AN: Naruto does not belong to me but Masashi Kishimoto. If it did, then the jinchuuriki would haven't been beaten so easily like fodder.

Tails Chapter 1: A new era

(Pein's POV)

Where am I?" I asked as I, along with my bodies, was floating in nothingness.

"You're dead, Pein." A booming voice said.

What shocked me was that voice said but then remembered what had happened. That bastard Madara and his allies murdered Konan and I, right after I extracted the nine-tails from that Naruto boy…Wait a minute, where is Konan?

"KONAN KONAN?!" I yelled, as I did not see her next to me. She was everything to me, the only glimmer of hope in this world and yet, I did not know where she was.

"Konan is not here, Pein. It's only you and I." The voice said once again.

"Who are you?! And where am I?" I asked again, roaring with rage as this voice was leaving him floating nothingness, as if it was enjoying it.

"You don't need to know who I am, all you need to know is this: You are dead but not in heaven or hell." The voice replied.

"What about Konan? Where is she?" I asked.

"She's in heaven." The voice replied

"Then what am I here for? Shouldn't I be in hell for my sins?" I asked.

"You should but we went through your life and saw that we had an alternative for you." The voice replied, being as vague as usual.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You're in purgatory, Pein. The place where we give people second chances." The voice said before a man with a black business suit, black cropped hair, and black eyes walked appeared in front of me.

"Second chances?" I repeated, completely surprised by what he had just said. After looking back at my life, I didn't think I deserved a second chance.

"We looked at your life and when we saw the different realities based on different choices, we saw that you would do great things have you chosen different paths in your life and thus, that qualified as someone who could receive that offer." The man explained.

"Second chances? Does it mean I'll be able to start over?" I asked. There were so many things I could do if I could start all over. I could even save Yahiko…

"No you won't. However, you would be able to start from a certain point in your life, and then move on from there." The man replied.

That didn't sound so bad now that I thought about it. I would still be able to make changes in my life, like not going along with Madara's plan. In fact, I would be able to make an entirely new plan in order to counter Madara!

"So Pein, would you like a second chance?" The man then asked me

"Of course!" I replied with unusual enthusiasm.

"Okay then, I will send you back to another reality in which you never met Madara at all. Would that be good enough?" The man asked as a portal where the different realities were opened in front of me.

"Yes, that would be perfect!" I exclaimed, as this opportunity was too perfect for me to pass up.

"But remember, there will be some differences with that reality compared to the one you used to know." The man said.

"What kind of differences are you referring to?" I asked, as I was irritated that this was now he was telling me this type of detail.

The man chuckled as he saw my facial expressions and then said, "Don't worry, Konan is still alive in that reality and she's still with you. The differences will be aesthetic at best if you really pay attention, you will see what I'm talking about." The man said.

I simply took him by his word and stepped into the portal and then I blacked out.

Next thing I knew, I was sitting on a chair in front of a desk, reading scrolls in a room. I looked outside the window of the room and immediately recognized my surroundings:

I was in the Rain Village.

"This must be where I decided to reside along with Konan after defeating Hanzou. And these scrolls on my desk, they're the scrolls I found about the tailed beasts so I could complete my weapon…" I said to myself as I walked around the room.

The Tailed beasts…they were the key to my weapon of fear that I would unleash onto the world, or at least I would before. But now that I have a second chance and that Madara is not in the way, I could still create it even more efficiently. But, was that the right thing to do? Was fear the only way the world could change or was there another way?

Now that I thought about it, the real problem with our world was justice. Justice was always delayed and always half-full and thus why our world continued to have problems. If justice were constant and always full, then those that caused harm would be even more afraid and less willing to do harm. That's it! What I needed was instruments of justice, not of fear and the hosts of the tailed beasts were the perfect instruments that I needed. With them, I will be able to change the world and make it a just world!

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a soft knock on my door and I immediately recognized whom it belonged to…

Konan…my angel and my only light and the only one in the world I could trust and yet I led her to her death…I swear I will never let that happen again.

I reached toward the door and opened it and she was standing there, in a cloak that resembled the Akatsuki cloak except without the added red clouds. Upon seeing her beauty, I grabbed her before she could react and I then kissed her passionately, feeling our tongues intertwine. I then broke it off and Konan was shocked by what took place and she asked,

"What took over you, Pein?" She asked.

"Don't call me Pein anymore. You can call me Nagato again, and also, I always wanted to say this but I do love you. And also, I need to talk to you about something." I told her. She was still shocked by what just happened, that the emotionless Pein or rather Nagato would kiss her so passionately and tell her that he loves her. Not even in her wildest dreams would she ever think it would happen.

