Disclamer: I do not own FF7. I don't even own this plot, it's from "Nodding Hill".

Very rarely did the big wigs of Shin-Ra every appear in the same room together. This is mostly because the majority of the department heads hated each another. However there were important matters to be discussed so they were forced to tolerate each other, at lest for the meeting anyways. However it became bearable when one of Scarlet's subordinates brought out the brownies. Everyone got one brownie and found them to be so delicious that they wanted seconds, but found that there was only one brownie left. So they did what any responsible, mature adult would do. They all started a loud and ridiculous argument over who was to receive the last brownie.

Sephiroth who had been watching the scene unfold before him decide for the sake of sanity, mostly his, that they should hold a contest to choose who would get the brownie. The rules were simple, whoever could convince the others that their job was hardest would get the brownie. The first to go was Sephiroth himself as he was serving as temporary head of SOLDER in Lazard's absence. "Well I have very little complaints myself except all of Shin-Ra depends on my department for everything. Not only do I and my SOLDERS have to defend everything and everyone from all things that threaten Shin-Ra but I have to do it while helping people with unnecessary tasks. Everyone in this room depends on us way too much, except may be the Turks on a good day."

"Not to mention I have to put up with the ceaseless pranks of my second in command, who if he know what's good for him will stop giving me rabbit ears and mocking me behind my back." Everyone it the room turned to look at Zack who was caught in the middle of giving the great general rabbit ears. He quickly thrust his hand behind his back and grinned sheepishly. Attention turned back to Sephiroth who was finished with his speech and past the torch with a wave of his hand.

One by one, the heads of the departments had their chance to try and win the brownie. Scarlet complained that all of her assistants where prettier than her and this made her life miserable. Hojo wined about having to talk down to all his colleagues because they were not as intelligent as him. Palmer and Heidegger had no real complaints and just pleaded for the brownie. Reeve complained that having his office near the Turks was driving him insane.

At long last it was Tseng's turn to compete for the brownie, but to the surprise of everyone at the table, he did not say one word. Sephiroth smiled and pushed the brownie in front of Tseng. This immediately started a fresh argument. "Wait a minute," Hojo said "why does he get the brownie?" As if to answer Hojo's question the door to the room opened an Reno strolled causally into the room "Hey boss," he said draping an arm around Tseng's shoulder, much to his superior's displeasure, "is the meeting over yet." Understanding dawned on the department head's faces and they all quickly made their way out of the room, many of them snickering as they went. "Huh, I wonder what their hurry is?" Reno wonder out loud as he ate Tseng's brownie.