Summary: Edward is a cocky jock (excuse the pun) Bella is a returning student to Forks... definitely different than before. Let's just say she gives someone a run for their money. Bella's still sweet with just a tweak of boldness. Edward, well, the sexy jock. What's left to say? B/E A/J R/Em Es/C

Hello! It's been awhile since I have written on Fanfiction and am happy to be of assistance to my readers. :) Just for verification: This fic is rated M for a reason, lemons will appear... we will progress up to them. Also, my AN's are sometimes long due to my rambling but I'll try to stick to the point... sometimes. :P

Playlist: Psycho by Puddle of Mudd (Awesome song and will most likely be played again in a different chapter)

Edward's POV

"Cullen, ass back on the line!"

I nodded at coach before returning my eyes back on the girls in front of me. Girls. Pshh. These women were filled out in every way a guy could dream. Busting cleavage, swaying hips, a nice firm bottom, long legs... Too bad their attention spans said otherwise.

Oh well. We can work around that. Thinking of not-so-clean thoughts, I give Lauren and Jessica my signature grin. "Ladies, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this conversation short."

Both visibly pouted.

"But Eddie..." Lauren whined. I tried not to grimace, I hated that nickname and thought I had told them that. As mentioned before, attention spans– not so great. "When will we see you again?"

Umm... school? Tomorrow?


"One sec, Coach!" I whipped my head back around.

Jessica and Lauren both linked arms, pushing their chests out, exposing sweet heavenly cleavage.

"When, Eddie?" Jessica licked her lips.

Shit. After practice? My bed? Let's say... 6ish?

"I'll give you a call." I winked at them as they smiled and turned around. I just couldn't help myself and gave both asses a little swap. Lauren and Jessica screeched and giggled, throwing me a mischievous grin.

"So nice of you to join us again, Cullen." Coach Reynolds narrowed his eyes at me when I finally joined my team back on the line of scrimmage, receiving whistles and cat calls along the way. "Last time I checked, I gave 4 minute breaks, not 10. Don't let your position on the field get to your head. You owe your team the same, if not more, amount of attention you do those young ladies you were chatting with."

I nodded to Coach and mumbled a sorry. Reynolds felt it his duty to bring me down from my Q.B. high every now 'n then. I was Fork's best quarterback. The school knew it. I knew it. Reynolds knew it. But Reynolds and I had an unspoken understanding to not let the instant popularity that came with a football player's fame get in the way of the game.

"Jeez, Eddie. I know you think you got skills and has the need to flaunt them but..." Emmett smirked

"He thinks he's got skills?" Jasper scoffed. "I got skills."

Emmett and Jasper: two of the few best players on the team and my best friends. We've known each other since we were little and grew up together.

"Shut up." I grinned. " Let's play."

Next hour went by pretty fast. The team had learned and performed new plays and we were feeling pretty damn good 'bout ourselves.

"Bring it in, guys!" Coach yelled. He looked at me and I took it as my cue.

"Whose gonna kick some wolves' ass next Friday!?" I yelled, the team huddled around me.

"We are!"



"Break on three! BREAK!"

I was momentarily deaf at the loudness. Players were whooping, jogging to the locker room. I shook my head as Jasper and Emmett joined my side. It wasn't until we reached the inside of the locker room did we feel the need to join in the excitement of the game next Friday.

Forks was playing La Push, Wolves. Our absolute enemy and the only other good team surrounding us. The Fork's football team had made it its number one priority to beat La Push and keep ourselves at the top. We have been unbeatable for the past three years, and, not to sound cocky or anything, but since Emmet, Jasper, and I joined the team. We were Seniors now.

"We're gonna mess that shit up!" Emmett said loudly, receiving many, 'hell yeah's.' "Speaking of..." He shot me a look. "Someone else going to messing up some shit tonight?" He was referring to Lauren and Jessica of course.

More whoops from the players. "Tap it, Edward!" Someone yelled.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my towel. "As much as I would like to "tap it" tonight, I doubt that would make their boyfriends very happy."

Groans and guffaws filled the locker room.

Emmett's boisterous laugh was the loudest. "When did that ever stop you?! And look, it's not stopping them. Seriously bro, when's the last time you got some? Last week?" He gave me a sincere, concerned look.

"My sex life– "

"Or lack of." Emmett nudged Jasper.

I glared at him and continued. "Is none of your business but if you must know, I got some last night as a matter of fact."

"Woo. Eddie you dirty boy, you. With who?"

