AN: sorry for such a short chapter last time.. I don't know why but it was giving me so many problems.. Probably because Final Fantasy 7 has been encompassing my entire mind for months now and Snow day is the only one I really want to work on.

There is going to be a slight time jump, why because there really isn't all that much that is going on at the moment.. so please bear with me. Also there is a Tumblr account for dark prince! There you will find artwork.. updates.. sneak peaks.. and you can ask questions (since FF likes to stop working and change settings on me) check my profile page for the link.

Warnings: lemon! *edit* lemon removed due to being pissy about lemon.. dark prince will be uploaded to


"So… is Severus talking..HOLY SHIT… to you again?" Draco barely managed to dodge to the side before a monster nearly cleaved his head off. Panting hard Harry ducked to the side driving his dagger into the belly of one of the monsters; twisting his body he ripped the dagger from the corpse and plunged it into the neck of a monster that tried attacking him from behind.

"Course not, bastard holds grudges worse than my father." Leaping up into the air he barely avoided one of Draco's fireballs as it went streaking for a monster some distance away. Landing on the ground in a roll he stood up seeing a human snatching up the adena that dropped from the monster. Growing low in his throat Harry ran after the stupid human that KS'd their drop.

"What the fuck are you doing? Go kill your own damn mob you stupid son of a bitch!" the human fighter turned and glared at them stuffing the gold into his armor pocket. He was none grade just like they were but was holding a shield and sword and heavy armor.

"You damn noobs should have been faster." A human mystic moved up to stand behind him; this was a middle aged man in Blue wolf robes with a sword of Valhalla, B grade. It was obvious this was the boys healer.

It was late October Halloween to be exact and Harry and Draco were back in the inner world, currently among the ruins of the giants that had been discovered on Talking Island. The kingdoms to help the young warrior reach a point they could defend themselves against PKers who loved to take out budding new warrior cause they were easy kills, had turned the ruins into the main leveling zone for those working towards their D grade. Masters were also here to administer the tests to pass from none grade to D grade and that was currently what they were working on.

To keep fights to a minimum the group of none grade students were only allowed one higher grade healer; the healer in turn was simply there to keep them from dying if the monsters became too much, they were not to interfere in anyway except to heal.

"Bishop back away, you know the rules." The two human's looked up to the two's healer, the B grade bishop unconsciously stepping back as they saw exactly who was playing healer. Seri stood behind them dressed in the dark elvin version of blue wolf robes, his SOM glowing pitch black as he bounced it against his shoulder. When he was on his Shilen saint sub he always wore blue wolf robes saying that even though they were B grade they had better stats and he liked showing off his rock hard abs.

Adiana had originally wanted to be the one to accompany the two boys into the trail but Zera had put his foot down on her going in there alone. He didn't trust TI and the people around there, a lot still harbored great hatred for the Kingdoms that now controlled Aden and would have no problem going after Adiana as she betrayed them by marrying Zerachiel.

Seri, well who in their right mind would go after the Aden massacre? He was infamous for his slaughter of the kingdom of Aden with a single hurricane attack. Duzial had also claimed both Draco and Harry as family and if anyone dared to attack them he would come out and slaughter them all.

The bishop swallowed and stepped back. the boy fighter scoffed at this and turned back to the dagger and nuker in front of him, healers seriously had no balls to them.

"Give us back out gold you arrogant son of a bitch." Harry snarled the legendary Claddmtor temper coming into play. The human fighter scoffed once more looking over the two; a mage and a dagger would be easy to take out. "Or what?"

"We'll kick your lily white ass! That's what we're gonna do." Draco snarled; what he would not give to summon his wings. Amen had told him not to cause if someone attacked them while in there they would go for the wings first as they were highly brittle and they hurt like hell when broken.

"I would like to see you two noobs try." The fighter raised his shield and sword, a taunting smirk pulling his lips into a arrogant sneer. Smirking darkly Draco nudged Harry, "He's human.." catching onto what Draco was hinting at a dark smile spread across Harry's face. Switching his dagger over to his left hand he pulled his wand from its holster at his side; Draco pulled his own wand from inside his robe sleeves. Both boy leveled them at the young human in front of them. One thing they learned is that the human's here were almost no different than the human's of their world, their magic resistance was completely depended on the jewelry they wore. They weren't like the other races that had natural magic resistance that only grew as they did..

