Spiritimus Prime: Well, here it is, people, the final chapter of Little Shotty. This is loosely based on my new favourite song from my favourite band, Nickleback hence the name of the title of the chapter. This is just a discussion between Optimus Prime and Hot Shot. No, no slash, that's just plain ridiculous of me! Anyway, I just hope that you enjoy the final chapter between Optimus Prime and Hot Shot! :D

Chapter 18:

I'd Come for You

A week had passed since everything had returned to normal. The Minicons were awakening once again, and the Decepticons were back to their old selves with galactic conquest in their minds again. Starscream had finally made his decision. He had chosen to stay with the Autobots for the time being until he could work out a possible path for himself in life. Hot Shot had even returned to his normal behaviour of acting more mature than being so childish, retaining some of his overconfidence. But normal did not seem to be the actual word to describe to one particular Autobot.

Optimus Prime found himself standing alone on a ledge that overlooked Lincoln Town. The sun had begun to set, its warm rays glistening on his royal red armour that made him almost look like a ruby statue that watched over the town. His golden optics reflected the sun's rays as well, turning them into flaring twin suns.

Optimus's thoughts no longer swirled around in confusion in his mind. He believed it was normal to no longer be thinking about looking after Hot Shot, but, deep down, he somehow could not get the thought of his deceased family. He'd missed out on so much during that time, but that second chance of raising a sparkling had caused him to understand why. He'd changed so much over that month and a half, and he had come to realise that life was not all about paperwork and concentrating on saving the Universe from his arch nemesis. As far as he could tell, nothing would stop him from thinking about others before himself. He was nothing like Megatron. He would never sacrifice a soldier's life. Not now, not ever!

"Is there room for one more beside you?"

Optimus turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw Hot Shot standing there, his baby blue optics twinkling in the sun's rays, reminding Optimus of that night with the meteor shower. "No, not at all," he said as he shook his head and took a step to the right, allowing more room for Hot Shot.

Hot Shot smiled and he walked forward, taking his spot next to Optimus and they stared ahead, glancing towards the sun without looking at each other in the optics. Nothing was on their mind at the moment, nothing except the very time that they had spent together as a father and son.

Finally, Optimus sighed, breaking the comfortable silence between them, as he turned to face the yellow Autobot. His golden optics looking into Hot Shot's familiar baby blue ones as he spoke, "I never got the chance to say thank you."

Hot Shot blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

"For allowing me to have the chance of looking after a sparkling when I never had time to do so back on Cybertron," Optimus answered, a warm smile crossing his lips underneath his mask.

Hot Shot shook his head. "I don't understand," he said, "What do you mean by 'chance'? What happened back on Cybertron before I met you, and what does Megatron have to do with it?"

Optimus sighed softly, knowing that he was going to have to talk about this with Hot Shot sooner than later. He glanced up at the red, yellow, and pink sky that reflected in his optics like the sun's golden rays.

The silence, once again, hung in the air. No words were exchanged, but, this time, Hot Shot was patient, allowing his leader to take his time with figuring out how he was going to explain such a personal thing.

It was then that, during the silence, Optimus spoke again, but his voice was low and filled with sorrow. "I was called by my Autobots to aid them against some Decepticons, who had ambushed them during Energon mining in order to resupply our weapons and resources," he began. "I did not really want to leave my bondmate and sparkling, but I had no other choice. She encouraged me to go, promising me that they'll be alright without me. I knew that she was sad because my absence always happening and taking up most of my time that I really wanted to spend with them.

"So I left by her wish and headed off towards the outskirts of Iacon City to help out my warriors. Unfortunately, that was the mistake that I deeply regretted in my entire life."

Hot Shot didn't want to interrupt, but he had to ask. "What happened after that?"

Optimus closed his optics for a moment, trying not to reply the memory in his CPU, but he could not keep it contained any longer. Purple tears trickled down from his optics, onto his silver face plate and his shoulders began to shake a little. He quickly regained control before wiping the tears away. "After the battle," he continued, "Jetfire called me on my com-link and told me that something had happened to the Prime Mansion."

