Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I making any profit off of Harry Potter or Gundam Wing A/N: If you want me to e-mail you updates for this or any other story let me know in a review and which story you want notified for.
Chapter Three: Once More to the Front Clouds covered the darkening sky with promises of more rain. One figure just stood staring out into space lost in thought. A shadow passed over the still form drawing their attention to a pair of concerned dark blue eyes. Treize sat down on the soft grass next to his companion. Leaning back on his elbows he said,
"You know sitting outside when there are obvious signs of impending rain, is not the best way to impatiently wait for a response from Lucille's team"
Dark violet eyes turned to clash with blue and saw nothing but concern, worry, and quiet humor. Taking a deep breath the braided haired fighter replied.
"I know, Trieze, but it has been three days since we turned the reins over to this team we have never met. I want to be helping in some way, but I don't even know where to start"
Pushing up from the ground, the blond leaned down to pull Duo to his feet.
"Well let's call Une and see what we can do"
The two males walked down the hidden path to the lavish four bedroom house, disappearing inside just as the first drop fell.
HPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGW Nicely tanned, muscular arms stretched high above the dark, raven haired young teen as he leaned back in his chair, followed by a relaxed. "Mmmmmm"
Drawing his blond partner's attention. Molten gray eyes warmed a bit at his friend asked.
"Tired, Harry"
Full cherry red lips pulled back in a grin before the green eyed hero replied.
"Hmmm....a bit yeah. With the research and attacks over the last three days, I've had trouble sleeping"
Tapping filled the short silence as the two teens tried thinking of another place to look for clues on the Rebel group when pounding alerted the team to someone at the door to their room. With a sigh Harry pushed away from his desk and walked swiftly to the abused door as the pounding continued. Jerking the door open glacial green eyes glared down at the rookie currently shaking before the hero of the magical world. Annoyed Harry demanded a bit more forcefully than he meant.
"Do you not know how to knock on a door, Jenkins"
The nervous young fighter stuttered in the face of one of the legendary duo before Draco sighed and placed a calming hand on his frustrated partner's shoulder and commented.
"Now, Harry that isn't the impression you want to give newbies. If you answer the door like that every time they knock they may think you are a git"
Turning back to the scared greenhorn, He asked.
"What can we do for you, Jenkins"
Shuffling from foot to foot, the young boy pulled out a file from behind his back and said.
"Well, I had a question about how to work this strategy I've been working on and thought to ask you two before I handed the file in to go out to simulated missions for trainees"
Pulling the door open further Harry ushered the eager student in and pulled out a spare chair. Leaning forward in their chairs the two seasoned warriors waited for him to begin. Laying the folder down on the conference table in the center of the room the boy quickly organized his approach. As he flipped the cream colored cover open he spoke.
"Well, the location is a large stone mansion located about thirty miles from the nearest town. A large forest is on the right flank, a decent sized lake on the northern end"
Jenkins had pulled the board the two used to think things out, in front of them and began making sketches of the location and terrain. Harry had tuned the long winded detailed speech out as he looked at the details contained in the file. What brought his attention back to the speaker was when he heard.
"So since we have non magical trainees going into a heavily magically warded area we will of course give each a charmed ring to be able to locate them with if they were to get lost. The team or rather the 'enemy' will alternately portkey and apperate from location to loca"
Harry jumped up and yelled.
"That's it! Jenkins you are a genius"
Rushing over to his desk Harry flipped through the file he and Draco had put together on the Rebel team they had been tracking before pulling out several sheets and began muttering to himself.
"Can't believe I didn't think of this earlier"
Jenkins sighed as Harry's mind zoned in on his epiphany and Draco leaned over his shoulder to listen to the mutters and read the note Harry scribbled on spare paper. Wiping the board clean and gathering his file contents back up he called.
"I'll just leave you two to your work"
When he got no response, Jenkins chuckled to himself as he left the room, pulling the door to before heading to Lucille's office to report his file.
HPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGW "I will see what Lucille can tell me, Duo. She has been keeping me updated as much as possible and except for a few battles and dead ends, her team hasn't made much more leeway than we"
A snort came from the corner of the room causing the attention to be brought to the Asian fighter. Wufei pushed off the wall to walk over and ask.
"Then why do they still have the case? I thought they were the best trackers"
"And they are"
The groups' attention was pulled to the conference vidscreen where none other than Lucille Davenport herself was viewing at the group. Looking to Une she said.
"Your secretary put me through, though I am glad she did"
Looking to the famous pilots she said.
"I understand your friends are missing and you are worried, but I would appreciate it if you all would give my men a chance. They have had the file for less than seventy-two hours, slept maybe seven hours combined, and already they have found over a dozen leads"
"That were dead ends"
Came the upset reply from Duo. Une turned to reprimand the pilot but Lucille stopped her.
"No, Une, he is right, they were dead ends, but that brings us much closer. You also need to remember that these two are my best and I normally don't follow their missions, so there could be more information they haven't relayed"
A knock sounded over the link and the Preventors waited as Lucille allowed entrance to a rather hyper uniformed teen. He seemed to bounce around the edge of the screen as he said.
"Commander Lucille! Commander Lucille! Team Ice has made a breakthrough"
Shaking her head at the boy she replied.
"Alright, Jenkins, I will see to them shortly. You may return to your original destination"
