The Serpent & The Lion

Chapter Thirty-Four

Tied Up & Plans

Dumbledore walked around the castle. After a week of his return he realized that the 'rightful' headmistress and deputy headmaster placed a charm over him so he couldn't leave the school the grounds. He didn't realize it was actually Hogwarts that was holding him on the grounds.

Albus tried to leave many times, but each time he tried leaving through the gates he was thrown back nearly two feet away. He tried leaving through the forest but the creatures protected the edge of the forest. He was stuck.

The ghosts found it quite funny that the wizard was so determined to escape the castle. They had to keep an even closer eye on him. They couldn't afford the ex-headmaster endangering the students. Especially Hermione and Harry. The ghosts still laughed at Tom's threat. When he told them that he'd have their heads if they didn't protect his daughter. The deputy threatening to kill a ghost. They had to hold back their laughter, but the nodded in agreement. It was just too much.


Dumbledore walked around the corridors and stopped at Tom Riddle's classroom and read his times for his students to visit. He narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the once Dark Lord Voldemort's changes in the school. The Dark Arts class. He narrowed his eyes even more. It was going to send the students into the dark magic.

"May I help you Dumbledore?" Tom asked from behind. Albus turned around and narrowed his eyes. Tom laughed at the old man. "Ah, yes I see. You believe that the students will be cursed into the dark magic." he hissed the last part dangerously. "I believe if my students learn of the dark magic they won't turn towards the dark."

"Professor Riddle, here's my paper. Sorry I'm late turning it in." Ron said, holding it out to his professor.

Tom took the paper with slightly shaky right hand. "Thank you Ron. And you know it's only late after 5:00 o'clock. And if it's late after five I'll knock off half credit. Unless you have a written note by the nurse."

"Yes sir. I just haven't gotten use to it."

"That's quite alright. Now off with you." He said with a smile. Ron nodded and left the men alone.

"I do not like these changes!" Dumbledore hissed.

Tom laughed and said, "My teaching ways are no concern of yours now are they? I am the deputy here Dumbledore. Please leave. I have grading to be done." he opened his classroom door with a flick of his wrist. "If you think about harming my family in anyway you will regret it." he swept into the room leaving his door opened as always. Dumbledore sneered and left the doorway.


Hermione sighed sitting down at the library table. She rubbed her stomach and pulled out her books. She rolled her eyes at Salazar who was making quills float around the room and Nagini slithered out of her bag and curled up on the table. She couldn't go anywhere alone.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady. I'm here to protect you. And protect you I shall." Salazar told his great-granddaughter.

"Yes Grandfather." and she opened her Dark Arts book. She wanted to make sure she had everything well written.

The ghost looked over to see what she was studying. He moved and stood in between the table. He chuckled. He could never get use to walking though walls and objects.

"Must you do that?"

"I can if I want to. Now get to work Miss Riddle."

"Yes. Professor." Hermione said sarcastically. He only smiled. It had been decades since he was called 'Professor' and it was nice for a change.

Salazar turned around and saw Dumbledore walk up to Hermione. Nagini lifted her head and hissed dangerously at the elderly wizard. Hermione only smiled and loving stroked the green serpent's head.

"What do you want Dumbledore? I'm quite busy at the moment." Hermione said. Her temper rising with every second. She stood up supporting her back and Nagini slithered up Hermione's arm. "Well, out with it old man."

Dumbledore walked up and pulled out his wand. He figured if he couldn't get Minerva or anyone else to see how dangerous Tom Riddle was. He would hold his daughter to make Tom show his true colors.

Hermione only looked at his wand and laughed, "You truly are dumb." she held out her hand and his wand zoomed into her hand. "Please have a seat," and chair slid over knocking him into it. "You must feel awfully tied down," and ropes wrapped around his body holding to the chair. "Now, listen here Dumbledore Hogwarts isn't happy with you." Dumbledore sneered at the witch.

Albus struggled against the ropes trying to break free. "You will let me go! You'll regret it."

Salazar walked behind Dumbledore and made the chair float off the ground. "You will not threaten my heir old fool." and made small harmless basilisk appear below him.

"A basilisk!" Dumbledore nearly screamed in horror.

Nagini hissed a chuckled. 'It's only a baby. She hasn't even grown dangerous. Her fangs would only make you sick for two days and her eyes would only make pass out for few hours.' she rolled her eyes.

Hermione laughed at the 'All Powerful Albus Dumbledore' nearly screaming like a girl. He tried to kick the serpent away. Draco walked up to Hermione and busted out into laughter. Sirius followed his cousin into the library to pull Hermione away from her homework. The marauder laughed. He grabbed onto the table to stop falling over onto the floor.

"It's only a baby! Dumbledore afraid of a baby snake!" Draco cried in between laughter and grabbed onto Sirius's shoulder and laughed harder.

Tom swept into the library in search for his daughter and stopped in his tracks. He bust out into a fit of laughter. "Salazar put the man down. Even though it is rather funny but put the fool down."

"Oh fine!" Salazar flicked his wrist and the chair landed hard on the stone floor. "Can we leave him?"

"No Salazar." Tom told him. The founder snapped his fingers and the ropes disappeared along with the snake. "Come Hermione. I need a word with you."

She nodded and pack her things. She said bye to her friends and followed her father from the library.


Tom said the password to his chambers and portrait swung open and father and daughter walk into the common room. Hermione eased herself down onto the couch. Tom sat down in the arm chair across from the young woman.

"What is it Daddy?" Hermione asked some what worried at her father's fragile state.

Tom held his right shaky hand. "Nothing wrong little one. I've been talking with Harry lately. I know you are plan to wed after you graduate." she nodded her head. "Harry, I and your mother would like for you to marry before your son-"

"James." she told him with a smile.

Tom smiled at her daughter. "We would like for to marry before James is born. If not he will be labeled as a bastard son on his birth certificate next to Harry's name, do you understand sweetheart?"

Hermione nodded her head. She turned and saw Harry and her mother walk into the room. Harry sat down next to Hermione and kissed her cheek. Minerva sat down in the arm chair next to her husband.

Tom didn't really tell his daughter the entire truth. The other reason behind the marriage was to help fulfill the prophecy that the serpent and the lion must be join as one. Not only through the child but in marriage as well.

Harry took her hand in his and gently rested his hand on growing belly. "Are you alright with us marrying now instead of later?" his smile widen when he felt James kick.

Hermione nodded her head. "I'm fine with it. When? Where? Who's going to perform the ceremony?"

"Lucius will perform the ceremony. It will be at very special place."

"May it be at the cabin that Salazar gave me?"

Tom thought for a moment. "Yes it may. It's a perfect spot. It will take place next week. On a Saturday."

"Ok. I'll tell Ginny, Luna and Lavender." Minerva nodded in agreement. She told her that she'd inform the others.

"Now off with you. So you two may tell anyone you wish to be there." Tom told the couple. They nodded and Harry helped Hermione to her feet. "Oh and Hermione don't get on Dumbledore's bad side than you already are." she nodded and the couple left her mother and father. "Nothing my darling." he kissed her on the cheek and called for a some tea.


Place your great reviews!

I had to have a little fun with Dumbledore. You'll see the wedding soon. See how their friends react to them marrying so soon.

*Harry knew the true reason behind Tom's reason for them marrying so soon.*