
"Hey! Give that back, Jake!"

I could hear Renesmee complaining to Jacob as they played with her new toys that Edward and I had gotten her for her birthday this year. I shook my head and walked into the room.

We were in the Cullen house and Jacob and Renesmee were sitting on the floor fighting over stuffed animals. It had been one week since her 1st birthday and we had a huge celebration where we invited some of our vampire friends and the wolf pack also. Jake gave the stuffed wolf back to her with a smile.

"And what are you going to name him, Nessie?" He asked, smiling at her and she gave her little glare that only little kids can get away with.

"Hmmmm…Jack!" She said confidently. She moved over to sit closer to Jacob and rest her cheek on his shoulder. "This is Jack. Jack the wolf. My wolf."

I smiled at them as they continued their little conversation. Then the door bell rang. It was the classic Cullen bell. Nice.

I walked up to the door and sniffed. Nobody I knew. I opened it slowly and looked outside. There standing in the doorway was an old man. He looked around 70 and he had a white beard and mustache. Classic. He was dressed in purple robes and some weird crazy eyes. I shuddered.

"Um, What do you want?" I asked him. He really did look crazy. Like he was going to jump on you any second now. Of course, I would have thrown him off me and he would have been the injured one, but whatever. He was still creepy.

"I am here for…The Cullen's." The man said in a grave voice. Wow. Just the voice I pictured when I saw him.

I gave him a hesitant smile and nodded slowly. "Well, you've found them. I'm Bella Cullen." I replied.

He looked me over and pulled something out of his cloak. It looked like a brown paper bag. Just the ordinary paper bag. Like the ones that Jacob and I used to store our pop in all that time ago. He placed it in my outstretched hand and I looked at him questionably. He just smiled and he seemed to disappear before my eyes. One second he was there, the next he was gone. I shook my head, confused. Where did he go? He was nowhere in my sight. And I did have good sight. I shook my head again and walked back inside.

Jacob had gotten up out of his spot on the carpet with Renesmee and he was looking at me for my answers. Jacob had his hair long, the normal long. His dark eyes were confused and curious. He walked closer to me and made a face at the smell, but still kept moving until he was only a foot away.

"Who was that?" He demanded. He always wanted answers. That was just Jake. When I did not answer, he started to look even more confused. "Bells? What happened?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Just. some old guy…He said he wanted the Cullen's….And gave me this." I handed Jacob the bag.

He took the bag and looked it over. Then he sniffed it. The usual. Jake turned it over in his hands and looked up at me.

"It…looks to be a bag." He said uncertainly.

I nodded. Yeah, that part I was kind of certain about.

"Should I open it?" He asked after we stared at each other for a minute or two.

"No," I told him forcefully. "I'll call Edward."

He nodded and set the bag on the kitchen table then ran off to find whatever Renesmee had done since he had left. I thought about Renesmee. I wonder what she would think of this. Probably some freaky wizards from Harry Potter world or something like that. I shrugged and moved to the phone. I dialed the number and waited.

"Bella?" Came Edward's soft voice.

"Edward," I said slowly, thinking through my words to make sure I didn't startle him. "There was this man. He came to the doorstep…" I trailed off.

Edward sounded concerned. "And who was he?" I didn't reply immediately and he started to sound worried now. "Bella? Who? Tell me, Bella."

I gave a small shrug, even though he was not here. He was up in Canada doing some hunting with the family. I had insisted to stay with the baby. So he ended up leaving for a day and he said he'd be back by 9:00 tonight which was in three hours. So it was just Jacob and I back at the Cullen crypt. I realized I had not answered. Oops.

"Bella! I'm coming home."

He hung up. Great. Home run for Bella. Now I just got my husband in on it. And it's probably nothing. I'm worrying Edward for no reason. Ugh.

I shook my head and sat down on the couch, waiting. A few minutes later Edward came bursting through the door in a grand entrance. Ugh. But just seeing him burst up my spirits a little. His bronze hair and amazing body….Man, I missed him.

He came over and pulled me into his arms. Then he took my face and gave me a sweet kiss, but pulled away quickly, getting on with business. I sighed.

"Bella. Tell me what's going on." He said fiercely.

I shrugged and shook my head. "There was this man, that's all. He came to the door and gave me this."

I showed him the bag. He moved to it and sniffed it. Then he touched it. Peaked inside. When he looked back up at me, his face was in shock. He pushed the bag away from him and threw it out the window.

"Sweetheart…We have a…problem."