Hot Shot took a step closer and placed a hand upon his commander's shoulder, waiting for him to continue.

"So I headed back to my home and I prayed to Primus that nothing had happened to my family. But, when I got there, my home was burning down. At first I was in complete shock, but then horror grasped my Spark and then anguish took over. I got down on my hands and knees and screamed, punching the ground as hard as I could, asking Primus why he would take my bondmate and my son away from me.

"Jetfire did all he could to comfort me, but I paid no heed to him. But, the moment I calmed down, I spotted something in the distance. I removed Jetfire's hand and went to go and check it out. To my surprise, I found myself face to face with Megatron. He was laughing in pride, his optics burning with so much evil that it tore through my Spark like icy daggers."

Hot Shot felt horror and sadness beginning to take over his Spark. He lowered his head in shame, wishing that he had not asked the question. "What did you do to him?" he asked, trying to keep his voice from screaming in anger and hatred. No wonder why Optimus was always so deep in thought. He'd kept on replaying that image of Megatron ruining his life forever, making him scarred, emotionless, and stoic.

Optimus turned his head back to Hot Shot. "I don't remember what happened after that," he said slowly, "All I remember are my emotions getting the best of me. My anger swelled to the point of wanting to burst out and I'd lost myself in complete rage. The last thing I remembered was waking up in the Med-Bay with slight dents and bruises all over my body.

"Red Alert explained to me what had happened and what I'd done. He said that my whole armour had changed from the actual colours you see before you, to navy blue, ebony black, and cloud white. Even my optics had changed from gold to red. After first I didn't understand what he had said, but he said that it was my emotions that had reacted to my loss, anger, hatred, and fury that had been directed right at Megatron. Red Alert also said that I did some serious damage to him and the environment around me."

I guess that explains why Optimus has been so emotionless over the years, Hot Shot thought, He doesn't want to lose control over himself and hurt anyone that gets in his way of his anger and those that are the cause of this unusual change. He sighed and shook his head. "I guess that explains everything," he said out loud.

Optimus nodded and looked away, his shoulders shaking again, but no tears fell again.

Hot Shot took another step forward and wrapped his arms around Optimus's waist, surprising the elder bot.

At first Optimus did not hug back, but, eventually, he wrapped his own powerful arms around Hot Shot's frame, using his face plate to gently nuzzle the young bot in the neck. He did not understand why Hot Shot would be doing this. Hot Shot had not hugged him since he'd returned to normal. He'd probably been trying to figure out if it was okay to keep on expressing himself to the Autobot Commander as a father figure.

"I'm sorry," Hot Shot whispered. His voice was low, but it was just low enough for only Optimus to hear. "I really am sorry that it happened."

Optimus felt his arms droop a little in sadness, but he continued to accept the hug from the younger bot. "Hot Shot," he said softly.

Hot Shot removed his arms and his blue optics glanced into Optimus's golden ones. "Yes?" he asked.

Optimus lowered his head before he looked up into the fading sun's rays once again. He sighed deeply as he closed his golden optics, replaying the recording of Hot Shot's steps before he'd been returned to normal, causing a smile to cross his face plate once again. When he stopped the recording and turned back to Hot Shot, his optics held sadness. "I do not wish for Megatron to try and capture you again for his own twisted purposes," he said. "So I wish for us to not act as a father and son like we did during those times I've cared for you. For all I know, Megatron could use that father/son relationship against us and may try to hurt you and I in the end. Do you understand?"

Hot Shot stood there in complete silence as Optimus spoke, listening to him talk without interrupting. When he had finished, Hot Shot continued to stand there without even blinking an optic. He really did understood what Optimus was requesting, but he had the feeling that Optimus did not really want to end the memory forever. If they continued to act like they previously did, then Megatron, or someone else, may try to hurt them in the end, and Optimus may also lose control again.

The young Autobot sighed softly before he nodded. "I understand, Optimus," he said softly, "But, that doesn't mean that we can forget it, right?"