The sound of the door closing filled the speakers before Lucille returned her attention to the pilots. Standing behind her chair to push it in, she informed them.
"You shall have to excuse me, it would seem the team you have been waiting on just figured something out. Davenport out"
The screen went blank as she turned on the link. Une turned to the group before her and sighed.
"Boys, I care about all of you dearly, and you are one of the best groups, but you have to remember there are others out there that can be just as good. Granted they are few and far between....very few. You need to trust these two. They are giving up a lot by excepting to help us. They will have to join you in hiding, remember that.
She returned to her desk and her work signaling the end of their discussion. The five pilots returned to their safe house.
The door clicked closed as the tired group entered the living room and dropped onto the furniture. Zechs sighed and said.
"Let us hope the 'breakthrough' is a way to find Quat and Heero"
Duo nodded before he said. "I hope we haven't ticked off the commander of the other team with mine and Wu-man's outbursts." Trowa looked to the nervous pilot of Deathsythe and replied.
"She seemed understanding"
Treize nodded in agreement before adding his own opinion.
"Let us hope that if the two men on the mission get wind of our comments and doubts that they shall be as understanding"
Surprisingly it was Trowa that once more answered.
"Miss Davenport didn't seem to be the gossip type, but should they get wind of it, I believe they could be annoyed, but they would work just as hard. We need to give them time"
The group grew quiet before slowly each left to do their own thing.
HPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGW The click of the door pulled the two owners of the room from their mussing; turning to see the room empty save for them, the two powerful wizards pulled their chairs back to the conference table as Draco ask.
"Do you care to explain what you discovered"
Spreading out the papers he had pulled from the file Harry had just opened his mouth to speak when another knock once more delayed their investigating. Draco quickly went to the door and pulled it open only to find Lucille waiting on the other side. Stepping back and allowing the woman to pass, Draco quickly shut the door and claimed his seat next to his boss. Both turned toward Harry as Lucille commented.
"A little Birdy told me you two may have had a break through on your case"
Draco nodded and replied.
"Harry was just about to tell me what he had found"
Once more turning to the war hero the two waited for him to begin. Once more Harry leaned toward the papers on the table and began.
"Well, I got the idea when Jenkins brought up the rings Draco and I created"
Seeing Lucille open her mouth to comment Harry held up a hand knowing her question.
When Draco and he had joined the team when they were fourteen the company was divided. The Witches and Wizards worked together and the Squibs and muggles worked together since they could not train together. Well Draco and Harry worked as often as they could to create something to pull the teams together. After six months they had made the rings so any non magical or squibs could go anywhere magical people could go. "Give me a moment, Lucille, before you ask"
Taking a breath Harry's tone took on a bit of a lecture tone as he continued.
"No matter how we tracked what they used, there wasn't any trace of the Rebels. When Jenkins brought up the rings, it hit me, though it disturbs me. When we created the rings, Draco and I wanted to not only help the non magical team member, but their magic wielding partners as well. One of the things we made part of the ring was if it was within a group of mixed members it would hide the signature from others, it would also cover any signature markers of apperating and portkey use"
Standing from his seat Harry started pacing around the dorm room as he continued to speak more and more frustration bled into his words.
"The biggest problem is the only people with access to these rings are in our group"
Lucille's eyes took on a slight gleam as these words sunk in. A beautifully manicured finger went to her chin in thought as she spoke aloud.
"So that would mean we have a traitor in our midst's. The question is who"
Walking over to his computer Harry tapped a couple keys before bringing the laptop back to the table speaking as he went.
"Well if they have the rings then their name and retina scan will be on file"
A few more clicks of the mouse and he continued.
"Johnson, David - Mission 09765 - Ring 11 - Status: Returned.
Jensen, Amy - Mission 22135- Ring 03 - Stats: Returned"
As he scanned the screen Lucille gazed over his shoulder when he commented.
"Some of these look wrong"
The commander blinked and said.
"Your right. Maxson, Jarvis, & Renalds are wizards they don't need rings and Williams, Jackson, Smith, Anthony, & Roberts each just left on missions, so their rings should still be reserved." Harry leaned in next to his companion and asked.
"Who could have done it? Draco, me, yourself, and your secretary are the only ones with the access to this web"
Sighing Harry walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a cauldron from the bottom drawer. After placing the iron object on a ready stand on the corner of his desk, Harry returned to the wardrobe a pulled open the cabinet next to it and started pulling out ingredients. Lucille walked over to the desk and studied the vials as Harry sat them down and went back for more. Draco finally left his computer long enough to walk to his side table and pulled out a scroll. Walking over to his friend Draco passed the rolled parchment over then returned to his computer to try and track the person altering the data. After several minutes of silence Lucille finally asked the burning question.
"Harry, what are you doing"
The raven haired teen looked up from the dragon scales he was crushing and replied.
"When we made the rings, Draco felt we should have a way of finding them should the need arise and with the help of Severus we were able to. Now I am glad Severus gave me those lessons and convinced me I didn't need to hide my potential"
The room once more lapped into silence but for the sound of keys tapping and the mortar crushing the scales. Heading toward the door, Lucille called out.
"I'll just leave you to your work"
The door swung shut behind her as she left. Several minutes lapsed before Harry turned from throwing six and a quarter mandrake leaves chopped finely into the now lilac colored liquid.