The fighter laughed his dull brown eyes looking at the sticks in the boys hands. "Seriously? Sticks?" a single black brow rose before emerald violet eyes slid to the side. Snickering slightly Draco nodded and as one the boys shouted "Expelliarmus!" two jets of red light shot from the wands striking the boy sending him flying backwards his sword and shield flying up into the air.

Putting his dagger into its holster Harry reached out catching the sword easily as Draco caught the shield. Smirking the two boys watched as the other boy pulled himself up and staggered back over to them pure rage burning his eyes. His bishop was just staring at them with huge eyes, he had only ever seen something like that during this last Hero tournament when the god of darkness had been messing around with his father and the two were blasting each other across the stadium during a break.

"Give me back my sword!" Smirking Harry twirled the blade with expert ease though it was slightly heavy. "What sword? All I see is my sword."

"Too slow noob." Draco mimicked, laughing the two boys walked off Harry handing the sword to his big brother. Laughing hard Seri took the sword and latched it to an invisible harness on his back. Draco slipped the shield on and smirked more firing off another fireball at a monster on the other side of the ruins.

Seri kept an eye on the bishop and fighter making sure they were leaving the area and not trying to come back after the boys. Harry had a mean streak in him; their father would die hearing this.

"So.. before we got KS'd. I don't think Severus is going to be as forgiving since we're pretending to be lovers." Harry snorted picking up the gold and required items from the monster.

After the little episode after their return from Rune the first time Harry and Draco had decided to have a little fun with everyone. No one could believe that they had become friends over night, so they played it out that they were secretly lovers and had been for over a year now.

The sad thing behind that.. people believed them.

What was even sadder, Severus and Ron both believed that. Oh Harry had never seen Severus' eyes so green in his life and it was such a huge turn on! Ron.. well Ron could just go suck a cock for all Harry cared; he was honestly getting so sick of that boy turning his back on him when he did something he didn't like. They had tried to explain that it was just a game they were playing to make Severus jealous and fuck with him since he liked to Harry; nope boy refused to believe it.

It has actually gotten bad enough that both Harry and Draco had moved out of their respected common rooms and took permanent refuge in Pa'agrio's personal quarters. Dumbledore had too much access to Severus' personal quarters; Pa'agrio's room was completely safe as there was no mortal alive that could break through a god's barrier.

"HA GOT IT!" whirling around Harry smiled brightly seeing him holding up the final bloody heart they needed. Giving off a small war cry Harry raced over and wrapped his arms around Draco both boys jumping happily. They did it! Once they turned his in they were D grade! No longer were they simply human mystic and dark fighter; Draco would become a Wizard (Harry had laughed long and hard at that one) and Harry would become an Assassin. "Let's go!" smiling like idiots the two boys raced across the ruins avoiding other nukers and fighters as they struggled to kill their own monsters.

Racing to the back of the ruins the two stopped in the large line up of people that had also finished their quest and were trying to speak to the master that would allow them to advance to D grade and wear the heavier armor without problem.

"So what did you dad want to talk to you about?" before heading off into here Zerachiel had pulled Harry off to the side and Draco had watched Harry turn as red as his hair.

Flushing bright red Harry shook his head covering his face from his hands. "oh it was asked if during Halloween if I had any strong desire to fuck anything within 3 feet of me." Snorting Draco looked to his friend seeing how embarrassed he was. "Well?" lowering his hands Harry glared at him hard. "I told him no, which I don't."

"Did he at least explain why he asked you?" Draco adjusted the bag full of bloody hearts as they moved closer to the man; he watched curiously as a light would shine over warrior and then vanish. Sighing Harry shook his head; his fingers reaching up to absently pull his pony tail tighter again his head. they had kept his hair black so that he wouldn't draw to much attention to himself; nothing screamed Claddmtor like the red hair. "No, when I told him no he simply nodded and told me not to worry about it then." Now he was curious on what the hell brought that on.

"I'm sure it was nothing then, you know how your dad likes to mind fuck people." Oh lord did he know.. nothing like walking down the castle hallway right before your about to leave to come here and you think your sister walks by and it's your father playing with his transforming powers again..

Draco learned the hard way not all is as it seems in the Claddmtor household; not with a god that loves to change into a woman to mind fuck with unsuspecting males. Zerachiel had a very warped sense of humor..