Optimus smiled and nodded. "No, we will never forget what we had experienced during that time," he said, "Yes, it may hurt that we can never do it again, but we may do so again when the war ends once and for all. I enjoyed the time we spent together, and I shall remember the things that we did."

Hot Shot beamed. "Neither will I, Optimus," he said, "Those times were great!"

"Seems like you're really back to normally, Hot Shot," said Optimus as the familiar deep rumble in his chest vibrated through the air.

"And you are too, sir," said Hot Shot, nodding in agreement as he laughed as well.

The two bots continued to laugh together until the sun had finally set in the distance behind the mountains, another day finally ending to promise another tomorrow that may be a whole lot better than the previous times. Perhaps it may get better for the Autobots, or worse, depending on what would happen in the future. But none of them could ever guess what tomorrow would bring, and the only thing that they could do was wait to see what the future would hold for them.

Hot Shot glanced over at Optimus, and the Autobot Commander glanced back at him. Golden optics flaring like twin suns with fatherly passion that promised protection and care for those he loved, while sky blue optics danced with youthful love in return and infinite joy of finally having things back the way they were.

Optimus gently placed a hand on Hot Shot's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Come on, Hot Shot, let's go back inside and rest up," he said, "We may not know what will happen tomorrow, but we must be prepared for anything if we are to win this fight for the Minicons."

Hot Shot nodded once more before his optics brightened up in the upcoming moonlight. "Hey," he said, getting Optimus's attention. "Just this once, can I call you…" He gulped, trying to bring up the courage to say the right word.

Optimus understood. "Yes, you may just this once, Hot Shot."

Hot Shot smiled and took a deep breath. "Thanks for looking after me and finding the time to be there for me… father," he said. He'd struggled with the word, but this time, he no longer felt afraid to say it in front of the one Autobot who'd changed his life forever.

Optimus chuckled and he used a silver thumb to gently caress Hot Shot's cheek. "You're welcome, Hot Shot," he said. "Now, let's go back inside and rest up."

"Okay, Optimus, sir," Hot Shot answered, saluting his commander in deep respect.

With the night becoming cooler, the two proud Autobots then headed inside the base, both of them thinking about the wonderful time they had spent together as a father and son. Sure they could not act like a family on the battlefield if they were to protect each other, but that did not mean that they could forget what they had been through.

Life was something worth cherishing, and both Autobots knew that from the very bottom of their Sparks. Deep down, they knew that they would renew their father and son relationship when the war was all over. But, right now, they should concentrate on catching up with the things that they had missed during the whole month and a half. However, that did not stop the two from exchanging glances at each other and send their family passion towards the other through their optics.

But then, Optimus remembered the vow he had taken long ago. He had promised that he would protect Hot Shot for as long as he remained as a sparkling. Now that Hot Shot was normal again, he decided to make a new vow: No matter what happened, he would continue to love and care for not just Hot Shot, but for those that needed him the most.

Optimus smiled at the thought, and he knew that the vow was something he would hold until the very end of time, or until his Spark was extinguished at the hands of the Decepticons or Megatron. From then on, life would indeed continue to thrive as long as it existed.

Spiritimus Prime: And thus the end comes for my very popular fanfiction of all time besides You're Everything to Me. I know that you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. With this story now over, I plan to write up my next story called Rise from the Ashes. I know you guys want me to move on to the sequel right away, but I've been desperate to upload the new story for a very long time. However, I can promise you that I will upload the AU version sooner than you think. The sequel is still in draft copy version, so it will not come for a very long time. I have other stories to finish up, new ones to bring in, and sequels to come up with for future stories. Oh boy, talk about a life! XD So if you enjoyed this story, then please R&R by telling me what you think, how should I improve on future stories, or PM me, tell me that I did a good job or anything else that is on your mind. I'm wide open for your thoughts and feelings on the story, and it would be a great help from all you Little Shotty fans! Until the sequel comes, or anything else, continue to stay tuned! :D