"Draco, I need your contribution"
The platinum blond walked over to the cauldron and together with his friend added three drops of blood, two hairs with the roots, and a small marble sized drop of manifested magic. Then picking up his own ladle and stirred opposite Harry's stirs three times. The liquid slowly changed to a dark sapphire blue. After Draco returned to his computer Harry added a few more items once more changing the color, this time to a soft lime green. Three hours passed before the potion ended its last stage and turned a dark beige. Harry turned off the burner under the cast iron cauldron before placing the pot to the(---remove/add-- It) aside to cool. Turning to his blond haired companion, he said.
"The potion is ready, now all we have to do is"
The door to their room swung open to admit Lucille carrying three paper sacks. Seeing the two pilots ready to attack made her smile. With a shrug she kicked the door shut with her foot and walked to the desk Draco had vacated talking as she went.
"I figured you two would be to wrapped up in your work to both answering as you have done so before. I brought food since you two have probably forgotten to eat again. Now take a break and eat"
The two teens knew better than to argue and sat to eat. Pulling the cheeseburger out of the bag she kept talking, Lucille continued speaking.
"I feel I should give you a little bit of information on the Gundam Pilots, since you will be sharing space with them soon"
Draco looked up from the ketchup packet he was attempting to open to reply.
"There is no need, Commander. We rather learn our information from the pilots ourselves, you know that"
Harry nodded in agreement with his partner in crime and commented as well.
"We already know they probably think we are pathetic since we haven't found anything, but we have searched in other places they never could. The only thing that we would think you should tell us is if we will need to watch our backs at all hours"
Lucille thought for a moment before replying.
"Well they may be suspicious around you for a while, but you would be too"
She waited for the two to nod in agreement before she continued on.
"Now what had I interrupted before I went all motherly on you"
Harry retrieved the scroll Draco had given him earlier that evening to make the potion with. When he returned to the table he carefully unrolled the parchment and spread it out on the table and began.
"Well when we made the rings, Draco and I made a fail safe for each ring"
Draco walked to his own wardrobe and pulled out a small chest from the top shelf. Returning to his seat, Draco pricked his thumb and placed two drops on the small indention on top of the carved chest. After he lifted the lid, Draco reached in and pulled out a thin silver band. Dropping the glittering ring into his palm, he explained softly.
"These bands are connected to each ring"
At the confused look he received Draco expanded a bit more in detail.
"This ring is connected to ring number 14. If anything should happen to a member and they have one we can locate the ring using this band and the potion. When we made the rings, the fail safe we added was to connect the magical signature to a back up. When the newbie mentioned the rings it made Harry remember about these little babies"
Harry picked up where Draco ended his tutorial on the rings.
"So we will use the potion and an incantation on the ring and then we will be able to find those two Gundam fighters"
Lucille had been nodding in understanding as the two powerful wizards gave their detailed explanations. When they stopped to see her reaction she asked.
"If wizards are holding these rings can they find a way to make them untraceable"
Harry shook his head.
"No, the potion can not be blocked in any way unless Draco or I make it so"
Lucille stood and replied.
"Alright then, I wish you two the best of luck and since technically I am not involved in this case it would probably be best if I was unaware of your departure. When I get confirmation from Lady Une that you have made it to her headquarters I will fax over your files"
Brown eyes glistening as she took in the image the two young men made and gave a bittersweet smile.
"I am so proud of you two. No matter what happens, remember that you both came a long way from when you started here as angry boys that had been wronged, to my best team of trackers and search and rescue. I will miss you"
That said the tearful woman hugged them both, ignoring the tensing at the physical contact and kissed their cheeks, before making a hasty exit. Silence reigned as the door clicked closed. Then Draco returned to his computer to check the correct rings and joined Harry as he dished out two bowls of potion. The rings were submerged in the thick liquid and each wizard grabbed a bowl and spoke the incantation.
"ostendo sum orbis locus." The jewelry glowed green a moment before a scroll appeared with a pop next to the two bowls. Draco pulled the end carefully unsealing the page and quickly unrolled the results. Scanning the information provided, he sighed.
"The are indeed wizards. The rings are in an old castle not too far from the location of their mission"
Harry and Draco each walked to their wardrobes and drew out their empty duffles and threw them on the bed. Each pulled out their clothes and wandlessly folded and packed the whole thing. Pulling out a second pack they packed their emergency gear for the trip then finished their room. Draco summoned the two laptops and packed them in a special pack while Harry packed the now clean cauldrons and all the ingredients. After the bedding was packed and both wardrobes empty the two young wizards hoisted the mission duffles onto their shoulders, their personal duffles were shrunk and in hidden compartments in their coats. Leaving the door unlocked and the key on the table near the door, they left the dorms without a backwards glance.
HPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGW Lucille sighed as she stared at the computer screen before her. She had been trying to write up a report on Harry and Draco's work ethics to send the Une when the boys showed up at her location. All she had was the blinking tab and a line of useless information. The tracking team Ice consisting of: Harry Potter codename: Vulpecula Orion Draco Malfoy codename: Cygnus Sagitta Harry has a mischievous streak and a cunning about him. He can make you think what ever he wants without you ever knowing it. He does tend to be a bit hardheaded and leaps then looks.