"Welcome back boys, did you find all of the items that I have asked for?" realizing they were now standing in front of the master the two boys grinned hugely up at the light elf. "of course!" Draco held up the couple bags that held the different items. Smiling the light elf took the items and handed them to a sorter who made quick work of counting all the items. The sorter nodded and wandered off to stash the items; turning back to the boys the light elf nodded his head to them opening his hands wide in front of him. "You have passed your final test, tell me what are your chosen classes?"

"Human Wizard.." Draco shot a nasty glare at Harry who has started snickering again. Nodding his head once more the light elf started to chant. Feeling warmth spreading through him Draco looked up seeing the golden light flowing around him.

Just as fast as the feeling appeared it disappeared leaving him feeling lighter; the armor on his body no longer felt nearly as heavy. "Congratulations, you will need to speak with the human master in the academy to get the list of your next skill set and the required book." He turned sea green eyes onto Harry and smiled instantly recognizing the brilliant Claddmtor violet. "You Claddmtor, what is your chosen path." Harry flushed slightly; it was taking getting used to being recognized because of his family not because of what he did. "Dark elvin Assassin."

The same warmth feeling that had washed over Draco washed over Harry; he could really get used to his. "Welcome to the world of the warriors, like your friend here you will need to find the master Assassin at the academy to gain your list of skills. Good luck and may the goddess bless you." The two boys bowed to the master before turning and running over to where Seri was waiting for them. Not able to help the jitters of making D both Harry and Draco launched into Seri's arms holding the hyper active dark elf tightly.

Laughing loudly Seri hugged both of them tightly intentionally squeezing them hard. "Congratz you two, come on your parents are waiting for you down in the village. keeping a hold on both of them a bright blue light enveloped them and they were gone.

Hearing very familiar groaning Zerachiel tilted his head back from where it was resting in Adiana's lap. Their small group of four; Lucius, Narcissa, Adi and he were sitting around the large fountain in the center of the newly rebuilt Talking island town. An earthquake shortly after their bout on Hellbound had destroyed the village and unearthed the ruins of the giants. Where before TI had been nothing but a small village for the human's it was now a town to rival that of Aden in splendor.

Seeing the blond collapsing next to his parents he couldn't help but smile; Draco always seemed to hate traveling via return or scroll of escape.

Seeing her baby Narcissa held out her arms; even though he looked ill he looked happy. Groaning Draco dropped to his knee's wrapping his arms around his mother. "we did it.." he moaned feeling his stomach somewhere up in his throat. "That's wonderful dragon." She smiled up at Lucius rubbing her baby boys hair gently to sooth him. here they were not forced to act as people expected them to, they were free to be who they really were and that included showing open affection to their only child. Reaching out Lucius ran a hand over his son's hair laughing softly as he made a groaning noise his stomach refusing to settle down.

"MOMMY!" looking over Zera quickly pulled himself off his wife's lap seconds before Harry tackled her sending them both into the fountain. Giggling like hell Adiana pushed herself up the best she could with her 6'0" son clinging to her chest. "we did it we're D grade!" squealing loudly Adiana wrapped her arms around her son hugging him tightly to her. "Oh my baby boy, you are growing up so fast! Soon enough you're going to be S grade just like your father." She started to kiss him all over his face not caring that her Noble Vesper armor was soaked all the way through.

Standing up Zera walked out into the fountain and plucked his son up into his arms as if he were still a very young child. Smiling he hugged his youngest tightly kissing his cheek lovingly, "see told you it wouldn't be that hard.. did you get any good drops while you were out there?"

Draco held up his arm showing off the top none grade shield he had stolen from the human fighter. Putting Harry back on his feet and pulling his wife up into his arms, Zera looked over seeing the pilfered shield; a single blood red brow rose as he looked over to Seri who had a top none grade sword attached to his back. "Two full drops?" that was unheard of even in the normal hunting zones unless you were right along the starting villages.

Seri giggled shaking his head and pulled the sword off his back. "nope, these were pilfered weapons from a little noob KSer that was running through picking up Harry and Draco's money. He was a human so they used their magic on him.. blasted him clear across the ruins and disarmed him at the same time."

Zerachiel laughed loudly at that and smiled to his son as he placed a hand over Adiana's mouth knowing she didn't approve of taking gear. "that's my boys! I hope that taught the damn KSer a lesson."