I thought it would a shot in the dark but I decided to explain to her everything that happened back in the other reality and how I came to be here. In the end, I asked,

"Do you believe me Konan?" I asked, hopeful.

"You've never lied to me, even when we were little and thus I believe you. Besides, I can kind of tell that you are different, not that I mind." She said, as she added a sly smile in the last part of her sentence, before she added, "But are you still going to get the hosts of the tailed beasts for your weapon?" Konan asked.

"There's been a change of plans. I won't construct the weapon anymore because changing the world through fear will never result in anything. The only thing that can set this world of ours on the right path is justice and I will thus get the tailed hosts from their respective villages and train them to become my instruments of justice. That is my plan, Konan." I explained to her.

For a while, Konan didn't say anything and I started to worry. I was about to ask if she was okay when she suddenly hugged me tight and I suddenly felt water on my chest and saw that she was lightly crying.

"What's wrong Konan?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Nagato but it's just that I'm so relieved that you've changed." Konan said with a smile…a smile I never saw before in my previous life

But she was right, I had changed for the worst after Yahiko died and I became the man I was before but now, I will no longer be that man!

"But Nagato, how will you acquire the tailed hosts from their countries?" Konan asked.

"I'll simply use all of my bodies to do so, spread them around along with you." I answered.

"But Nagato, you can't spread your bodies that far, it would be too much for you." Konan said with a worried tone

"That's why I'll train for a month in learning how to spread my bodies to a maximum effect before going on this mission. Don't worry, I'm being as safe as possible, Konan." I told her, reassuring her.

We then both stared and kissed each other passionately before I then closed the door…

One month had passed and during that month, I trained to the point where my bodies had their own personalities and could travel to Konoha on their own and come back without any strain. I also did more than training of course, Konan and I stopped the war in the Rain village and started to make it prosper as new schools were built.

"Okay everyone, this is how we are going to do this." I said as my five other bodies, Konan, and I were on top of a building, "I, the God realm, will be in charge of retrieving the Nine-Tails host. The Hungry Ghost realm and Hell Realm will be in charge of the eight-tails and two-tails, The Animal Realm will be in charge of the first-tail, the human realm will be in charge of the six-tails and three-tails, Konan will be in charge of the seven-tails, and Demon Realm will be in charge of the four and five-tails. Let us retrieve them swiftly and without any conflict and that goes double for you, Demon Realm." I said as I looked over at the Demon Realm counterpart, who snickered and said,

"No problem." He replied.

"Let us go!" I said and then we all scattered.

(Normal POV)

Sand Village

"Why…why does everyone hates me for? Why must they treat me like this?" A young red-haired boy asked as he was sobbing on top of a building.

He suddenly sensed the presence of another and quickly turned his head around and saw a man with long orange hair, black piercings all over his face and wearing a black cloak and a forehead protector with the mark of the village marked off.

"Who…who are you?" The young boy asked as he started to scoot back.

"There's no need to be afraid of me Gaara. I'm here to take you away from all this hate that you have suffered at the hands of this village." The man said.

"How can I trust you? What if you are just like them?" Gaara asked, still not sure whether to trust to this man, but for some reason, this man did radiate a different feeling from the villagers

"Look into my eyes and tell me if you see if I'm a liar." The man simply asked as he got close to Gaara's eyes.

Gaara looked into his eyes and he then widened, and then said, "Your eyes aren't like the villagers at all…you don't hate me." Gaara said and then tears were about to fall when Gaara suddenly screamed, "Look out!"

Kunais headed for the ponytailed man but the latter was able to go through seals and then a panda-like creature appeared behind him and blocked the kunais.

The shinobi who threw the kunais gasped as he saw what had just happened, while Gaara was awe-struck by what the man had just done. The said man then reappeared in a flash in front of the masked shinobi and before the latter could react, the man had punched him through the chest.

"I'm sorry shinobi, but I cannot allow you to live after seeing me." He said and then the man fell dead to the floor. He then turned back to Gaara, smiled, and said, "Let us go, Gaara."

Gaara hesitated at first but then remembered the look on his face, the look of a loving person, and decided to follow the man…

Rain Village

The Raikage of the village was going through the last pile of paperwork in the middle of the night when a young male shinobi barged in their office, startling him

"What is the meaning of this, young man?" The Raikage asked angrily.

