"Hey, hey," An unusually deep voice floated up from below me, and I glanced down to the small boy who who was tugging on my hand. I chuckled, squeezing his hand as we continued to walk. His deep purple hair caught the light, hazel eyes staring up at me in a curious manner. "Where are we going?"
"We're going to go see mom," I replied as we turned the corner. He grumbled under his breath, and I tugged on his arm gently. "What's that?"
"Whenever we go to see mom there are huge crowds." he mumbled. I chuckled yet again, casting my eyes down to meet the aggitated eyes of my only son. The sound of music soon met my ears, and it only grew louder the farther that we walked. It was a beautiful summer day, and I had the sleeves of my white collared shirt were rolled up to my elbows, and the shirt was unbuttoned in a desperate attempt to relieve my body from excess heat- Some of which had nothing to do with the weather. Despite being married for a little over eleven years, every time I saw Shiuta I got a fluttering feeling in my chest, and even though my personality was normally calm, cool and collected, there was something about the vivacious red haired woman that made me feel jittery and nervous.
"Dad, your hands are getting sweaty," a voice muttered, and the next second I felt him tug his hand free of mine. "Gross." he murmured, wiping his hand on his shorts. In the eight short years that my son had been on this earth, I had grown to love him more than almost anything in my life- A fact which almost always got me thinking. How both my mother and Shiuta's had managed to leave us, I would never know. I knew that I could never leave my family.
"Yume ni made mita you na sekai de,
Arasoi mo naku heiwa ni kurashitai."
I raised my eyes up from my son, and they soon fell on the familiar red head standing on the stage far in front of me. Over the years, she had kept her hair short, and now it barely made it past her chin. A dark indigo top with loose sleeves covered her body, and I couldn't help but be amazed at how the young girl that I had first fallen in love with had grown into the beautiful woman singing on the outdoor stage in front of us.
"Mou gaman bakka shiterannai, yo...
Iitai koto wa iwanakucha.
Kaerimichi yuugure no basutei,"
"Hey there, Ikuto!" a voice called, and I turned to see my sister, Utau, running up to me. A wide smile adorned her face, a flowy white sun dress giving her the appearance that she was much younger than she actually was. "Hey, little guy, what's up?" Utau chimed, crouching down so that she was on eye-level with my stoic son.
"Hello, Aunt Utau," he muttered, his hazel eyes remaining calm as he stared at my sister. She pouted, ruffling his hair playfully before straightening up.
"You're a bad influence on him, Ikuto, he's becoming so cold!" she whined as she placed her hands on her hips. I chuckled, exchanging glances with my son before meeting her eyes once again.
"So where's Kukai?"
"He couldn't make it, he had work." she replied before waggling her fingers in front of my face. I raised my eyebrows as my eyes were met with by a sparkling engagement ring.
"About time," I muttered as a light blush coated my younger sister's cheeks. Kukai and Utau had begun dating long before Shiuta and I, but I guessed their on and off relationship had something to do with their belated engagement.
"Ochikonda senaka ni bai bai bai
Kimi no fighint pose misenai gao!
Yume ni made mita you na sekai wa
Arasoi mo naku heiwa no nichi jyou,"
"So Uncle Kukai isn't coming?" The purple haired boy beside me whined, folding his arms. Utau pouted once more, crossing her arms in a similar way.
"You're always more happy to see Kukai than me!"
"That's because Kukai is cool," he replied blandly, and Utau gave me a disapproving look. I shrugged, choosing to ignore her and instead turning my attention towards Shiuta, whose smiling face turned towards me for a moment.
"Utau!" Amu was now headed towards us, Nagihiko in tow. It had come as a surprise to everyone, me included, when Amu and Nagihiko had first started dating. I had always thought that she had a thing for Tadase, but apparently she had long since gotten over that. Truthfully, the purple-haired boy was much more suited for her, even if he was rather feminine looking. His hair was shorter than it had been the day that I first met him, and now only reached a little bit past his shoulders.
"Hey, kiddo." Nagihiko said fondly as my son tugged on his pant leg. Amu smiled, waving a little as she neared Utau and I.
"How've you been?" she asked nonchalantly, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her skinny jeans. Her hair had grown out a bit, the bubblegum pink locks reaching her elbows, and although the rest of her body didn't look too much different from years ago, something in her face looked more mature than it ever had. I nodded, glancing down at my son as he continued to speak enthusiastically with Nagihiko.
"Good," I replied, casting my eyes in Shiuta's direction once more. "Really, really good."
"Demo gen jitsu wa hibi to rabu de.
Tama ni kuyabdari shiteru,
Sonna rolling days!"
"He's gotten big," Amu murmured, glancing over at the purple haired eight year old, who was now clinging to Nagihiko's hair as he sat on his shoulders precariously. "He looks like you." Even though he had purple hair, which had been an odd coincidence, considering Shiuta had red hair and I had blue, and he also had hazel eyes, the rest of his features did indeed greatly resemble my own. Not only that, but his voice was as deep, if not deeper, than mine had been at his age. It seemed that it ran in the family.