"ugh.. don't count on it.." Draco pointed to where he in fact saw the little human fighter with his bishop were standing not far off talking to a big burly human man. The boy was pointing in their direction his other hand flailing around showing he was in a rage.

Sighing Zera released his wife gently smacking her ass though she was wearing robes. "Dry off love, don't need you catching a cold." Huffing Adiana resisted the urge to stick he tongue out at her husband; he was one to talk, before he became a god that man was sick all the time. Moving over to her son she wrapped her arms around him one more the magic around her spiking; the water soaking him and her was whisked away and back into the fountain as if it was never there in the first place.

His mother having a Mystic Muse subclass gave her the power to control water; also being the only creation of the goddess Eva didn't hinder that power any either. She must have been on her Muse subclass, would explain why she was in the S grade Nobel Vesper armor and not her normal Majestic robe. Zerachiel was in his normal Majestic heavy with his crown wrapping around his head. While he hadn't wanted Adiana going into the ruins by herself no one was stupid enough to attack the Lord and his family in town.. no one except the pissed off father making their way towards them.

Grumbling under his breath Zera moved to intercept already knowing this was not going to keep his good mood. Stopping in front of the man Zera found himself looking down; only drawback to being tall even for his own race, he was always looking down at people (gave him a royal crick in the neck)

"Is that yer boy?" the human pointed a fat finger at Harry; well I was obvious by the mans size he wasn't a fighter or a mystic, no doubt he was just a simple villager. Resisting the urge to bat the man's hand down and away he pulled on his lord air; his violet eyes glaring down at the man.

"Do you always exhibit this much disrespect when addressing one of your gods?" the man blinked piggy eyes as he finally took in exactly who he was addressing. Eyes widening to the size of dinner plates the man fell to one knee bowing low.

"Dad's going for a 'I don't want your bull shit don't even try' if he's laying out the god right away." Seri whispered taking a seat next to Lucius relaxing back against the lip of the fountain.

"If you are inquiring after the sword, I expect what your son took from mine to be returned." The man stood back up and looked between his son and the god of darkness. "I do not understand my god; my sons states that he was robbed." A single brow rose as Zera looked back at his son before turning back to the man. "Both of my son's and their friend state that he was Kill Stealing. He took adena and items from a monster that my son's friend had just killed and refused to give the items back."

The man faltered and looked back at his son seeing the tell tale signs that the boy was lying once more to him. Frowning he looked back to the god and bowed low once more. "My lord, keep the sword.. that will be his punishment for kill stealing and lying. Forgive my rudeness.."

"WHAT! Dad how can you!" the little noob fighter looked like he was hopping mad. The father whirled around grabbed his son by the back of his armor and drug him off.

"Well.. that went smooth.." Zera smirked and moved back over to the group. "it only went well cause you threw out the god right from the get go." Seri said dryly his sapphire / gold eyes rolling skyward. Chuckling Zera moved over to his wife and pulled her into his arms. "worked didn't it?" leaning down he nuzzled into her neck purring lovingly. Adiana giggled as she reached up and scratched his head. "my big bad fearsome kitten." Zera's purring sound only increased at this.

Draco rolled his eyes; kissing his mother and giving his father a hug he stood up stretching. Thankfully his stomach no longer felt like it was clawing its way out of his throat; he would never get used to that mode of travel. "come on Harry, let's go get our new skills!"

"Oh boys, before you do that.. I have something for you." Both boys instantly perked up at this and raced over to stand in front of Zerachiel. /like two eager puppies that were shown a treat/ he shot over to his wife hearing her giggling behind him. reaching into his armor pocket he pulled out four charms slipping three over his wrist he reached out and pulled the summoning charm from around Draco's neck. This caused his none grade armor to instantly vanish from his body leaving him in just his white T-shirt and black short he wore under his Hogwarts uniform. Tossing the charm to Lucius Zerachiel hooked the new one around his neck pushing enough magic into the charm to force it to activate. The multiple blue robe of the human clan oath armor covered his body. Blinking rapidly Draco twisted around trying to see every part of him. just last month this armor had been almost impossible to move in when Zerachiel had put him in it to tease Harry, how it was as if he was wearing his none grade armor.

"You're father has agreed to join the clan, since you are not old enough to pledge your own life to the kingdom yet you are allowed to wear that armor through your father." Draco could only gape at Zerachiel, this was.. he smiled brightly and ran over and tackled his parents hugging them both tightly.

