Blah blah blah

La la la

I finished this chapter!

Sorry for the long wait -.-

Things happened in the household...

I woke up in a familiar room.

'Itachi.' I immediately thought. I stood up to look around the room and in the washroom. No one was there. 'This is my chance to escape!' I thought quickly. I ran to the door, but before I got to touch the door knob, someone from the otherside of the door was turning it. Itachi opened the door, surprised to see me awake. He walked closer to me, slamming the door shut. I took a couple of steps backwards as he approached me. I glared at him, obviously mad that he had lied to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked once he saw my expression.

"You liar. How can you lie to me?" I yelled. Itachi looked at me, confused.

"I didn't lie, Madara lied." Itachi said, trying to convince me as best as he could.

"You liar. I remember everything clearly. How you kidnapped me and abandoned me... and the funny part is that I can't remember what you told me. So how can I believe you when I remember Madara's story clearly, and not yours?" I questioned him, mockingly.

"As I told you before, he erased your mind!" Itachi said, slightly angry. I tried to control my temper, which was flaring at the moment.

"Take me back to Madara, now." I said coldly. Itachi seem shocked.

"What has he done to you? How can you fall for his trick! I know you are smarter than this." Itachi said as he walked towards me once again. I backed away from him.

"He has done nothing to me, but told me the truth." I said as I put my arm in front of me to keep the distance between us short. He then saw the cuts and scars. He immediately ran up to me and grabbed my arm and inspected it.

"Who did this?" He yelled as he stared at me.

"I don't know..." I said, completely truthful since I didn't know who that orange haired freak was.

"It was Madara, wasn't it?" He said in a scary tone.

"No! It was someone I didn't even know!" I screamed. He held my arm tightly.

"Don't lie." He said in a dead serious tone.

"I'm not lying! Now let go!" I screamed as I tried to wrench myself away from him.

"I'm not an idiot! I know it was him! Just say it! I know it was him!" Itachi yelled as he pulled me closer to him.

"IT WAS NOT HIM! I WOULD KNOW!" I yelled. Itachi was taken back by this.

"You're only saying that because you've fallen for him, you've fallen for his tricks! He hurt you! I know it! I know what kind of person he is!" He said, trying to keep a straight tone. I finally ripping my arm from his hand.

"Take me back now, or I'm going to go there myself." I intensely glared at him. Itachi's eyes turned to daggers. He glared at me before he turned around.

"No fucking way." He said before he left the room.

'Itachi never swears!' I thought. 'Well, it proves to me that he is not who I thought he was.' I walked over to the door and turned the knob. Locked. 'That bastard, trying to lock me up here. I knew Madara was right all along...' I went on the bed and lied there, completely bored and was too tired to think of a plan to escape. The door suddenly opened. Kimberly entered the room.

"...Hi Kitana..." She said. She looked somewhat scared and worried.

"...Hi..." I said. She walked over to me and sat on the bed. "Kimberly, why didn't you tell me this? I asked for the total truth from you, but you didn't tell me. Now I found it out the hard way." I glared at her, obviously pissed off.

"Kitana, you must listen to me carefully..." Kimberly said seriously. "Itachi was telling the truth. You don't understand it fully, but hear me out." She said. "It was true though... we were kidnapped by them. But after being with them for a while. We've grown to like them. We found out their charms, and all the things that we wanted in our dream guys. So we eventually fell in love with them. You married first and you were quite happy. But the wedding Madara was there. He loved every way you moved and everything about you. So he kidnapped you after your wedding. Odd right? But that is true. He did...things to you and eventually you fell into a coma. He dumped you away because he thought you wouldn't wake up. But you did. But before that, he erased your mind, making you remember nothing." Kimberly said in a sad tone.

I couldn't believe it. Is she telling me that truth? " come I remember a different version?" Kimberly looked at me.

"What version?" She asked.

"He kidnapped me, I hated him like hell, we married but I was pissed off, I got him mad and he abandoned me..." I said in short form. Kimberly looked at me like I was crazy.

