but for the life of him he could not understand it. However, it was not his place to question the ways and actions of his precious, Lord Sesshomaru.

Case ensuing that at the end of that day Jaken not only had a new job as babysitter, but also a new conversation companion. That is he would have if the small human child would speak at all. While the toad was thinking deeply on the matter he almost ran into his Lord as he stopped. If that was not strange enough the graceful dog demon walked over to a tree and pointedly sat down closing his eyes.

Jaken considered what his Lord did for a moment and then watched in absolute horror as the small child laid down near the all mighty Dog Demon. But as he watched and neither did anything save go to sleep, the little green demon resigned himself with a sigh and took in the twilight of the coming night. He was about to go to sleep himself, before the smooth commanding voice of the dog demon pierced the evening air.

"Jaken you will make a fire." That was all he had said before looking off into the greatly shadowed forest and obviously ending the conversation. The toad demon squawked a quick brown nosed reply before ably going off to make sure his lord's latest request was fulfilled. With the fire now roaring brilliantly in the name of Lord Sesshomaru, Jaken decided some rest would do him good, the night had just settled and it couldn't do any harm to take a much needed nap.

Only AhUn was awake to see his master's brother flying thru the air with the miko and fire neko. Or so they thought. He was a ways away from his lord and the small camp that his new friend and servant had made. Silently he asked the neko, which he knew as Kirara, what was going on. She in turn quickly relayed that Inuyasha was worried about a new friend and needed Kagome's special medicine or the new friend would die. Telepathic communication completed the two went there different ways, the hanyou and miko completely oblivious to everything; silly humanoids always using their mouths to say everything.

It was getting kind of late though so Ah and Un decided to go back to the camp maybe in the morning they could convince their lord to check in on the nearby group. They would need a human if the little girl was to stay. The two decided that they liked the little creature, she didn't squawk and complain like the toad, and she was very gentle and kind to them; making sure they got enough to eat and finding the best places. Hopefully it would become a long term thing? That would be nice.

Little did the beast know, their master also had such thoughts in mind. He was responsible for the small child now that he brought her back to life. It would be dishonorable to simply refuse one the simplicity of death only to throw them into the cruel world that already killed them once. No, that simply would not do. He of course would not force the small child to stay with him; it would be entirely her choice, just as it has always been Jaken's choice. She would need a caretaker; it was no big secret that he was not fatherly material. Not to say that he could not take care of the small creature, no, that was not it at all; he just wouldn't steep so low as to do so. Or so he told himself. Though Inuyasha was technically under his rule and part of his pack it would be difficult to get the alpha or beta females to take on the task he would need done. Perhaps he could just take the child to be cared for back to the Palace Moon; there were many servants that could aid the child.

Decision made he would first try his rout with the nearby females and if that did not work he would take her to the Palace Moon. Not that he wanted to push the responsibility away onto someone else, he just had to deal with the blemish to his honor and pride first. Naraku would have to die. His beast roared with the idea of the filthy spider's blood dripping from his piosen claws. The mear thought of postering in front of the bitch it craved for so long. Once again trying to spur it's more logical side into simply taking the blue eyed bitch for what Sesshomaru was sure the one thousandth time. He of course refused to stain his pride with the taking of a mate so much like that of his dissloyal father. However, his beast had other plans as it froced vivid images of them taking her on her hands and knees as they roared their concuest to the world.

Sesshomaru shook the image out of his mind, she was the wench to his filthy half brother, and he would not take her for his own simply because she was the only one his beast has ever wanted. Demon's lived a long time and he would find someone more suitable for him than a human priestess fro kami sake. Despite his resolve, the Western Lord found himself actually somewhat excited about the meeting tomorrow and nearly hopefull about a positive reply from the bitch. Then he realized he did not give options, he gave orders and she would take care of the new child, Rin, and stay by his side... If only to calm his beast.

It wasn't as awkward as it could have been, but it was still obviously awkward. Kirara mewed affectionately at the two before they expressed the desire for speed, and instantly she let out a mighty roar before transforming and presenting her back. Quickly the two were on and they were flying at top speed back to where Inuyasha left the rest of his pack.

This was all swell, except for the fact that Kagome was nestled in Inuyasha's lap with his arms around her waist. This too could be seen as decent if one didn't have a hentai mind; the problem ensuing was the reason Kagome left. Currently she was on her menstrual cycle, and unlike the others she had managed to leave and be in her time when it happened; not wanting to chance what might happen with the dog hanyou.

At first he didn't seem to do anything but was rather stiff. Now….well now was what was obviously awkward. Inuyasha kept taking deep indulging sniffs of her from behind, and not only that but he kept "accidently" shifting and rubbing against her with his hands or himself. Not in a sexual way, and what most people would take as innocent, hands brushing forearms, knees lingering against thighs, things like that. However, this was Inuyasha we are talking about; everyone knows he is as physical and affectionate as a rabid squirrel on crack whose nuts had just been stolen. Feeling that she lighten the tension, Kagome decided to ask him a question.

"Inuyasha, are you feeling alright?" Yah Kagome that was smooth just blurt out that he is being perverted. He once again indulged in a seductive smell, if a smell could even be considered seductive, and gently brushed her hair away from her neck.

"Kagome, you smell… delicious." Slowly and softly he started to kiss the back of her neck leaving a burning trail in his wake. The trail didn't end where his mouth did however, but sent straight to her belly leaving liquid fire to race and throb effectively.

"Inu..Inuyasha, what are you doing?" She cursed herself for the slight tremor in her voice. She knew she was right in assuming that the hanyou would act differently to her heat then normally. She just didn't expect this kind of reaction. She would have stayed in her time, but the thought of leaving Yukiko for dead just wasn't an option to entertain.

"Nothing…!" he growled, seeming to snap out of whatever daze he had been in. Damn it, he was finally getting to make a move on Kagome and his fuckin half-brother's scent completely left him limp. Bastard! "Come on Kilala let's get there soon, She can't have much time left." The large neko youkai gave another mighty roar and they flew off faster than ever. 'Maybe after Yukiko is taken care of, I can enjoy Kagome's heat a little more?' Inuyasha thought to himself with a slightly mischievous smerk. After all she still didn't belong to anyone, until she said so, and she has declaired that she wanted to stay with him.

He made a soft purring noise to calm down the girl in front of him, she did seem a bit nervis.