Chuckling soft Zera held up the second charm, "Draco…" he wiggled the charm; instantly the boy was back and he could almost swear he saw a tail going a million miles an hour behind the boy. "You can't very well fight as D grade with a none grade weapon." Draco shook his head accepting the new weapons charm. Summoning the new blade he blinked brining the weapon up to look at it; the blade was similar to the design of Seri's SOM just with a broader blade and was silver without the gothic details.

"It's called a Sword of magic Fog, it's a new design that Red came up with.. you are the first to have one."

Blinking in awe Draco turned and bowed low to the god, "Thank you my lord, this is a great honor." Zera waived it off, with those he was close to he didn't like formalities like being called lord.

"Draco, let your father have a look." Narcissa called out, though she wasn't really showing it she was really proud of her son. Smiling Draco moved back over and sat down in front of his parents allowing them to look over the weapon.

Starting to feel jittery Harry looked up at his father, his violet eyes bouncing between the summons around his wrist and his father's eyes.

Chuckling softly Zera pulled the two charms off from around his wrist and held them up. "What do you think these are for you?" "Oh come on dad.." Harry whined, he always turned into a young child when he was around his parents; Kain suggested it was because he never had the chance so his mind was doing it unconsciously.

Smiling Zera held out the two charms. "congratz son, your mother and I are proud of you." Smiling brightly at the praise Harry quickly stripped himself of his old charms and threw on the new ones. He summoned them both at once and quickly looked down at himself.

He now wore the light elf version of Manticore light, with a very long and deadly looking gothic dark crimson and silver dagger.

"I figured you did not want to be wearing a skirt." Zera jerked his head over to where Seri was lounging snoring away against the fountain; his blue wolf robes had a knee length skirt on them. "So I had Red create a light elf set for you, these aren't interchangeable like your none grade armor was; no matter who wears them they will be light elf male armor." Harry nodded twisting his hips watching the mini skirt (it was actually the long part of his shirt hanging out from under the belt) swish around his hips.

"The dagger is a present from your grandmother." Stopping his swishing of his shirt Harry glanced down at the gothic dagger. He should have known, this was right up Shilen's alley in design. Even though it was more gothic then he liked he smiled brightly; simply the fact it was from his grandmother was enough for him.

"I'll have to thank her properly tonight at her birthday party." Halloween was the day of shilen's birth and a huge party was thrown in Rune every year for her.

"Harry, you'll be returning to Hogwarts once you have gotten your newest skills." Harry's and Draco's smiles slowly vanished from their faces. "What why?"

"Because.. Halloween is actually really dangerous if you are not familiar with it, it is just for this year since your mother and I are extremely busy. Even the Malfoy's will be returning to their manor for the night for their own safety."

What the hell happened on Halloween that was so dangerous?

Harry was starting to see what his father meant. He and Draco had been returned to Hogwarts shortly after they had gotten their new skills (my lord did they have a lot of books to read)they had both forgone the feast instead sitting in Severus living room pouring over their new spell books and working on those they could that wouldn't risk damaging furniture.

Draco had retired some hours ago saying he was exhausted and crashed in the room the two shared. Harry had stayed up feeling to restless to; though now he didn't know what the hell was happening to him. Leaning back into the couch he covered his face with his hands his breath coming in sharp pants; his blood felt like it was on fire and he had a hard on from hell. No matter what he did he could not get it to go away.. cold showers, thinking of Umbridge naked.. nothing! Glancing at his watch he noted it was eleven thirty at night, Severus should be back soon. Just the thought of the sexy angel set his blood to boiling a moan spilling from his lips.

Hearing the door open Harry twisted in the couch, dark lust filled predatory eyes peeked out from behind the couch hungrily watching as Severus moved slowly into the room; his disguise falling away revealing his true self.

"Did I ever mention i…." Severus stopped mid sentence the hairs on the back of his neck rising; every instinct in his screaming that he was being watched by a predator. Slowly Severus lifted his head; sapphire eyes scanning the room slowly. When they fell on dark violet almost black lust filled eyes from the couch he felt a shudder run down his spine.

/Zerachiel said he never experienced the pull before../ but seeing those eyes and the hungry light in them there was no denying what he was seeing. Harry was suffering from the dark elvin pull; the one night a year where dark elves experienced the largest power spike in their life. The increase in her followers power was enough to feed Shilen's own power and help restore it while her power mate was out of reach.