"So what are you and Shiuta doing for your aniversary?" Utau asked, glancing up at me curiously. I sighed contentedly, meeting with the eyes of my wife briefly before answering.
"About that- Can you watch him for us?" I asked, jerking my head in my son's direction. A sinister smirk spread over Utau's face as Amu blushed.
"Ikuto, are you thinking of doing perverted things with Shi-chan?" she asked innocently, tapping my nose with her finger. "If you aren't careful you'll have another kid." I smirked back at her, and Amu's face continued to turn a darker and darker shade of red.
"Maybe I am, Utau. I can have sex with my wife if I want,"
"I-I-Ikuto!" Amu squealed, biting her lips nervously and fiddling with the hem of her shirt. I chuckled.
"What? You date, you know what I'm talking about."
"I-I... Well, that... Yes, but..." Even after so many years, she was just as shy and naive as ever. For this reason, it was also good that she had chosen Nagihiko instead of Tadase, who was just as hopelessly naive as Amu. At that rate, they'd never get anything done as a couple.
"Kitto uso nante sou kimi o motanai no
All my loving sou janakya yatterannai,
Yume ni made mita you na sweet love...
Koibitotachi wa kakuregao sagasu no.
Demo gen jitsu wa aenai hi ga."
"So where are we headed after this?" Nagihiko asked, grasping my son's ankles firmly as he continued to perch on his shoulders. Amu smiled, ruffling my son's hair briefly before turning towards me.
"I thought we were going out to eat?" she asked, and I nodded in affirmation.
"Yeah. Shiuta really wants to catch up with you all," I replied, and my son beamed as he rested his chin on top of Nagihiko's head. The two purple haired boys always seemed to get along rather well, though the young Tsukiyomi had never had much patience for any woman other than Shiuta herself
"Tsuzukinagara mo shin jiteru no lonely days...
Wooh, yeah , wooh!
Tsumazuitatte way to go, yeah yay
Dorodoroke rolling star!"
The song ended, the crowd around the stage errupting in applause as Shiuta finally took her leave. I continued to speak with Utau, Amu and Nagihiko as we waited for her to finish taking photographs and signing papers, and it wasn't until half an hour later that she finally made it over to where we were standing. She smiled brightly, pecking me lightly on the lips before taking our son off of Nagihiko's shoulders.
"Mom," he muttered, which was as close to an exclaimation as he ever got. She smiled kindly, adjusting his position in her arms so that it was more comfortable.
"Great job up there, Shi-chan," Utau said, running her fingers through her hair. "Your hair looks really nice, too. I like it this short," she complimented, and Shiuta smiled.
"Ikuto likes my hair better short," she whispered, pressing her cheek to our sons head as she spoke. I felt my face heat up slightly as Utau turned to me, a smug expression on her face.
"I... Well..." I muttered, shoving my hands into my pockets. After so many years, so many trials, so many errors, and still she had the power to make my heart beat erratically with a single look. Judging from her expression, I could do the exact same thing with her. When I thought about all that we had been through, and all that we had accomplished, it all seemed so long ago. The hatred, the sadness, the denial, and the hurt; It had all turned into love, hapiness, acceptance and peace. Our days with Easter seemed so far away, and I took her hand in mine as we walked towards the street, Utau hailing down a taxi from the side of the road.
Amu and Nagihiko exchanged a loving glance from in front of us, and I was happy to see that, despite being hung up on me for so long, Amu was now happy. Utau gestured to us to hurry, hopping into the taxi after Nagihiko and Amu. I smiled, taking our son out of Shiuta's arms as she ducked into the taxi behind the one with Amu, Utau and Nagihiko.
"You... Looked really nice today, mom." he muttered, and I shut the door behind me just as the car in front of us took off down the street. Shiuta smiled, reaching over and holding my hand from behind our eight year old son. "Thank you, dear, but this is one of my last shows."
"What? Why?" he asked, gazing up at her mismatched eyes with curiosity. She touched his face lightly with her fingertips, and despite my immense love for the boy I suddenly felt that there would be several intense power struggles with him in the future.
"I'll be spending all my time at home from now on," she explained, and I squeezed her hand lightly within mine. "And I won't ever be leaving... Aruto," she whispered, and despite myself I leaned over, capturing her lips with mine. Aruto grumbled to himself, crossing his arms and glaring at the carpet.
"Ew." he muttered, and I snickered against Shiuta's lips. And even though Shiuta and I had been through so much in the past several years, I couldn't find one thing that I could ever truly regret. Everything had led up to this- And this was something that I would never let go of.
Song: Rolling Star- YUI
short bonus chapter, brought to you by popular demand, with Shiuta and Ikuto's son. I've never been a fan of Tadamu or Rimahiko- But I've always been partial to Amuhiko. So that's that. I'm kind of sad, in a way, that I'm truly finished with writing this story... But it had a good run! Hope you enjoyed this, and as always, reviews are appreciated!