"Uhn. See ya guys!" I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out. It was never my thing to give away every detail and apparently the girls respected that and hey! It got me more girls.

"Edward!" Emmett yelled at me. "Come on! Who!?"

I could hear Jasper chuckling. We both knew it killed Emmett to not know. Because he was dating only the most beautiful girl on campus, Rosalie Hale, also Jasper's twin, Emmett found the need to live his un-single life through us.

"Catch you later. Stay focused!" I yelled into the locker room as I opened the door.

"Aw, come on!" My friend continued helplessly.

"Good work today, guys!"

"Well, at least tell me if it was good. Tell me! Don't be such a chick!" Emmett yelled as the door shut.

I shook my head and chuckled, walking to my car. My precious silver Volvo. As soon as I got in, loud music started playing, getting me, again, hyped up for the game next week.

Too bad I did decide to cut a break on Jessica and Lauren. I had a lot of energy I could let loose right now.

Bella's POV

Agh! Holding my breath and squeezing my eyes shut, I waited for my ears to stop popping as the plane descended from the air. I was on the plane from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. Not exactly a normal trip for tourists that surrounded me but for me, this was normal and I wasn't a tourist.

When I was little and my parents were still married, we all lived in Forks. Then, when I was in the seventh grade, my mom divorced my dad and moved me to Arizona with her where she met her "friend", Phil. Mom, Renee, and Dad, Charlie, are still on good tabs with each other just as they were when they were married... it just took them eleven years to find out they weren't meant for each other. Har har.

Ever since, I have been making trips down yearly to see Charlie and spend a month with him on vacation. This time was different.

This time I was staying.

With Phil and Renee getting more intimate in their relationship, I found it as my duty to give them some room, therefore, putting a couple states in between us. Me moving wasn't a planned action, but once I had thought of it, I found it as a great idea. Charlie was lonely and I missed him, Renee had Phil to look after her now so I wouldn't have to worry about her too much. The plan felt natural.

What I hadn't thought of was my social life as far as moving back to Forks. I never really did have a lot of friends then and the one I had, Angela Weber, was just as shy as I was. I was the chubby kid with acne– pretty much one of the targets for the 'cool' people to pick on. I never let it get to me until the Bitch of Bitches interrupted the peaceful town of Forks.

Lauren Malroy. The– breathe, Bella– blonde freak'n bimbo made my life a living Hell... also another reason for me not objecting to moving with my mom to Arizona. And her posse... Ugh. Oh God. Of course, in a way, I should be thanking her... her teasing gave me the motivation to do something about myself. Not the best way to change how you feel about yourself but I am in good shape now and acne free. But Lauren... Ech...

I didn't even want to think about it and the horrible memories that followed. luckily I didn't have to as both my ears popped at the same time, reminding me to focus on holding my breath.

Just another minute. Just another minute. I chanted in my head, breathing a sigh of relief when the plane finally landed.

Getting out of the plane has always difficult for me. With getting the seatbelt stuck trying to unfasten it, knocking the suitcases on your head trying to get them out of the compartment, and then practically tripping down the aisle over people's feet, you tend to get behind schedule a little bit. Just a little. Finally, after smiling to pilot and fight attendants, I'm left to walk on dead legs and only being able to hear partially due to the ear popping issue.


Good Lord.

I turned my head to the direction of the loud voice and easily recognized Charlie. Still dressed in his police uniform, curly brown, fading hair, and a large smile plastered on his face– yep, that was my dad.

I quickly made my way over to him through the tiny airport, dragging my two suitcases behind me. "Dad." I sighed as he embraced me in a hug. Unusual since we weren't exactly the most comfortable when showing physical affection for one another.

"Welcome home, Bells." Charlie grabbed my bags." Let's go pick up the rest of your stuff." He smiled starting to lead us to the baggage claim.

I laughed and stopped him. "Dad, this is it."

Charlie frowned for a moment before breaking out into a full blown grin again. "You mean to tell me, I have a non shopaholic as a daughter still to this day?"

"Guess so, much to Mom's disappointment."

Charlie just laughed and led us to his police cruiser. "How is Renee?"

I sighed, unhappy that I was strapped to a seat again. "She's good. Happy, too young for her age. You know, normal."

"Heh." He gave me a sidelong glance as we pulled out on the road. "Are you sure you want to do this, kiddo? You know I'm not forcing you to be here as much as I enjoy the idea of having company at home. I just want you to be happy and if you want, we can put you right back on that plane and send you home."