"No! He would never do that! Madara has that kind of power, he erased your mind and locked up false information, so one day you can finally see the truth for yourself! Itachi is not that kind of person! I know him! Sasuke knows him!" She yelled. "Kitana, I know you're a smart person. So think about it. When you woke up from the hospital bed after Itachi took you in again, he was nice, remember? I would think that Madara was mean and rude to you, like he might have hit you or something. But Itachi is have to believe me, you have to believe Itachi!" Kimberly yelled as she shook my shoulders. She began to sob. "I'm your sister. You're suppose to help your sister out, always. I'm helping you unravel the truth. Now help me by believing it all." She paused as wiped her eyes until no tears came out. "I'm going to leave the door unlocked. If you are thick headed and stupid, you will leave this house to go find that crazy man. If you are smart, you will not leave this house and admit that what I said was right..." Kimberly said before she left, leaving the door slightly open.

'...That was one of the most smartest things Kimberly ever said to me...' I clutched my head as I began to cry.

"Fuck! I don't know who to believe!" I said out loud. I cried as I thought it over again.

'Madara was mean to me...especially since he sent that man to beat the love out of me...Itachi was nicer to me...even though I said I didn't like him, he wanted to prove me wrong. Madara... whenever I said I didn't like him, he got mad. Itachi knows I liked someone else...but he wanted to win me over...Madara beat the living hell INTO me when I said I liked Itachi...' Random thoughts and countless question marks entered my mind.

"Kimberly was right...Itachi was right..." I whispered. "How could I be so believe that a madman was my lover...and a nice gentleman wasn't..." I sobbed greatly as I truley found out my mistake. I was so stupid to not believe Itachi. I was so stupid to fight Itachi ... when I didn't even know the total truth myself...

I stood up from the bed.

'Time to make things right.' I thought as I continued to cry. The more I thought about it, the more it made me feel stupid. I walked out of the room and walked through the hallways as quietly as I could. I walked down the large staircase and continued to walk until I saw Itachi. He was sitting on a chair, with his coffee on the counter. He covered his face with one of his hands while the other layed limply on the counter. His back was towards me. I watched him sit there. He didn't move, but I could feel the sadness and disappointment radiating off of him. More tears leaked through my eyes as I walked towards him. I now stood only a meter away from him. I silentely, but slowly walked until we were only a few centimeters apart. I hesitated for a moment, I put my hand out to touch him, but my fingers twitched uncontrollably. Finally, with all the courage I could've ever mustered up in my entire lifetime, I slowly wrapped my arms around his body. His eyes opened slowly, seeming somewhat confused. He turned around only to see the top of my head. He gently placed a hand on my head.

"I-I'm...s-sorry..." I said as I sobbed into his shirt. Itachi turned around to stare at his coffee for a moment, then he smiled. He turned around so my head rested on his chest, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.

"It's okay." He said as he deeply embraced me. "I forgive you."

"It's all my fault, for not believing's because of me that you have to suffer through all my flaws..." I sobbed as I spoke.

"No. That's not true. I love you because of you. That means I have to love your flaws in order to love you, right?" Itachi smiled. I looked up at him.

"Are you saying that you liked it how I was 'cheating' on you?!" I said, suddenly turning from sad to shocked. Itachi laughed.

"No, I loved it how all that has happened, made you love me again." Itachi said as he wiped my tears with his thumb. I smiled. But then I began to cry again. "What's wrong?" Itachi asked.

"That bastard threw away my wedding ring..." I cried. Itachi took my hand into his to look at my ring finger. It was definitely not there.

" you want to get married again?" Itachi asked. I whipped my head up.

"You serious?!" I happily screamed. Itachi smiled.

"Yes. Since you can't remember our first wedding...and you don't have a ring. Let's... remarry." Itachi said as he brought his lips closer to mines. I stopped him by placing my fingers on his lips.

"Save it for the wedding." Sasuke said from out of nowhere. I turned around to see Sasuke and Kimberly. Were they watching us the whole time?! Sasuke laughed and Kimberly had sparkles in her eyes, almost like as if she was watching the best romance scene ever. I turned back to Itachi.

"What he said!" I said as I ran away from him, laughing like a maniac. Kimberly followed me up the stairs while the boys stood there. Itachi and Sasuke looked at eachother.

"...This might be an interesting wedding..." Sasuke smirked.