Very loyal and refuses to leave a companion behind during a mission or a normal fight. The Sword.
Draco has a twisted scence of humor and is incredibly sly. Very observant and thinks things through. He can learn and remember small normally thought of as meaningless facts and recite them at a later date. Protective of those he cares for. Never one to back down from a fight of any kind. The Shield.
Both are 18 years of age, they are brave and outstanding young men. These two young men came into my employment determined to protect innocent people from the fate that is their reality. They balance out each other. They leave a lasting impression. Word of warning do not harm or annoy one for the other will seek revenge. They are sweet and caring. Never have they failed a mission. I hope these two.
After rereading what she had typed Lucille pulled her hand away from the deletion key and smiled as a thought crossed her mind. If Une wanted a report on the boys then she would have to except an informal report, because there was no way to be formal about the two wizards that had burrowed into her heart. Knowing she was leaving out a lot of important information Lucille merely finished the sentence telling Une that she hoped Draco and Harry were appreciated as they were here then sent the e-mail to the Commander to the sister company. HPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHPGWHP The room was dark and he came to and tried to clear his vision. Leaning up onto his elbows the male could only groan as the collar around his neck pulled tight and pain lanced through his abused body. Breathing deeply through his clenched teeth he tried once more to get his bearings and see what he remembered. Flashes were all he was getting when a hiss from his left brought back the memory of the mission and his partner. Turning his head to take in the heavily shackled form dark brown hair fell into his Prussian eyes. Licking his dried and cracked lips he rasped out.
The pale teen slowly opened his pale eyes revealing to his partner the pain he was in before replying.
The normally glowing pilot seemed to dim before Heero's eyes as he gasped for breath through a heavily damaged chest.
Was the only reply. Silence filled the dark room as Heero tried to breath enough to ask.
"C..can you see"
Feeling like a fool for chopping up in normally smart vocabulary the blond replied.
"Try to"
Turning his head careful of the thick collar and pushed up from his position on his stomach with a soft groan as his shoulder popped back into place and the pressure reveal extensive damage to his right arm. Leaning to his left he continued to push up the most the chain on the floor would allow. Taking in the room Quatre reported.
"Sm...sma....all win..dow high. door big. nothing"
Heero carefully arranged the words and figured out they were in a room with a small window up high on the wall and a big door. After thinking over the nothing part he realized there was nothing in the room save for the two pilots and their chains. Pulling the his cuffed wrist as close to his face as he could, the pilot of Wing Zero studied the locking mechanism.