I chuckled at Charlie's way of being polite and trying to relate to his teenage daughter. "Jeez, Dad. Not here for five minutes and you're already trying to kick me out."

He looked horrified and I laughed again.

"I'm just joking with you. Yes, I am sure I want to be here. Mom's got Phil to watch over her so I don't have to worry and I missed you, Dad. Besides, I look at this as an opportunity to start fresh– an adventure!" I tried to fake enthusiasm as my thoughts strayed back to my social problem again. Guess Charlie bought it though as he nodded and started asking questions about the flight.

We had just pulled up at a red light and I was about to answer his question about Biology in Phoenix when a silver car raced past us. Charlie growled and muttered something that sounded like, "Hooligans", and started chasing after the car, sirens going off and everything.

I had to remind myself that my dad was the Sheriff and this was his job but I still was surprised as the cruiser lurched forward. Call me a little kid, but driving like this– chasing someone in a cruiser– there was a thrill to it. Kind of like a Spy Kids meets Charlie's Angels moment.

The silver car pulled over and Charlie got out, getting the ticket ready. "When's the kid ever going to learn? Be right back, Bells."

I rolled down my window a little bit and could hear Charlie conversing with the criminal. Haha. Having a moment again.

"Sorry Officer Swan."

"Cullen, how many times am I going to stop you this week? You see that sign right over there? It seems almost everyday I have to remind you the speed limit and trust me, it never changes."

Cullen. Wait, Cullen? As in the Cullens? Shit. They were one of the 'cool people' when I lived here and I doubt any of that changed due to their insanely good looks... not to mention I might have had a slight crush on of them but that's besides the point.

I sat up in my seat and tried to look at the driver's side mirror of the silver car– Volvo, actually. The first thing I saw was a head of amazingly bronze hair, tousled perfect, naturally. Oh no. There's only one person I knew then with hair that amazing... unless someone else moved here with the same physical trait. Only one way to check...

I looked farther down until I met a pair of bright green eyes staring directly back at me. Blushing furiously, I sat down lower in my seat, wishing I could disappear. Not only was it embarrassing to have the person you're staring at catch you in the act, but on knowing who the person was that caught you in the act.

It was as I feared. The strong, square jaw, perfect straight nose, cheekbones, mess of bronze hair, and the eyes– Holy crap the eyes. Green and bright and beautiful. It was none other than the Edward Cullen. He ran with the popular crowd: born gorgeous, athletic... and like few in that crowd, actually had a personality. At least, that's how it was when I lived here. But, as stated before, very doubtful that changed. It was the guy I had a 'slight' crush on when I was younger. Of course those feelings passed when I found out he could be a jerk too, but still...

I waited until Charlie got in the cruiser again and for Edward to leave to sit up in my seat again.

Charlie shook his head, starting to drive. "Can you believe that? Three times in five days. I swear."

"Hmmm." Was all I could come up with.

"You remember him, Bells? You had classes with him in school." Charlie chuckled. "Renee swore you might've had a crush on him when you were..." He cut off and shifted uncomfortably as my eyes widened in horror, my face heating from the blood rising. "Well, it's a good thing you have a good head on your shoulders. Even though that boy brings us home winnings, he is trouble."


"Football, basketball, baseball. The boy's talented on the field. It's off the field I'm worried 'bout." His eyes narrowed on the road.

"Hmmm." Still couldn't come up with something to describe my feelings at the moment.

Charlie cleared his throat, giving a half smile. "I know you never had any feelings for Cullen, Bells."


"You were always too good for him."


"Just, watch yourself. Ok?"

I finally looked at Charlie when he pulled up into the driveway of the familiar house. "Don't worry, Dad. Fresh start, new adventure, remember?"

We got out of the cruiser grabbing my bags. "S'long as there's no adventure going on in my daughter's pants." Charlie mumbled silently for me not to hear.

Unfortunately I did and blushed my way inside the house, trying to ignore him. As I unpacked I thought about school tomorrow... dreading it actually. Here and there would Edward Cullen's face drift into my mind, making me start fantasizing and then chastising myself on such... heh... internal behavior.

I mean, psh, it's not like I had any feelings for Edward Cullen.

First chapter out of the way! Just a little intro going on. Of course, more will be given out next chapter but I just really wanted to get some stuff out there now ... So... what do you think? I won't force reviews or threaten, not my style, but they would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions? Let me know!

Also, any questions you have for me that aren't related to the story, ask those too! Lol. I love random.