The young man whimpered under the old but intimidating frame of the Raikage but then regained his composure and then said, "Jinchuuriki Killa and Nii Yugito were kidnapped from their respective locations!" The young ninja said.

"WHAT?" The Raikage yelled.

Outside, The Hungry Ghost Realm and Hell Realm were running from rooftop to rooftop with each of the tailed hosts under their arms, unconscious.

"It looks they had better security than expected." The Hell Realm said

"But that's what makes it even more exciting. It would be boring if we just entered the village unnoticed." The Hungry Ghost Realm replied.

"Anyway, let' speed up so we can lose pursuit and head back." The Hell Realm said and both of them increased their speed and eventually lost their pursuers.

Ling-Shen Temple, near the Mist Village.

The Ling-Shen Temple is known to be the house of Taijutsu in the elemental countries and it is thus well-renowned but also hard to locate since it is locate deep within the mountains and covered by heavy mist.

"State your name and intent!" The two male monks guarding the building asked.

"My name is none of your concern and my intent is to take the boy with the six-tails with me. Please do not make this more difficult than it needs to be." The Human Realm said.

"You dare come here and ask such request. You must be a fool if you think we'll let you inside!" The monks said and they rushed toward the intruder and threw roundhouse kicks at him but the intruder simply smiled and caught their kicks with one hand each. The intruder grinned and before the monks could react, he sucked their souls from their bodies.

"Fools." The Human Realm said and then struck the steel thick red-colored door with his fist and it broke apart.

"INTRUDER!" One monk yelled out.

"Guard the children!" The head monk, Master Lao Shu, ordered as he and his elite monks took center stage. He was middle-aged, had black short hair and wore a red tunic with dark blue pants and black sandals while the rest of his comrades wore white monk robes with black pants and black sandals and were bald.

"I will ask nicely; Where is the child with the six-tails?" The Human Realm asked.

"He wants Jia?" The monks whispered to each other.

"I can sense that he is here. Now tell me where he is or I will be forced to kill everyone here and I doubt you would want that on your conscious?" The Human Realm

"You're after me, aren't you?" A small voice said and behind the monks was a young boy with black hair in a braided ponytail style, wearing a blue oriental shirt, black pants and black sandals.

"Jia!" Master Lao said and turned his head back at the stranger, only to realize that the said stranger had disappeared. Master Lao turned back his head and saw that Jia was gone.

'I failed him.' Lao said before slumping to the ground and punching the hardwood floor.

Meanwhile, Human Realm was traveling away from the temple with Jia on his right shoulder,

"How did you know I was here for you?" Human Realm asked.

"I had a dream about it and my dreams never lie…at least that's what big brother Rokuryuubi told me." Jia answered.

'He's already had contact with his tailed-beast? Amazing.' Human Realm thought

"So where are you taking me?" Jia asked.

"To a place where your kind will not be feared and where you will become strong." Human Realm answered.

"Wait, there are more like me?" The young jinchuuriki asked with a bit more enthusiasm.

"Yes, eight others. They will become your new family." Human Realm said. 'Now all I need to do is get the three-tails.' He thought as he headed for the Mist Village.

Level 13 prison in Rock Village

Level 13 was the worst kind of prison but it wasn't because of its criminals but rather because of its two special guests… Hajime Roshi, the jinchuuriki of the four-tails, and Yamata Shunsui, the jinchuuriki of the five-tails.

They were only boys but they were known as monsters and demons to the criminals and the reason for it was that these boys were given prisoners in order to 'execute' and thus their cell were full of blood splatter and horrible smell of death.

Demon Realm was able to infiltrate the prison pretty easily after he got information from a shinobi he kidnapped. He eventually was able to detect the chakra of the hosts and found them in their cell, which was deep within the confinements of solitary and the security was ridiculously lax…but then again with the rumors about them, it was obvious that no one felt like guarding them.

"Who's there?" Roshi asked as he and Shunsui walked up to the bars of their cell and saw Demon Realm in front of them.

Roshi was the boy to the right and had wild red hair, red eyes, and wore a grayish prisoner's uniform. Shunsui was the boy to the left, was a bit taller than Roshi, had black hair and brown eyes and was bulkier than Roshi,

"I'm here to take you away from this hellhole, with or without force." Demon Realm told them.

"Is that so? Well then Shunsui, shouldn't we greet our guest with an appropriate welcoming?" Roshi asked his friend with a smirk.

"Sure," Shunsui began to say before he grabbed the bars of his cells and bended them completely with little effort.

'So that's the power of the five-tails.' Demon Realm thought as he saw Roshi's arms and legs engulfed in multiple elements while Shunsui got bigger and more feral. Demon Realm laughed and then yelled, "BRING IT ON!"

