AN: I know I should be working on my other story, but I couldn't resist. - I promise I will update Too Late To Say Sorry before the end of the week. Well, here it goes. Btw, this is my one and only disclaimer, so pay attention: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA OR YUYU HAKUSHO. There ya go, in big letters. - Enjoy.

Kagome sighed happily as she lay snuggled with her mate in the grassy field. His long, silver hair mixed with her bluish black, making a celestial river around them. She smiled, sighing again. He chuckled and propped himself up on his elbow, looking down at his love.
"You sure are sighing an awful lot, May-chan." He observes, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. She looked up into his warm golden eyes and smiled before closing her own eyes and drifting off into a peaceful slumber. Laughing a bit he lied back down and allowed himself to relax while still being aware of their surroundings in case of a threat.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Sango screeched. Kagome launched at her long-time friend and covered her mouth. Poor Shippou was hidden under Kagome's shirt, shaking and hiding his ears from the loud taijiya. Sango took a deep breath and waited for Kagome to remove her hand. As soon as she did, Sango whispered "You're what?"

Kagome merely smiled. "I'm pregnant." Sango let out a whoop and tackled her friend, hugging her tightly, careful of her stomach.

"I can't believe it! I'm going to be an aunt!!" Sango sighed, stars in her eyes as she dreamed of the things she would teach her little future niece or nephew. Kagome laughed and shook her head at her sister-in-heart while Shippou merely felt sorry for the unborn child.

It was storming outside the hut as Kagome sobbed into her sister's stomach. Sango rubbed her back worriedly, glancing over at her husband for help. Miroku knelt by Kagome's side and pulled her to him, holding her close and running his hand through her hair. "It's not your fault, Kagome. You did NOTHING to deserve this."

Kagome sobbed harder. "Why? What did I do that was so wrong? We seemed happy, and Shippou adored him. Why did this have to happen? Shippou lost yet another father, and my poor unborn hanyou will never know his father." She said, holding her kit close to her very pregnant belly.

Shippou merely wrapped his arms around his mother's belly and nuzzled it. "it's ok momma, you're all I need. And I'll be here for my little brother and teach him everything he needs to know about being a youkai." Shippou said proudly.

Kagome smiled tearily at him and held him close. "Thank you, Shippou."

Kagome stood in front of the well, Shippou at her side and her two year old son in her arms. She turned around and smiled sadly at a very pregnant Sango and Miroku. "I'm going to miss you two so much, but I've stayed too long. I need to go back to my family. My mom needs to know her grandsons." She said softly, her eyes pleading for them to understand.

Sango smiled tearily, hiccupping and leaning into her husband's side. "I know Kagome. I just hope that you'll come back and visit us. Just because that damn Yo.. that damn male ran away doesn't mean that you have no one here who loves you."

Kagome smiled. "I know, Sango. And if I can, I'll come to visit you and my little niece or nephew." With that she turned around and got into prayer position. Chanting, she unsealed the well and jumped in with her two sons.

Sango turned into her husband's arms and wept for her friend.

There you have it. I'm sorry it's so jumpy, but I just wanted to lay the backstory. Yes, I realize that there are alot of holes, but I promise they will be filled in later. I'm making it a personal goal to have the next chapter of this and my other story out by friday, so jo ne for now.