Revenge of the Fallen

Chapter 10

Mikaela was sobbing puffy mess by the time she knocked on the Witwicky's door.

"Mikaela, what's the matter?" Judy Witwicky said, pulling her into the house. "Ron! Come get her things. Come sit down, honey."

Judy led her to the sofa and handed her some tissues while Ron did as his wife instructed. Mikaela watched the both of them and said nothing as she was still unable to make real words through her crying.

"Did someone hurt you?" Ron asked.

"Did some thing hurt you?" Judy asked.

Mikaela blew her nose and shook her head back and forth.

Sam, who had heard the commotion downstairs, came down the stairs and rushed to his girlfriend's side.

"This isn't your fault, is it?" Ron asked his son.

"No, dad," Sam replied. "Mikaela, what's wrong?"

She sniffled again. "I'm f-f-fine."

Sam and Ron turned to one another and rolled their eyes while Judy pulled Mikaela into another hug.

"Of course you are," Judy cooed.

After five more minutes of sobbing and uncomfortable-ness on the part of the men, she was finally regaining her usual Mikaela composure and was able to put words into sentences.

"My dad is engaged to her. He's changed. He was wearing khakis," she said grimacing. "This girl, she's only a few years older than me and she's got kids. They're a happy little family…without me. She's stealing my Thanksgiving dinner and my dad," she finished, starting to cry again.

Despite the fact that Sam should just be comforting his girlfriend, he was thinking about having his own little happy family, with Mikaela. Snapping out of his fantasy that may or may not have included a white picket fence and children playing with mini Camaros, he turned to pay attention to her again.

"Ron, go make sure the guest room is cleaned up. You'll have Thanksgiving with us, honey," Judy said.

"That's really nice of you, Mrs. Witwicky, but I should just stay with my mom on the other side of town."

"Mik, please just stay here," Sam said quietly.

"We'd love to have you," Judy smiled.

Mikaela strained a smile. "Thank you."

"All right, now that it's all sorted out, I'll put your things in the guest room," Ron said, standing up.

"Let's go out to dinner tonight!" Judy announced. "And tomorrow, you can help me and Sammy's grandmas make Thanksgiving dinner."

"And we need to have a chat about some important Cybertronian details."

Mikaela nodded and Ron left the room.

After dinner, Sam and Mikaela had their important discussion.

"Italy? What would they be doing in Italy?" she asked.

"That was the place of origin of the last transmission from Lennox and the Autobots. Or so Keller said," Sam replied.

They were holed up in Sam's bedroom, sitting across from each other on the bed.

"You don't believe him?" Mikaela asked.

"I don't know," Sam replied.

"So, are we going to Italy? And if we are, how do we afford it?" she asked.

"Those are a couple of very good questions," he said. "Obviously we can't do anything tonight. And I promised my parents I'd finish school. At least this semester, since it's almost over."

"Reasonable," she replied.

"Do you ever wish we could just be…normal?"

"Sam, neither of us could ever be considered 'normal' by any stretch of the word. I'm a female mechanic, working as a waitress, depending on grades to pay for school. And you, well, you are way too smart to be hanging around with me."

"But without these giant alien robots, we'd never have found each other," Sam said. "And I think I'd be the stupidest man on Earth, no, wait, the galaxy, if I wasn't with you," he said.

"How about, for one night, we pretend we're normal? Just regular eighteen year olds that can enjoy each other's company without the ominous threat of doom and destruction from Decepticons?" she asked, putting a comforting hand on Sam's arm. "We can veg-out in front of the TV and watch a movie."

Sam was silent for a minute. "Sounds great," he said, putting his lips to hers in an innocent, yet very loving kiss.

Hand in hand, the couple descended the stairs and hunted for a movie. Settling on the couch, Sam gathered Mikaela into his arms, her head resting on his chest. He clicked 'play' on the remote, but they were both asleep before the opening credits began to roll.

The big plans that they needed to make could wait until after the holiday.

A/N: Okay, a little shorter than I normally do, but here it is anyway. I thought it was a good place to end it. Hopefully, there will be some action and adventure in the next chapter!

And as always, REVIEWS are ALWAYS appreciated! Thanks!