Outskirts of the Mist Village

Human Realm and Jia had arrived on the outskirts when Human Realm dropped Jia to the ground and sat down in a meditative pose.

"Why are you sitting down like that, mister?" Jia asked politely.

"I am doing so in order to locate the other one, another like you." Human Realm answered. He then rose again and pointed west, "He's over there." He said and both he and Jia headed there.

Meanwhile, two mist jounins were heading in the same place but from a different route.

"Are you sure it' a good idea? No one has been able to kill him yet." The younger jounin on the left asked his partner.

"Of course it's not, but we cannot allow that beast to live forever. " The other jounin said

They arrived at the location of the beast, which was basically a small wooden house in the woods surrounded by mist.

"So this is where he lives? I never expect it to live there." The younger one said in awe.

"Whatever, let's just look for it and kill it!" The older jounin said.

"You guys really need to work on your tracking skills. They're quite pathetic." A young voice said

The two jounins turned around and saw a young boy with purple eyes, a stitched scar under his left eye. He wore a black shirt, black pants, and a green scarf around his neck.

"That's the beast? He's only a child." The young jounin laughed as he looked at his young target.

"Don't underestimate it. He's a monster." The older jounin cautioned his younger partner.

The boy stared at the two jounins and then extended his arms and then two longswords appeared in his hands, both covered in fish-like sin with an eye on each blade.

"What kind of swords are those?" The young one asked.

"I don't know and I don't care, let's just kill it now!" The other jounin replied and both raced toward the young boy, who smiled and said, "Storm Flow."


"What was that mister?" Jia asked as he was startled by the explosion

"It seemed that your fellow friend has unleashed its power. Let's go!" Human Realm said as he sped up.

They arrived in what used to be the location of the three-tails, that was now redecorated with the forest destroyed completely. In the center only stood the three-tails host.

'It seems that the beast hasn't been extracted from the host like in the previous reality.' Human Realm thought.

"You're with them? Because if you are," The young boy began to say before turning to look at them and pointing his swords at them, "You're up next." He said coldly.

"We're not here to fight you but to give you an offer." Human Realm said.

"An offer?" The boy said and then looked at the man and his features relaxed, "Go on." He added on.

"This boy here is a tailed-beast host like you as he holds the six-tailed beast. Me and my group are going around and taking kids like you into our village in order to train them and also provide a home where they are not feared or pursued." Human Realm explained.

The boy walked up to Jia and looked at him and even smelled him for a minute before he backed off and then his swords disappeared. He smirked and then said,

"Sure, I'll come with you. By the way, my name is Saitou." Saitou said.

"And my name is Jia Shu! Nice to meet you!" Jia said as he bowed politely.

"I have no name but it's nice to meet you as well Saitou. Now, let's get going." Human Realm said and all three left Mist Village.

Waterfall Village

In the middle of the night, a young green-haired, tanned skinned, red-eyed girl was running away from a mob group. She wore a white shirt with a red scarf, white pants, and black sandals.

She ran into an alley but found out that it was a dead end. She turned around as she saw the mob head toward her, and she began to tremble.

"Well well, little demon, it looks like you hit a dead end. That's too bad for you because you're about to die!" One man said as he took out a knife and was about to lunge at her when he was suddenly as a woman with blue hair and a white flower on it appeared. She also wore a black cloak and black shoes.

"Who the heck are you?" The man growled.

"Who I am is none of your concern. I'm only here to collect this girl, that's all." The woman said.

"Are you out of your mind? She's a demon!" The man yelled.

"She's the holder of the demon and the only thing keeping your village safe and hence not a demon, foolish little man." The stranger replied.

"Listen demon lover! You get out of our way or else we'll send you to hell with that demon!" Another male growled

"So it is true what they say: Weaklings do bark the loudest. It's too bad for you that barked to the wrong person." The woman said with a smirk and suddenly, paper flew out of right sleeve and sliced through the entire mob, spraying blood all over.

The woman then turned around to face the little girl and smiled at her before saying, "You do not need to fear me, I'm here to help you." The woman said

"Who…who are you?" The girl asked, still scared.

"My name is Konan and I'm here to take you to your true home." Konan said with a smile

Hokage Tower, Leaf Village

"And then what happened?" A young energetic blond boy asked as he was sitting on the desk of the Sandaime Hokage as the old Hokage was telling him stories. The boy had deep blue eyes and wore an orange shirt, blue shorts, and blue shoes. He also had distinct whisker marks on each side of his face.

