
"You're kidding, right?" Leah asks as soon as Seth tells her the news.

"I'm serious, Leah!" he yells back to her. "I imprinted on Renesmee!"

"At least it wasn't me," Leah says disapprovingly. She does think Seth is sort of lucky, though. Imprinting, as far as she knows, makes your world feel whole. Imprinting means that all the broken pieces of your heart are repaired, and this is something Leah needs desperately. Jacob had once asked her what was wrong with plain old falling in love. Leah knew the problem. The problem was that the one she had fallen in love with could leave her as easily as Sam had. Maybe easier, since Jacob doesn't know how Leah feels about him.

Leah realizes Seth is still waiting for a response from her. "Just please try to refrain from fantasizing when I have to see it, ok?" she says.

Seth bounces impatiently on his feet, obviously wanting to get back to Renesmee.

"Just go, please," Leah says in an annoyed tone. As Seth runs back to the Cullen house, Leah turns around to see Jacob standing behind her.

"You're not happy about this, are you?" he asks.

"Of course not," Leah says, pinching the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb. "What could possibly make you think I would be happy about my baby brother imprinting on the demon spawn? He's the fifth to imprint. I thought it was supposed to be rare."

"Fifth?" Jacob asks. "I think you mean seventh."

Leah stares at him blankly. No, I mean fifth," she says.

"You mean seventh," Jacob insists. He reaches out to touch Leah's arm, and Leah feels an electric shock go through her. "Seventh," she agrees, still mesmerized by the touch. "Seventh."

(A/N: I actually intended this to be more about Seth, but you know me. I couldn't resist making it a blackwater story. Reviews are love!)