Chapter 8: Hyrule
The voice could see that John was numb to the world. The boy was wandering aimlessly, ignoring everything around him although it was a beautiful forest that they were in. This wasn't like him, usually he would be excited to explore a new world. The voice sighed and floated back to its partner to speak with him. "Okay John, wake up. That's enough moping around for one day."
John stared at the voice with a tormented look on his face. "I killed someone. And I didn't even know…" He sat down on a rock.
"Oh grow up," the voice snapped. John looked up at him in surprise. "Someone's dead," the voice continued. "Because of a stupid mistake you made. Think about it though, that was not you! True it may have been you at one point, but the John I know now would never murder someone. You're a good person not a homicidal maniac!"
"I don't know," John muttered. "I'm having a lot of trouble with this one." He stood, brushed himself off, and continued on through the forest. BOOM! John hit the ground hard. "Ow…what's going on?" He leapt up a tree and looked around the forest. "There!" he pointed to a pillar of smoke. He jumped back down to the ground and set off towards in the direction he had seen the smoke. Soon, he found the reason for the explosion. John was standing in the middle of a small village. All around him, children were running in terror from a group of Heartless, which were attack everyone near them.
"This isn't good," the voice said. "Get ready John. John!" The boy wasn't listening. His eyes were clouded with rage and he dove into the army of Heartless.
"GET OUT OF HERE!" John shouted as he cut a creeper plant in half. He cut his way through three shadows and dove on a soldier. The remaining Heartless dove into the ground and vanished. John stood up, he was panting hard. The voice floated over to him and John collapsed. "I'm so tired." John closed his eyes and fell asleep.
"I told you leaving the world that I created for you would bring you pain," the voice whispered. "But I never imagined how much…"
John found himself floating in darkness. "Welcome back," a deep voice boomed around him. The darkness started to cover him but he didn't fight it. "What's wrong? Not going to fight me?" the deep voice said.
"I don't care," John whispered. "Do what you want. It doesn't matter anymore."
"Hmmm, you're strange boy," the deep voice said. "You willingly allow the darkness to swallow you. Why is this?"
"It doesn't matter," John repeated.
"Yes, it does," John looked over to see a girl standing beside him. She emanated a light that kept the darkness at bay.
"You," John gasped. "You were the one from my memories! You're, my sister…"
The girl gave him a soft smile. "Yes, I am. Please, John, don't give up. You can't. I know there is still good in you." She held her hand out to him. "Please, take my hand. Don't give in to the darkness."
"No! John listen to me," it was the deep voice. "This is your future. Your heart lies in darkness. Stay here where it's safe."
John's eyes widened. "That voice sounds almost like…" he reached out towards the girl.
"Why John?" the deep voice sounded sorrowful. "Why would you defy your own destiny?"
"Because, all the darkness offered me is gone," John said. "And all you gave me were lies. I know who you are now." The light that surrounded the girl enveloped John and he suddenly awoke. He was lying in the middle of the small village. He stood gingerly. Yes, he knew what the darkness was. He knew who was trying to control him. There were two voices, one that offered him guidance and protected him, and one that was trying to destroy him with darkness. Why didn't he see it before?
"Voice? Where are you?" John called. There wasn't an answer. He hadn't expected that the voice would stick around. A fool, that was what he had been, a fool. Two voices, it was just so obvious. They were the same person. Something that the dark voice had said clued him in. What was it? Oh, yeah, 'Stay here where it is safe'. "That's what the voice that protected me said," John thought to himself. "He never wanted me to be safe. I bet he was working for the memory stealers all along." John left the village and walked on through the forest. "It's all over then," he muttered to himself. "I can't get to other worlds on my own."
He left the forest and stepped out onto a flatland on the other side. He walked across the flatland observing everything around him. It was barren except for sparse vegetation that he could see in the distance. He walked for several hours, then, he saw a small settlement up ahead. As he came near to it he realized that it was a ranch. The gate was open so he went inside. He walked past the buildings at the entrance of the ranch and entered the main area. To his left was a small flock of chickens feeding. Straight in front of him was a fenced in area with about five or six horses grazing. As he watched the horses a strange feeling of loneliness swept over him.
"Hello, who are you?" John turned to see a young, red haired woman standing behind him.
"My name is John," he replied. "Are you the owner of this place? It's beautiful."
She smiled at him. "Thank you. Actually, my dad owns the place, but I help him run it. He's away right now but he'll be back soon. Oh, my name's Malon by the way." John sighed and looked at the horses and the feeling of loneliness increased. "What's wrong?" Malon asked.