"Of course." Itachi replied as he walked up the stairs with Sasuke.


Kimberly and I screamed in Itachi's room, completely filled with excitement. Itachi and Sasuke then entered the room. Itachi gently smiled and Sasuke greeted Kimberly with a sweet hug.

"Let's have all of us plan this wedding. As I can see, Kitana wants it soon." Itachi said as he pulled me to his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Okay! We need a goth theme! Something new and bold and something EVERYONE will hate!" Kimberly yelled as she tried to think of more ideas.

"That's what you wanted for our wedding. Of course we aren't going to give them a terrible wedding you idiot." Sasuke informed Kimberly as he smiled. Kimberly pouted.

"How about the one they had the first time? It was picture perfect anyways!" Kimberly said. For once, everyone agreed, believing that this was Kimberly's first best suggestion.


We already had begun to prepare for the wedding the next day. I got to pick out a dress and my accessories, while Kimberly picked out flowers and decorations for the wedding. I didn't get to see Itachi for 3 days; my stylist for the wedding said I should let him miss me until the wedding. So he would completely forget how I look like until the wedding when I walk into the room...whatever that meant...


The wedding is only an hour away, everyone was rushing to get me ready.

"Put this on!"

'No, you're doing it wrong!"

"Shut up you idiot!"

There were many people yelling, trying to get ready for the wedding that was soon going to take place. Guests have already arrived and are now patiently waiting for the arrival of the bride and groom.

"This is too much! Am I going to do this wrong?" I screamed, having everyone's attention on me.

"You're going to do fine! Just go out there and be pretty you loser!" Kimberly screamed from the 3 rooms away. I sighed as the women in the room quickly dressed me and put on my makeup.

Now it was only 10 minutes away, I was sitting at the end of the hall, watching as Itachi walked down the aisle. I slightly blushed, he looked very well groomed; more than usual. I sat there, mesmerized by his innocent look, that was until Kimberly slapped me on the back of my head.

"It's your turn to come out!" She whispered in my ear. I sighed once again and stood up. Holding onto Sasuke's arm and no one else as we followed Kimberly out of the room as she sprinkled flower petals all over the aisle, she even got some in the guests food as she aimlessly threw them around the room. As I walked out, I looked down, trying to stop myself from blushing underneath the veil. Sasuke gently elbowed me, trying to get my head to look up.

Once I reached the alter, where Itachi was standing, I immediately froze, not knowing what to do next. Then the priest spoke up. But I didn't listen to a word he was saying, I only looked at Itachi as I began to turn into a whole nother shade of red. He lightly chuckled at me.

"Do you, Itachi Uchiha, take Kitana...." The priest stopped for a moment and looked at me questionably, completely embarrassed. At that moment, I understood that he wanted to know my last name.

"Lee!" I screamed jokingly. The guests laughed and the priest felt extremely embarrassed. There goes a PERFECT wedding.

"Do you, Itachi Uchiha, take Kitana Lee, as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Itachi said. I stared at him, completely shocked.

"He said 'awfully wedded wife!'" I screamed. The guests bursted into laughter.

"No he said 'lawfully'" Itachi said, smiling, trying to hold in his laughter. I mentally laughed at myself. As soon as the room died down, the priest continued.

"Do you, Kitana Lee, take Itachi Uchiha as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest finally said.

"Duh!" I said innocently. "...I mean...I do." I said, as I finally realized my mistake. The priest laughed.

"This couple is going to be the most well-rounded couple ever." The priest added a random comment. The guests laughed again. "You may kiss the bride."

Itachi slowly opened my veil, almost so slowly that it made me almost want to die. He then captured my lips into a simple, yet sweet kiss. Kimberly was the first one to react.

"OH MY GOSH! THIS IS LIKE...PERFECT!" She screamed as she clapped rapidly. The room was filled with laughter and applauses.

Wasn't the romance scene cheesy? :D

And the wedding weird? XP

Sorry, I really didn't know how a wedding went so I just copied down what I saw on t.v. :P

I'm creating another story, not necessarily about this or a continuation of this, but something else. It will be coming out shortly.

Oh and if I feel it is necessary to add another chapter to which I'm thinking I might not need another chapter...then I will :)