A groan from his companion pulled him back to the room once more. Turning his gaze back to the other pilot he noticed a small pool of some sort was slowly forming around his stomach.

Pushing up once more this time be was able to gain his seat with a good bit of pain and lean ever so slightly toward him and asked.
A small hand went to the steadily darkening spot on the once impeccably neat pale green shirt as if to staunch the flow and was quickly covered in the substance revealed as blood. Pale, dimmed eyes met the perfect soldier's. "It no....thing....jjust...sc...scra...atch"
The last was whispered as Quatre lost the battle and fell unconscious. Heero grit his teeth as he forced his body to the length of the chain and ignoring his own pain felt for a pulse on the sweet pilot's delicate wrist. Reassured by the faint but there beat, he tried again to remember what had happened. The mission was a trap, their capture was hard as they fought hard. The continuous pain as their captures used some kind of stick as well as being physical while the two pilots were unable to move due to being bound.

That was all he remembered before he heard the tale tell sounds of a nearby door being opened followed by footfalls. Looking to the large wooden door he didn't have to wait long as it was thrown open and two tall figures walked in one in purple the other in orange. The Purple was the first to speak as he saw Heero awake and sitting up.
"Well, well Eric, it would seem our sleeping beauty is awake and ready for more interrogation"
The Orange figure's hood moved in a nod as he crouched by the still form of Quatre and checked for the pulse on his wrist as well. Pulling out the stick Heero remembered he waved it over the blond and moments later the Blondy's eyes flew open and the Orange figure commented.
"I believe this one here is very egar about continuing as well, Brad. I say he goes first"
Gaining his feet the orange figure known as Eric grabbed a handful of limp and dirty blond hair, jerking the tortured male to his knees jerking the shackles binding his neck, arms, and leg taunt.

The Purple figure known as Brad pushed back his hood revealing dead brown eyes and black hair.

Heero tried to lunge at the two men only to be pulled back rudely by the chains then kicked harshly kicked in the side causing a rib to give by Brad.

He could only look on in silent horror as the small pilot was emphatically tortured by the two purely evil men as his space heart was attacked by their hate.

Brad shoved his face into the small Blondy's and spit out.
"Are you going to tell us what we want this time"
Quatre could only reply in a whisper as he felt the heavy assault on his body.
A harsh light entered Brad's eyes and glee seemed to enter Eric's. It was Eric who replied.
"That was the wrong answer"
Heero attempted to lunge once more and was again restrained and punished. Erin threw the weakened pilot to the floor and glared down at the stain on his robes brought on by the blood flowing from Quatre's wound.

Glaring at the helpless prisoner he hissed.
"Look at what you did to my robes"
Heero forced a laugh out drawing the attention to himself and off of Quatre. The two men stalked to the pissed off pilot and both jerked his up and twisted his arms before hissing.
"You think it's funny? It is so hard to get blood out of robes"
Brad shook the brunette and assked.
"Are you going to tell us what we want to know or are you going to be punished too"
Heero hissed slightly as Brad's nails dug into a large gash on his arm. Breathing a deep as his rib would allow he stuttered a replied.
"I wo..would die"
He too was thrown to the floor pulling a groan as the chains jerked when he surpassed their bounds. Eric laughed at his pain and replied.
"That can be arranged, but not yet"
Pulling up his wand, he leveled it onto the barely conscious Quatre as he said.
"Now for the fun"
The now heavily bleeding pilot's body arched off the ground as he writhed in pain. He bit his lip til it bled as he fought to keep from screaming. Suddenly the pain stopped as the wizard was thrown across the room by an unseen force.

Brad spun around a curse on his lips as he drew his wand only to meet with a fit to the face, knocking him to the ground. Heero struggled to reach the shuttering form of his friend.

Quatre struggled to breathe as he took in the form of the two figures standing where their captures had just been. Emerald eyes held anger, but a small bit of challenge as the dark male said.
The two wizards jumped to their feet only to hear their attacker's name. Brad gasped drawing the attention of the pale silver eyed envader.
"I'm insulted. They were having fun and didn't invite us. Aren't you, Draco?"