"How would you like it if someone you thought was your friend betrayed your trust?" John said with a touch of hardness in his voice.
"It would hurt, but I think," Malon said carefully. "That I would try to find my friend and ask them why they did what they did. There may be more to the betrayal then you know."
"I'm not so sure…" John muttered.
They stood there for a few minutes in silence. "Well, do you like horses?" Malon asked.
John was caught off guard for a moment. "Sure," he said carefully. "I guess so."
"Come on," Malon said. She led him over to the horse pen, opened it, and they both walked in. John forgot his troubles for the next few minutes as she taught him how to get on to, and ride a horse. To John's surprise, he found this to be very easy. "You must be a natural," Malon told him partway through the lesson. John was riding at a swift trot around the fence when a man wearing overalls came running towards Malon. They spoke quickly for a moment, and then Malon beckoned John over to them. He rode towards them quickly and jumped off the horse.
"What's going on?" John asked Malon.
"It's the Heartless," Malon said with fear in her eyes. "Ingo here saw them coming into the ranch. We have to get out of here now!"
Suddenly the Heartless burst out of the ground and surrounded them. They moved forward slowly as John backed up with Malon and Ingo.
"This isn't good," John thought to himself. "I can't let these two get hurt." He gritted his teeth. "Malon! You and Ingo have to get out of here."
"How?" Malon said nervously. "We're surrounded!"
John snapped his fingers. "That's it!" He grabbed Malon around the waist and hoisted her onto the horse he had been riding. "Ingo," John said to the farmhand. "Take Malon out of here. Ride over the Heartless. They shouldn't be able to stop you if you move fast enough." Ingo nodded, and jumped onto the horse behind Malon.
"What about you?" Malon asked. "How will you escape?"
"I'm not escaping," John said. He slapped the horse and it charged through the Heartless's ranks, knocking them aside. John watched them go, and then he summoned his Keyblade and readied himself for battle. "Six soldiers," he smiled. "The Heartless are slipping. This isn't a challenge."
The first soldier spun towards John and kicked at him, but he stepped to the side and stabbed the Heartless. John then slashed another soldier, which was sneaking up behind its comrade, and he turned around bringing his Keyblade in a circle to force the other Heartless back. He then dove behind the line of soldiers in front of him and cut one in half as he went. As he stood back up a soldier kicked him in the back, causing him to stumble forward into the fist of another. He doubled over; all the wind had been knocked out of him. He heard Malon shout something, but he ignored her and destroyed the soldier that had punched him. He charged towards the soldier that had kicked him and he cut its legs out of under it. Then he thrust his Keyblade into its chest and it exploded. The last soldier tackled him from behind and they both tumbled to the ground. He rolled over before the Heartless could get a hold on him and he stood up over it, raised his Keyblade above his head, and slammed it home into the soldier. He sat down and closed his eyes.
"Are you all right?" he opened his eyes to see Malon staring down at him with concern.
"I'm okay," John said. "I was just resting." He stood back up and turned to her. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she replied smiling at him. "That was amazing. You fight just like him."
John blushed. "Thanks, I…" Then he frowned. "Wait, him?"
"Oh, I never told you I guess," Malon said. "Well, there is this fairy warrior who has been helping this land. Not so long ago, Ingo gained control this ranch. He was always so mean to the animals, and me. Then that warrior came. Ingo challenged him to a horse race where the winner would gain a lot of money from the other. That warrior won the race and Ingo challenged him again but for higher stakes. The warrior still won." Malon looked down at the ground. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but the warrior really changed Ingo. He's not so cruel anymore. I owe him…"
John's eyes widened. "He sounds cool. I'd like to meet him. Do you know where he is?"
Malon looked back at John. "I'm not certain, but the warrior's horse was here not so long before you arrived. The horse was eating but she left quickly for some reason. I think she went in that direction." Malon pointed southwest of the ranch. "You could try there."
John nodded. "I think I will. Thanks again Malon." He turned to leave but she grabbed his arm.
"Wait, it's a long journey," she said hesitantly. "I know I can trust you so if you would like, you can borrow one of the horses."
"Alright then," John said. "I'll take the one I was riding before." He climbed onto the horse's back and rode out of the ranch.
Malon waved as he rode away. "Goodbye," she whispered. "Be safe."
Sorry it took so long to update. (Nine whole days. I think that's a new record for me) Anyways, how did you like this chapter? This is for all the people who are video game nuts: John is in future part The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Recognize it?