"Of course she can come and stay with us, Lola. As long as she wants!" Noni Uley said into the telephone.
"Thank you so much Noni. Just long enough for me to leave her stepfather and get a life straightened out for us somewhere else. "Lola replied.
"Nonsense, as long as she wants. You should come back to La Push. Or Forks at the very least. I'll get Sam cleaning our guest room this afternoon. I'm sure Dekan will love it here, Lola." Noni said.
"I owe you big time, sissy. After what Jerry did this last time…it's inexcusable. I don't know how I could have been so blind? So stupid?" Lola sobbed into the telephone.
"Now, now Lola. Don't bear yourself up over this. The goal right now is to get Dekan safe, and you get your life on track. Don't worry about Dekan, we will take great care of her. I can't wait to tell Sam. He'll be so excited!" Noni said.
"I've already got her bags packed and sent ahead. When she comes home from school, I'll drive her to the airport and put her on the first plane there. I've bought her a one way ticket for now, until I figure out where we're going to live. Her bags should be there in a couple of days, and her flight will take her to Seattle. I can tell her to take a taxi to La Push if you don't want to make the trip there. It should only take about seven and a half to eight hours for her to be there. Is this okay, Noni? I hate springing this on you, but it's urgent." Lola rambled on.
"Of course it's fine; I love her like she was my own. I'll send Sam out to Seattle to pick her up around nine o'clock. I'll bet that they have a lot of catching up to do. I'll go tomorrow and enroll her at Forks High School, since she's not eligible to go to school here in La Push. Don't worry, it's just a few minutes' drive, it's not hassle at all!" Noni said in a rush, knowing how her sister would get.
"Okay…I really owe you for this, Noni. I promise she won't be any trouble, I'll tell her to behave. Thank you so much. Give Sam and Eli my love. I have to go now; Jerry is due home any moment. I love you!" Lola whispered as she hung up quickly.
"Love you too!" Noni said quickly, hanging up.
"Sam! I need to talk to you!" Noni shouted, standing on the porch of the Uley house. Knowing that Sam would hear her, or at the very least one of the pack would, she went to go sit down on the couch to wait for him. A few moments later, Sam came walking into the house and to the living room where his mother was sitting.
"Guess who is coming for a visit." Noni said, a huge smile on her face.
"Uh…Santa Claus?" Sam said, chuckling.
Noni rolled her eyes at her son and laughed. "No, smarty pants. Dekan's coming! Tomorrow night. So I need you and…well, Emily mostly, to clean out the guest room. I know you guys' version of 'clean'. Please, bring Emily." Noni said, a knowing look on her face.
"Dekan? As in Auntie Lola's daughter?" Sam said.
"The one and only. She's going to be staying with us for a while, so I want her room to look extra nice. And I think she would like it if you went to Seattle to pick her up instead of coming here in a taxi." Noni replied.
"Wow. Its been…what, 10 years since we've seen her? What happened?" Sam said, instantly concerned.
Noni sighed heavily. Of course Sam would pick up this. "Dekan's stepfather hasn't exactly been nice to her. I can't say anymore. Dekan can tell you if she wants you to know. I'm sorry, son." Noni said.
"I knew that bastard wasn't good! I knew it!" Sam practically shouted.
"I know, Sam. I know. But she's getting out of there, that's what is important. So, she is coming to stay here. Now bring Emily over and get that room fixed up, please? I'm going to go wash some extra linens and towels for her, and get some groceries." Noni said, fixing a look at Sam. Sam just smiled and shrugged, trying to look all innocent. Sam walked out of his house and towards Emily's house, happy yet sad. Happy that he was finally getting to hang out with his favorite cousin, but sad because of the circumstances that are bringing her to La Push. Not bothering to knock on the door, Sam walked on in and smiled when he saw Emily already making dinner for the pack. 'She's going to make a great mother and wife.' Sam thought to himself.
"Well hello there, beautiful. You come here often?" Sam said as he walked up to Emily, kissing her on the cheek.
"Why yes, I do. I live here you know." Emily said, smiling.
"Ah, so that's why you look familiar!" Sam replied, laughing.
"That must be it." Emily said.
"Hey, I have a favor to ask. Mom wants to know if you'll come home with me and help me cleaning up the guest room." Sam said.
"Of course. Who's coming to visit?" Emily asked, setting the chickens in the refrigerator to marinate.
"My mom's niece, my cousin Dekan. Family stuff." Sam said.
"Oh, well that's good then! Let me grab my shoes." Emily said, going to her room and putting on her tennis shoes. Walking back to the door, Sam picked her up and slid her over so she was riding on his back. Emily gasped and laughed, holding onto Sam as he took off running towards his house. A minute later, Sam reached his house and let Emily slide off his back. Emily's feet hit the wooden porch of the house with a quiet thump. Grabbing a hold of Emily's hand, Sam walked in and back to the small guest room, his mom already changing the bed sheets.
"Hi Emily, sweetie. Thank you for coming. You know how bad this room would look if left up to the boys." Noni said, laughing.
"No problem, Mrs. Uley. I'm glad Dekan is coming to stay with Sam. We need more girls around here." Emily replied, smiling.
"You're right about that. All this testosterone is giving me a migraine." Noni said, smirking at Sam.
"While you hens cluck about, I'm going to get to work." Sam butted in, making little squawking noises in the background.
That made Emily and Noni laugh. Emily came over and took the sheets from Noni, shooing her from the room while she took over, ordering Sam to do the smaller tasks that he was less able to mess up.
Author's Note: This is my first Twilight fan fic! I hope you all enjoy it! Leave me reviews so I will be motivated to continue. This is going to be a long-ish fic, with all I have planned. This plot bunny has been chasing me around the house, begging me to write it. So here it is! There will be plenty of fluff and drama to even things out. Don't worry, the ball will start rolling quickly, just stick with me! R&R!