"After that, Shodai defeated Madara and banished him away from the village." Sarutobi Sasuke, the Sandaime Hokage, told the young boy as he was telling him the story of the battle between the first hokage and Uchiha Madara, the founder of the Uchiha Clan.

"That's so awesome!" The young boy exclaimed

"So this is where he is." A voice said and the Hokage turned and saw a man with short and spiky orange and spiral eyes and wearing a black cloak.

'That's the Rinnegan!' Sarutobi thought as he recognized the famous eyes. He then put on a stern face, stood up and then said, "Who are you and how did you get here?" Sandaime asked.

"My name is Nagato and how I got here is thanks to my own skills. Now, I need to have that boy." Nagato, God Realm, said.

"Why?" The Hokage asked.

"He's the host of the Kyuubi and thus will become my instrument of justice. Do not worry, he won't become a criminal but a powerful shinobi that will fight to protect the innocent from those that prey on them, I swear it." Nagato said and when he saw the look of hesitation on Sarutobi, he continued, "I can tell that he is not so popular in his village and hence why you have stay in your quarters. If you let me have the boy, I will let him come back to the village when he is in the right age to become a genin and I will do the same for all the other tailed beasts that my
companions have taken." Nagato added.

"Wait, you've taken them all?" Sarutobi asked, shocked.

"Yes. You can go and tell all of the village leaders that it was I, Nagato that ordered my group to take them. If the leaders wish to have them back, then I will give them back but not permanently. They will still stays as members of my village but they will be able to perform work for their former village." Nagato continued to say as he was trying to solve this problem diplomatically and he knew only the Sandaime Hokage would listen to reason.

"But why tell me all this? And what do you mean by instrument of justice?" Sandaime asked. He could tell the man was not lying but he just couldn't understand his agenda.

Nagato sighed and decided to reveal the entire truth to Sarutobi and in the end, Sarutobi was shocked. But what was more shocking was what the young boy said,

"I'll help you." The young jinchuuriki said.

"Naruto!" Sarutobi exclaimed as he was surprised by what the young boy had just said.

"You want to help me, Naruto?" Nagato asked as he was also quite surprised by the young boy's proclamation.

"Yes I do. I heard your story and I really feel like I can help. Besides, all you're doing is trying to protect the innocent and that's why I want to become a ninja, so I can also protect my friends and everyone else like all the Hokages have done." Naruto explained.

"I see. Well Hokage, it's your call." Nagato said to the old leader.

The said leader sighed and said, "You can take him. However, I want information about his training once a month and also," Sarutobi began to say before he got face to face with Nagato, "If you do anything to him, I will hunt you and rip you to pieces personally, understood?" Sarutobi finished saying as he gave Nagato a cold glare and if the latter was a weak ninja, he might have just died under the glare.

"No need to worry, I will treat this child as if he was my own." Nagato said to the Hokage before he looking at Naruto, "Let us go to your new home, Naruto." Nagato said and Naruto ran up to him and took his left arm before the two walked out.

"Oh boy, this is not going to be an easy Hokage meeting tomorrow." Sarutobi said as he rubbed his temples.

Rain Village (Nagato's POV)

At last, phase 1 of my plan was complete as myself and my other selves along with Konan had returned with all of the jinchuurikis.

I had made them introduce themselves and it was interesting that it would be the first time I would actually learn their names.

The One-Tails Host's name was Gaara

The Two-Tails Host's name was Nii Yugito.

The Three-Tails Host's name was Saitou

The Four-Tails host's name was Hajime Roshi

The Five-Tails host's name was Yamata Shunsui

The Six-tails host's name was Jia Shu

The Seven-tails host's name was Kururugi Asuka

The Eight-tails host's name was Killabee

And the Nine-tails host's name was Uzumaki Naruto.

Now, I would be able to go into phase 2 of my plan; To forge these children into powerful shinobis. However, I will make sure to never turn them into tools, because they will have to become guardians of their generation.

To be continued…

AN: I'm back, after of course finally getting a new computer that works. This will replace Konoha Legends since I just lost inspiration for it. Now as you may have noticed, Naruto is not the one going back in time but Nagato (Pein) is and also, all of the jinchuurikis are the same, even Killabee. Now, Madara is still going to be a major player in this one but much later.

For the jinchurikis, I decided for them to be major players this time because of the latest chapter of Naruto in which Kishi had them all colored.

The only pairing that I have in my head right now is Naruto and Sakura.

Anyways, till next time.