The power built up in their body to the point of pain if it was not released, and there was only two ways to release it; Fighting it off which was the slowest way… or sexual release. No one understood the sexual release part of it, but if left to fester the closer to midnight it became the more powerful the dark elf the stronger the pull would become and the more they would become a mindless animal driven only by instinct.

Zerachiel had sent Harry back to Hogwarts as no one here would feel the pull where up in Rune the pull would be the strongest because of Shilen's presence and the dark elves tended to congregate. A boy as inexperienced as Harry could be taken advantage of up there as no one would care that he was a Claddmtor or a young boy..simply that he had a hole that could be fucked.

Turning to look to see where Draco was proved to be a fatal mistake. Two hands roughly grabbed Severus by the front of his robe and slammed his hard up against the nearest wall, a hot needy body pressed in tight against his own. Lips of fire descended up on his neck, a tongue of silk slowly licking and suckling on the tender flesh there. A deep moan escaped his lips before he realized what was happening, his body already responding to the electricity racing up his body from the multiple contact points with his soul mate.

"Harry.. stop.." Zerachiel would kill him if he took advantage of his son during this time of weakness.

A low feral growl emitted from Harry's throat his fingers threading up into Severus hair and pulled down on it hard forcing the angel's head back at a painful angle. Seeing that pale expanse of ivory skin opened up to him he smirked darkly his tongue darting out to taste that wonderful flesh.

"Shut the fuck up and be a good little bitch and bend over so I can fuck that tight little fuck hole of yours."

Severus felt like his knees were about to give way, those words.. that silk tongue moving across his weak spot and the hard hot length grinding against his own was putting him on sensory overload.

Completely blinded by his powers Harry found his hands traveling from Severus hair to the front of the robes. Gripping the fabric tightly he ripped it to the side listening with satisfaction as the vest and shirt ripped completely open revealing a hard chiseled chest and core.

Moaning deeply Harry trailed his hands along the rock hard abs and up across rock hard pecks. Every where his fingers traveled sparks shot up through his body and right into his already rock hard cock. Fingers traveling back up to Severus neck the gripped the flesh hard forcing the man's head down; leaning up Harry crushed his lips to Severus his tongue forcing itself through his lips to plunder the warm wet mouth.

Severus felt himself melting instantly his brain shutting down in lu of the pleasure the little Claddmtor was giving him instead. Something deep in his mind was telling him to stop this before it went too far; but his body and the rest of his mind was telling that little nagging voice to shut the fuck up. He had been going through far too long of a dry spell and sex on the night of Halloween with a dark elf was some of the best damn sex on the planet.

Sapphire eyes flew open a deep moan being ripped from his throat as hot fingers wrapped around his covered member. "mm.. impressive soul won't be a disappointment after all.." with his fingers still wrapped around Severus manhood Harry pulled him to the bedroom. He honestly had no idea what the hell he was doing, all he knew was he needed to fuck something and Severus was here.

Reaching Severus bedroom the young Claddmtor with strength he should not have threw the angel to the bed, his lithe fingers ripping the robes from his body as he fell to the bed leaving the angel in nothing more than his pants.

Because of the power surge Harry had already stripped down to his boxers being far too hot to remain in his school uniform. Smirking darkly Harry slowly moved towards the bed; his dark crimson hair falling over his eyes in a way that made him truly look like a predator.

Pushing himself up onto his elbows Severus watched the tiger stalking him across the room his own blood was boiling at this point. He barely had time to sit up a little more before Harry pounced him throwing him to the mattress with the strength of an S grade and pinned him down.

Panting hard Severus waited for the white to leave his vision, his muscles twitching as the after affects of the best orgasm ever continues to course through his body.

After several minutes he managed to once more bring his breathing under control, taking a chance he looked over to his soul mate and felt his blood run cold as he stared up into horrified violet eyes.

AN: HAHA well looks like their relationship just went to the next level.. or did it.. mm Curse of the dark elf.. everything will be explained in more detail next chapter and Harry's reaction to what he just did! (and let's just hope daddy doesn't get wind otherwise I foresee a dead angel in our future.)

Sorry if this was a big jump but the story is starting to drag so I'm speeding it up through the parts where really there isn't anything to do.

So review! You know how much I LOVE them.. they keep me motivated! live journal will be updated tomorrow after i wake up (it's 6 am.. i'm going to bed!)